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Latest batch of Shermans from Ewheels.


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@RetroThruster I think there where quality control issues with the rim and its dimensions.  Some of them where having trouble holding on to the tire.  The good news is you saved money, they raised the price by $150.  If you really want a updated rim, I am sure you could reach out to them and get one for close to the price increase

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On 2/15/2021 at 10:14 AM, RetroThruster said:

You know, I originally cancelled my Sherman order for concerns with the rim, I eventually proceeded with the order because I was re-assured that there were very few problems with the tire/rim situation, now, I hear that an updated rim will be on the next batches (I have the latest burnt-smell version), had the retailer known at that time and divulged that info to me, I would have waited on the next batch, maybe they didn't know but still makes me grumpy.  I might have missed it somewhere but I'd like to know the change in the rim and why.  Good news is mine only has minor tire wobbles that I'm hoping will be easily addressed.  I did get a new screen cover with the new black buttons because mine showed up damaged.

Things are changing and silent updates happening with all wheels. Ideally it’s to buy a wheel that’s well into its life cycle but still manufactured if we are worried about having the latest iteration. I think with Veteran being small, any changes should be backwards compatible. I ordered a VS from AliExpress and will be comparing it w a locally bought Sherman. First thing to examine is the wheels. I think it’s reported the width of the wheel is wider. 

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From ewheels, regarding the March batch of Shermans:

Part of the inspection process will be making sure this wider rim fits the knobby tire better. In our limited testing there has been some rubbing with the Kenda K262 with the updated rim, which was part of this holdup. We may need to revert to the original rim for the knobby tire if this isn't resolved, while the Kenda K340A street tire behaves well with the new rim. If there are problems here, we may split the Sherman order into half street, half knobby Shermans.


So looks like no new rims after all unless you’re on the street tire. That sucks. Guess we will still have tire unseating issues. 

Edited by shellac
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That really sucks! You're potentially locked into one tire / one rim because manufacturing quality isn't there. The resale market is going to suck (good thing we don't sell our used wheels...) 

This wasn't such an issue at lower speed, but now it is.

It goes back to an old rule about not spending big money on low-quality items. Polaris owners eventually learn this, Gotway Monster owners...i don't even want to get into the mess Gotway is in.

Hopefully the Chinese don't get any better at manufacturing, if they do we'll all be out of jobs. 

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On 1/16/2021 at 10:16 PM, Gadgetfann said:

I own a batch 2 Sherman and it’s been a great wheel.  No tire fit issues and I used some vinyl wrap around the outside edges of the control panel to weatherproof it.  There is some pedal dip in sharp turns, but it’s never been an issue for me.  I’ve never scraped my pedals, but I’m sure it’s possible with some aggressive riding.  The Sherman is my 6th EUC and is the best wheel I’ve owned.

It's been over 45 days since you posted.  Since you have the 2nd batch Sherman wanted to know if you still haven't encountered the tie fit or wobble issues?  

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Observing historical cultural trends in relation to others over time is not "discrimination based on ethnic membership" (racism), and I'm certainly not advocating stabbing anyone, race non-withstanding.

Maybe it's time for a Polish joke... 

Edited by WI_Hedgehog
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9 minutes ago, Rolzi said:

I got a Sherman from the new batch straight from China.

The tire seems to sit very straight and i cant feel any instability or wobble.

Here is a picture of the widened rim: 



The new issue with wider tires is supposedly rubbing though. Have you experienced any of that while riding?

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20 hours ago, shellac said:


The new issue with wider tires is supposedly rubbing though. Have you experienced any of that while riding?

All the rubbing i had was from the mudguard not being installed firmly (my fault). I haven't been carving too aggressively yet though. I have the tire at 28 psi.

Edited by Rolzi
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I just ordered a new Sherman from China (AliExpress), and have been promised that it will have the new LCD panel and new rim. I'll chime in with my observations in 3 months when it finally arrives. ;-)


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4 hours ago, Mantraguy said:

I just ordered a new Sherman from China (AliExpress), and have been promised that it will have the new LCD panel and new rim. I'll chime in with my observations in 3 months when it finally arrives. ;-)


Been a month wait so far here. Today they updated me that by March 15 it will be in Canada. Then however long it takes to clear and get delivered to my door! Excited! 

They said it will have the updated LCD, 1cm higher pedals. They wouldn’t confirm if the rim is changed though. 

seat, fender, pads included. 


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On 3/4/2021 at 7:18 AM, DangerDan said:

if you dig you will find dirt everywhere ;) i just find "historical cultural trends" not a good excuse to call a land xyz...

Takes a racist to see one. We all need to stop pointing ☝️ and look in mirror. That's where change will come



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Yeah, I'm not a racist, it's pretty obvious in the real world; I really don't care where you're from or what your native language is, other than other cultures are often really interesting.


Polski minister udał się z oficjalną wizytą do Francji,

podczas której musiał uczestniczyć w kolacji dyplomatycznej ze swoim francuskim odpowiednikiem. Widząc swoją wspaniałą willę, z malowidłami wielkich mistrzów na ścianach, pyta francuskiego ministra, w jaki sposób zapewnia taki poziom życia za skromną pensję ministra niskiego szczebla.
Francuz zaprasza go do okna.
- Widzisz tę autostradę?
- Tak
- Kosztowało mnie to 20 miliardów franków, firma wypisała fakturę na 25 i dała mi różnicę.

Dwa lata później francuski minister udaje się do Polski, aby odwiedzić swojego odpowiednika. Po przyjeździe widzi, że dom polskiego ministra to najpiękniejszy pałac, jaki kiedykolwiek spotkał. Mówi do Polaka:
-Dwa lata temu powiedziałeś, że żyłem życiem księcia ... ale w porównaniu z tobą ...
Polski minister podchodzi do okna.
- Widzisz tę autostradę?
- Nie?
- Dokładnie.


(translated to English)

The Polish Minister went on an official trip to France...

during which he attended a diplomatic dinner with his French counterpart. Seeing his magnificent villa, with paintings from great masters on the walls, he asks the French Minister how he ensures such a standard of living from the modest salary of a low ranking Minister. 
The Frenchman invites him to the window.
- Can you see this highway?
- Yes
- It cost me 20 billion francs, the company wrote out an invoice for 25, and gave me the difference.

Two years later, the French Minister goes to Poland to visit his counterpart. Upon arrival, he sees that the Polish Minister's home is the most beautiful palace he has ever encountered in his life. He says to the Pole:
-Two years ago, you said that i lived a prince's life... but compared to you...
The Polish Minister approaches the window.
- Can you see this highway?
- No?
- Exactly.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...
I have a Veteran Sherman with the latest software edition 1.0.58. Bought new in September 2021. Already 1800 km on the odometer. Unfortunately the pedal dipping is still present. Quite scary in long curves above 30 km / h. For everything else it's the machine of my dreams. Surprisingly manoeuvrable for its weight. Very well balanced. Extremely stable. Very high autonomy. After doing a 100 km ride (on flat) with an average speed of 22 km / h and a few spikes at 50 km / h and above I only used 42% of the battery. Yes I am light (140 lbs with all the equipment) but still ...
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