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Most sold wheel in Russia in 2021 - V5F!?


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Thank you for great content. I think many riders what buy last comuters "cheap" euc buy High end in future. Everybody who ride and i know this person own 2 or more EUC.

This can be only my social buble but this work in all hobby with time many riders be colectors.

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The chart looks completely logical to who see EUC as future of clean urban transportation.
With the sales figure we could have the split with who see EUC as a Sport (even if some EUCs seat in between).

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Hmmm!? ......... I think I will just get a hoverboard. They look cooler.  ( just kidding) 

Many people see the bigger wheels and think to themselves what’s the difference? This one is less expensive. And when parents have to buy a stupid electric unicycle for their kids, they get the least expensive one. “They don’t need to go that fast anyways” 

Others are more than pleased with the slower wheels. :thumbup:


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1 hour ago, null said:

A V5F stays "useable" to me. With 320Wh / 84V you can ride cycle lanes for 20km.
The KS14M however.. 174Wh EUCs shouldn't be produced.. Its a disgrace to sell such dangerously underpowered things..

I had a KS14M once. It got opened, looked at, placed back in the box and returned. I just KNEW it wouldnt do the deeds I needed it to.

50 minutes ago, Camenbert said:

The chart looks completely logical to who see EUC as future of clean urban transportation.
With the sales figure we could have the split with who see EUC as a Sport (even if some EUCs seat in between).

Thats a very good point. Perhaps the smaller wheels are popular for reasons other than just end price.

4 minutes ago, RockyTop said:

Hmmm!? ......... I think I will just get a hoverboard. They look cooler.  ( just kidding) 

Many people see the bigger wheels and think to themselves what’s the difference? This one is less expensive. And when parents have to buy a stupid electric unicycle for their kids, they get the least expensive one. “They don’t need to go that fast anyways” 

Others are more than pleased with the slower wheels. :thumbup:


I blame the parents... make them kids pedal something, keeps em healthy.  A kid with $1000 toy? I wonder how many wheels really are being purchased for someone else? Perhaps its more common than I'd like to know about..:facepalm:

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/1/2021 at 1:58 PM, null said:

174Wh EUCs shouldn't be produced.. Its a disgrace to sell such dangerously underpowered things..

I learned on a 120Wh wheel and it worked fine for me even though I weigh 130kg. I respected the tiltback and the beeps and never had it cut out on me. For kids at least such wheels are still fine IMHO.

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28 minutes ago, Nostris said:

No Gotway M10 3? I thought they were supposed to be pretty popular as a second wheel. 

Probably not so many people (in Russia at least) buy a second wheel at all. Russia is relatively poor yet relatively high-tech, which means there are many EUC riders, but few of them have the money or space to keep several wheels. Personally, I would not buy an mten3 as a second wheel. I ride fully geared and it would feel silly to do that with an mten3. Since I spend the time to put on armor, I want a bigger, more serious wheel - a 14" at least. To me, the brilliant portability of the mten3 becomes irrelevant if it comes with a bag of armor. From a practical point of view, I would also prefer a second wheel that can be ridden alongside my main wheel (or decently substitute it for commuting) or used to teach friends. While the mten3 is reportedly a good learner, it would be bad for Moscow - infrastructure and road quality are lacking. You can get by on a 10" scooter with suspension (which is what the kick-sharing industry settled on), but I suspect that the mten3 would be a painful and risky ride.

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On 7/1/2021 at 4:06 AM, yoos said:

They also say combined sales of V8 and V8F beat V5F.

This right here is the real bottom line. Splitting the V8 & V8F is nonsensical, the V8F is just a refresh & modest bump, they should absolutely be considered in combination. And taken together, the V8/V8F remains the Toyota Corolla of EUC's--the highest-selling model by far.

What is also important to grasp here is that while everyone always says this is just about cost, the V8/V8F is around $1k or higher and still outsells all the cheaper options.

Edited by AtlasP
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  • 6 months later...

Here's an update: most sold wheels are V8F,V11,V5F!

Here's the full sales rating in 2021 (the original post was first half of 2021):

1. Inmotion V8F (+5)
2. Inmotion V11 (+13)
3. Inmotion V5F (-2)
4. KingSong S18 (+6)
5. Inmotion V10F (-)
6. GotWay Nikola Plus (+14)
7. Veteran Sherman (New)
8. KingSong 14M (-4)
9. KingSong 16S (-6)
10. KingSong 16X (-2)
11. Inmotion V8 (-9)
12. KingSong 14D (-1)
13. Inmotion V12 (New)
14. GotWay MCM5 84V (+5)
15. KingSong 18XL (-8)
16. KingSong 18L (-3)
17. GotWay RS (New)
18. Inmotion V10 (-4)
19. Inmotion V8S (New)
20. Ninebot Z10 (New)

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Thanks. Looks like a triumph of lightweight wheels. High speed wheels are in clear minority. I really liked to see EUC manufacturers releasing new light weight wheels, or at least updating their current models more often.

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12 minutes ago, Funky said:

Who would have guessed "light" and "suspension" wheels sells the best

If anyone else was curious, i looked it up and the s18 is 55lbs and the v11 is 59


both great wheels, and in the same weight class! Wonder if gotway will make something for that niche?


edit: i see funky was hypothesizing about a new, lighter suspension wheel. Would love to see it!

Edited by Richardo
Too sleepy to read right
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