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Resale value of old wheels?


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Hi all,

I have a V8F. I was looking at making a trip and it looks like it may be just on the edge of the range. Maybe, maybe not. It all depends on how fast I go. So ... I started looking at a bigger option V10F. This made me wonder about the resale value of old wheels. My V8F has the cover on since I bought and learned on it but of course it tumbled a few times (pedals do have scratches on the sides). I haven't check the miles but I'm almost sure it has less than 100miles on it. I'm not really selling it but more like wondering how much it would sell for. If I could get pass the almost 50Lb of the V10F I may think more about selling mine but 32Lb of the V8F is heavy enough for me. What do you guys think, are resale values low, mid, high? I personally think that anything used I sell is worth less than half of what I paid.


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It depends a lot on where you are located, or where the wheel can be shipped to (at a reasonable price).

In New Zealand, there is a high demand for good-condition used EUC, so prices can be up to 2/3 of the original price. 

Do you have any local auction sites, FB pages, et cetera that would give you an idea of the going rate where you are?

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1 hour ago, The Fat Unicyclist said:

It depends a lot on where you are located, or where the wheel can be shipped to (at a reasonable price).

In New Zealand, there is a high demand for good-condition used EUC, so prices can be up to 2/3 of the original price. 

Do you have any local auction sites, FB pages, et cetera that would give you an idea of the going rate where you are?

I'm in California ... and I don't do FB. Thanks though.

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2 hours ago, Rodo said:

 If I could get pass the almost 50Lb of the V10F…

How much yo have to lug it really is a consideration. S18 is at the top end of what I want to lift in and out of the vehicle.


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Indeed very location-dependent. In Russia resale values are relatively high, especially for popular, proven wheels such as V8F. 2-3 y.o. wheels with 3000-5000km mileage go for around 50-60% of new price. Often even higher if tyre/bearings/shells/controller were replaced recently. Wheels still under warranty (usually means <1 y.o.) typically go for around 70-90%. Of course these prices apply to wheels that work, with no major damage. Bent rim, non-working lights, noisy bearings etc obviously lead to discounts. 

Ecodrift has trade-in options and sells used wheels. I guess they may have accumulated some interesting data.

An Euc is relatively simple. It either balances or not. If it works and the battery is in order that's at least 50% of the value already. Unlike cars, a single test drive should be enough to check if the wheel still works properly. The only unknown (imho) is possible prior water ingress and repairs.

An important factor is availability. Some sought-after wheels are not readily available and buying used is a great solution. This is probably especially pronounced now with the battery shortage.

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I’m bought and sold many used EUCs now, I’ve actually been able to try every wheel under the sun except the oldest dinosaurs and the newest gotways because of it. I’m located in California myself too. 

prices are very dependent on demand, condition, mileage, and how recently wheel was originally purchased.

your v8f would sell easily for way more than just 1/2 its purchase price. It also is as brand new as could be expected it sounds like. Resale is high. As much as 80% of the cost of new. If you have a transferable warranty (eWheels) then that helps your value even more. I’d list it on Craigslist if you wanted to find a local buyer, finding one on the forums usually means you’ll have to ship, but not always.

feel free to ask questions

Edited by Denny Paul
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Used wheel prices depend on the location. They tend to go much higher here in NYC than other parts of the world, also there is a huge supply crunch all around the world to expect to pay more for wheels for the near future, both new and used. 

I paid $1300 for a 270 mile MSX 1230Wh mint condition; but I felt I overpaid. I also sold a mint Monster Pro with 220 miles on it for $3000, so it goes both ways I suppose. 

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In Germany for example the market is really small. So buying used can be quite expensive. But if You want to quickly sell Your wheel, there are no buyers. So You have to drop the price dramatically. That's the huge disadvantage of a niche market.

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