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Battery configurations for all wheels

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In this post @meepmeepmayer gave me a way to calculate the battery config for most wheels. For instance the config of my Nik+ is 24S4P. I don't have voltages and Wh for some wheels but if anyone knows a missing value then reply and I'll change the report. I'll admit there are also a couple of weird results in there (such as the Veteran Sherman 3200Wh showing 24S7P).

Anyway, here's all the results.

| euc_name                      | mwh  | volts | Config |
| Begode Commander              | 3600 | 100   | 24S8P  |
| Begode EX                     | 2700 | 100   | 24S6P  |
| Begode Hero                   | 1800 | 100   | 24S4P  |
| Begode Master                 | 2400 | 134   | 32S4P  |
| Begode MCM2s                  | 340  |       |        |
| Begode Mten3 512wh            | 512  | 84    | 20S2P  |
| Gotway ACM 1600Wh             | 1600 | 67    | 16S8P  |
| Gotway ACM 680Wh              | 680  | 67    | 16S4P  |
| Gotway ACM 840Wh              | 840  | 67    | 16S4P  |
| Gotway ACM2                   | 1600 | 84    | 20S6P  |
| MCM4 HS                       | 340  |       |        |
| MCM5 420wh                    | 420  | 84    | 20S2P  |
| MCM5 650wh                    | 650  | 84    | 20S3P  |
| Monster 2400wh                | 2400 | 84    | 24S9P  |
| Monster Pro 100v 2700Wh       | 2700 | 100   | 24S6P  |
| Monster Pro 100v 3600Wh       | 3600 | 100   | 24S8P  |
| Monster V3 100v 1845Wh        | 1845 | 100   | 24S6P  |
| Msuper 2                      | 680  | 67    | 16S4P  |
| Msuper 3 680wh                | 680  | 67    | 16S4P  |
| Msuper 3 820wh                | 820  | 67    | 16S4P  |
| MSuper Pro (MSP)              | 1800 | 100   | 24S4P  |
| Msuper v3 1300wh              | 1300 | 84    | 20S5P  |
| MSuper X (MSX) 84v            | 1600 | 84    | 20S6P  |
| Nikola 84v 1600wh             | 1600 | 84    | 20S6P  |
| Nikola 84v 2100wh             | 2100 | 84    | 20S8P  |
| Nikola Plus 1800wh            | 1800 | 100   | 24S4P  |
| Nikola Plus 1845wh (18650)    | 1845 | 100   | 24S6P  |
| Nikola Plus AR 2700wh (21700) | 2700 | 100   | 24S6P  |
| RS HS                         | 1800 | 100   | 24S4P  |
| RS HT                         | 1800 | 100   | 24S4P  |
| Tesla                         | 1020 | 84    | 20S4P  |
| Tesla 1020wh                  | 1020 | 84    | 20S4P  |
| Tesla 1480wh                  | 1480 | 84    | 20S6P  |
| Tesla V2                      | 1020 | 84    | 20S4P  |
| Tesla V3                      | 1500 | 84    | 20S4P  |
| Inmotion V10                  | 680  | 84    | 20S4P  |
| Inmotion V10F                 | 960  | 84    | 20S4P  |
| Inmotion V11                  | 1500 | 84    | 20S4P  |
| Inmotion V12                  | 1750 | 100   | 24S4P  |
| Inmotion V12 HT               | 1750 | 100   | 24S4P  |
| Inmotion V3 Pro               | 144  |       |        |
| InMotion V5                   | 144  | 84    | 20S1P  |
| InMotion V5+                  | 288  | 84    | 20S1P  |
| Inmotion V5F                  | 320  | 84    | 20S1P  |
| InMotion V5F+                 | 460  | 84    | 20S2P  |
| Inmotion V8                   | 480  | 84    | 20S2P  |
| Inmotion V8F                  | 520  | 84    | 20S2P  |
| Inmotion V8S                  | 730  | 84    | 20S2P  |
| IPS a130+                     | 172  |       |        |
| IPS i5                        | 245  |       |        |
| IPS S5                        | 518  | 58    | 14S3P  |
| IPS XIMA Lhotz                | 340  |       |        |
| IPS Zero-260                  | 260  | 67    | 16S1P  |
| IPS Zero-340                  | 340  | 67    | 16S2P  |
| KingSong KS-14 B              | 174  | 67    | 16S1P  |
| KingSong KS-14 M              | 174  | 67    | 16S1P  |
| KingSong KS-14 S              | 840  | 67    | 16S4P  |
| KingSong KS-14C 340wh         | 340  | 67    | 16S2P  |
| KingSong KS-14C 680wh         | 680  | 67    | 16S2P  |
| KingSong KS-14D 340wh         | 340  | 67    | 16S2P  |
| KingSong KS-14D 420wh         | 420  | 67    | 16S2P  |
| KingSong KS-14S 680wh         | 680  | 67    | 16S4P  |
| KingSong KS-14S 840wh         | 840  | 67    | 16S4P  |
| KingSong KS-16 B 340wh        | 340  | 67    | 16S2P  |
| KingSong KS-16 B 840wh        | 840  | 67    | 16S4P  |
| KingSong KS-16S 420Wh         | 420  | 67    | 16S2P  |
| KingSong KS-16S 680Wh         | 680  | 67    | 16S4P  |
| KingSong KS-16S 840Wh         | 840  | 67    | 16S4P  |
| KingSong KS-16X               | 1554 | 84    | 20S6P  |
| KingSong KS-16XS              | 777  | 84    | 20S3P  |
| KingSong KS-18 A 1360Wh       | 1360 | 67    | 16S8P  |
| KingSong KS-18 A 1680Wh       | 1680 | 67    | 16S8P  |
| KingSong KS-18 A 520Wh        | 520  | 67    | 16S3P  |
| KingSong KS-18 A 680Wh        | 680  | 67    | 16S4P  |
| KingSong KS-18 A 840Wh        | 840  | 67    | 16S4P  |
| KingSong KS-18L 1036wh        | 1036 | 84    | 20S4P  |
| KingSong KS-18S 1680wh        | 1680 | 67    | 16S8P  |
| KingSong KS-S18 1110Wh        | 1110 | 84    | 20S3P  |
| KingSong KS-S20 2220Wh        | 2220 | 126   | 30S4P  |
| KingSong KS18XL               | 1554 | 84    | 20S6P  |
| Ninebot A1                    | 155  | 63    | 15S1P  |
| Ninebot one C                 | 110  | 62    | 15S1P  |
| Ninebot one C+                | 220  | 62    | 15S2P  |
| Ninebot one E                 | 240  | 62    | 15S2P  |
| Ninebot one E+                | 320  | 62    | 15S2P  |
| Ninebot one P                 | 360  | 62    | 15S2P  |
| Ninebot One S2                | 310  | 63    | 15S2P  |
| Ninebot Z10                   | 995  | 59    | 14S6P  |
| Rockwheel GT16                | 840  |       |        |
| Rockwheel GT16 1036wh         | 1036 | 84    | 20S4P  |
| Rockwheel GT16 858wh          | 858  |       |        |
| Solowheel S300                | 196  | 58    | 14S1P  |
| Solowheel Xtreme              | 196  |       |        |
| Veteran Abrams                | 2700 | 100   | 24S6P  |
| Veteran Sherman 3200Wh        | 3200 | 100   | 24S10P |
| Veteran Sherman Max 3600Wh    | 3600 | 100   | 24S8P  |


Edited by mike_bike_kite
Reran the report with suggested changes
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2 hours ago, mike_bike_kite said:

I'll admit there are also a couple of weird results in there (such as the Veteran Sherman 3200Wh showing 24S7P).

The Sherman has 18650 cells with ~3500mAh, not 21700 with 5000 mAh.

So it's 24s10p

2 hours ago, mike_bike_kite said:

KingSong KS-14 B              | 174  | 67    | 16S1P          |
| KingSong KS-14 M              | 174  | N/A   |                |
| KingSong KS-14 S              | 840  | N/A   |                |
| KingSong KS-14C 340wh         | 340  | N/A   |                |
| KingSong KS-14C 680wh         | 680  | N/A   |                |
| KingSong KS-14D 340wh         | 340  | 67    | 16S2P          |
| KingSong KS-14D 420wh         | 420  | 67    | 16S2P          |
| KingSong KS-14S 680wh         | 680  | N/A   |                |
| KingSong KS-14S 840wh         | 840  | N/A   |                |
| KingSong KS-16 B 340wh        | 340  | N/A   |                |
| KingSong KS-16 B 840wh        | 840  | N/A   |                |
| KingSong KS-16S               | 840  | 67    | 16S4P          |

They are all 67.2V. The 840Wh models beeing 16s4p with 18650 cells with 3500mAh, the 680 Wh modell beeing 16s4p with 18650 cells with 2900mAh.

Maybe 340 config were half a 680 config making 16s2p with 2900 mAh 18650 cells?

2 hours ago, mike_bike_kite said:

| KingSong KS-S18 1110Wh        | 1110 | 74    | 18S5P          |

That wheel has 84V and by this 20S3P with 21700 5000mAh cells.


2 hours ago, mike_bike_kite said:

Ninebot one C+                | 220  | 64    | 15S1P          |

That's 58.8V. 63 (61) V

There also was a Ninebot One C with 110Wh

2 hours ago, mike_bike_kite said:

| Ninebot one E                 | 240  | N/A   |                |
| Ninebot one E+                | 320  | N/A   |                |

They are all 15s2p with 58.8V. 63 (61) V. There are just different cell capacities (3.5, 2.9 Ah)

Edit: Thanks to @enaon changed the wrong voltages for ninebot one

Edited by Chriull
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1 hour ago, mike_bike_kite said:

| Ninebot A1                    | 155  | 54    | 13S1P          |
| | Ninebot One S2                | N/A  | N/A   |                |
| Ninebot Z10                   | 995  | 84    | 20S4P          |

A1/S2 is 15S, 1 and 2p respectively
Z10 is 14S6P  

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Wow, cool! Not to diminish your efforts, but you can also just steal confirm this info from @AtlasP's glorious EUC comparison table;) But it's always good to have a specific info quickly available, like the battery config overview here.


Some corrections (I didn't check everything) for those wheels that use 18650 cells (max 3500mAh) instead of 21700 cells (max 5000mAh) or vice versa:

Sherman is 24s10p (3500mAh)

ACM 67V is 840/680Wh 16s4p (3500/2900mAh - GW and KS only used these type of 18650s)

ACM 84V and Msuper V3 84V are 20s6p, you got it right on the other 1600Wh wheels (2900mAh cells for 1300Wh, 3500mAh cells for 1600Wh, also the ACM2 is the ACM 84V with the Tesla motor, so technically there is a 84V ACM non-2 also)

Monster 84V 2400Wh is 20s9p (three 3p packs instead of 2 like on the 1600Wh wheels)

Monster 100V and Nik 100V 1845Wh are 24s6p (3500mAh)

Tesla v3 1500Wh is 20s4p, just like the 1020Wh Teslas, but with 5000mAh cells.

Same for V11, it's 20s4p

V10 and V10F are both 20s4p, but with different capacity cells

V8S is 20s2p with 5000mAh cells

18S (wow, oldie!) should be 16s8p 3500mAh, I think

S18 is 20s3p with 5000mAh cells

In general, same/similar model with different battery sizes are usually the same battery configuration but with different capacity cells. And you can deduce the cell capacity if you know the config.

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8 minutes ago, meepmeepmayer said:

but you can also just steal confirm this info from @AtlasP's glorious EUC comparison table;) 

I promised I wouldn't take his data and I also wanted to see if I could work out the configurations programmatically. Once I fix some of the missing voltages then it should fix 95% of the issues. 

40 minutes ago, Chriull said:

The Sherman has 18650 cells with ~3500mAh, not 21700 with 5000 mAh.

I'd sort of assumed all 100v wheels were 21700 cells and 84v and before were the 18650 cells. I guess I'll have to cater for the exceptions :( 

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50 minutes ago, enaon said:

that would be 62 volts for the 15s I think, ninebots c/e/p charged to ~4.13Volts/cell. 

Theoreticly 63V - just looked up chargers for the ninebot were labeled with 61V.

Afair they changed it with some batch from 63 or 62V downto 61V?

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2 minutes ago, Chriull said:

Theoreticly 63V - just looked up chargers for the ninebot were labeled with 61V.

yes they were labeled 61V, but were 62 in reality for the c/e/p.
For the a1/s2, they were both labeled and delivered 63V is my memory is correct. . 

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this is my KS object for the watch to detect model from firmware number, if it is helpful:
[0] is voltage base (67.2V)multiplier
the rest are battery capacity as reported from the wheel serial model number. 

        let model={

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I forgot: the Master is technically (8s4p)4s, each battery pack does not have full voltage like on any other wheel, but only 1/4 of the final voltage, and the 4 packs are in series. Not sure if it makes sense to incorporate that difference or how to write it better. 4s(8s4p)? It does look complicated, like an electron orbital configuration or something.

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17 minutes ago, mike_bike_kite said:

I think I've added all the changes requested so far and I've edited the first post to show the results.

| Ninebot A1                    | 155  | 54    | 13S1P  |
| Ninebot one C                 | 110  | 59    | 14S1P  |
| Ninebot one C+                | 220  | 59    | 14S1P  |
| Ninebot one E                 | 240  | 59    | 14S1P  |
| Ninebot one E+                | 320  | 59    | 14S2P  |
| Ninebot One S2                |      |       |        |
| Ninebot Z10                   | 995  | 84    | 20S4P  |

those are:

| Ninebot A1                    | 155  | 63    | 15S1P  |

| Ninebot one C                 | 110  | 62    | 15S1P  |
| Ninebot one C+                | 220  | 62    | 15S2P  |
| Ninebot one E                 | 240  |62    | 15S2P  |
| Ninebot one E+                | 320  | 62    | 15S2P  |

| Ninebot one P                | 360  | 62    | 15S2P  |
| Ninebot One S2                |   310   |    63    |    15S2P    |
| Ninebot Z10                   | 995  | 58.8 | 14S6P  |

Edited by enaon
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37 minutes ago, meepmeepmayer said:

I forgot: the Master is technically (8s4p)4s, each battery pack does not have full voltage like on any other wheel, but only 1/4 of the final voltage, and the 4 packs are in series. Not sure if it makes sense to incorporate that difference or how to write it better. 4s(8s4p)? It does look complicated, like an electron orbital configuration or something.

Also the KS S18 is in reality a 20s2p+2x10s1p

Or the ks16s (and many others) 16s2x2p


Edit: ks18s should be (20s2p)p(2x10s1p) ;)

4s(8s4p) sounds well for the Master

The sherman would be a (2s(10s5p))2p 

39 minutes ago, meepmeepmayer said:

Not sure if it makes sense to incorporate

Hard to say - could be nice if this detail config is collected while it's known...

... on the other side it's just a bit too complicated ;)

Edited by Chriull
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As long as the final plug from the battery pack into the wheel has full voltage, I wouldn't care about the internal pack structure. Like on the Sherman (or Abrams). But this is an arbitrary distinction (well it makes a little sense for modders. Either you can add an extra full voltage pack with a simple Y-cable, or not. Still a bit arbitrary, as you can add non-full voltage packs.).

47 minutes ago, Chriull said:

ks18s S18 should be (20s2p)p(2x10s1p)

I don't even know how to parse this:D A good argument for ignoring this.

Edited by meepmeepmayer
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