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KS16S impossible to upgrade firmware stuck on version 1.09


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i'm new on the forum, i recently purchase a KS16S on second hand market, the EUC is working well, but i didn't manage to upgrade the firmware.

right now i'm on 1.09 and it looks like the version 2.02 is available, i initially wanted to upgrade befoce when i accelerate on my wheel at one point i feel like it's losing a bit of control before correcting instantly

i never fell because of that, but it feels inconfortable, and could be dangerous.

also i read that the EUC will make less noise!

i tried Kingsong app, but it show that i'm already on last version.

with EUC i don't have the option, same thing for darknessbot.

i didn't try Softturner because i read that some user had their wheel blocked..


could you please advise on the best way to upgrade successfully ?


thank you for you help!

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The 2.02 firmware works fine on the 16S. I have it on my 16S. It does make the wheel silent and it feels like it performs better as well. I haven't noticed any downsides apart from some silly extra light modes. Some people find it's easiest to upgrade the software using the EUC World app rather than the KS app. Some people found that when doing the upgrade the wheel sometimes gets half way through and then looses connection - this happened to me and I ended up just pressing buttons and restarting the upgrade. Others found that turning the wheel upside down restarted the connection? Maybe also try clicking your heels together 3 times and whispering there's no place like home.

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10 hours ago, inmv0285 said:


i'm new on the forum, i recently purchase a KS16S on second hand market, the EUC is working well, but i didn't manage to upgrade the firmware.

right now i'm on 1.09 and it looks like the version 2.02 is available,

Yes. Like @mike_bike_kite i have fw 2.02 installed on my KS16S.

10 hours ago, inmv0285 said:

i initially wanted to upgrade befoce when i accelerate on my wheel at one point i feel like it's losing a bit of control before correcting instantly

i never fell because of that, but it feels inconfortable, and could be dangerous.

Could be that you just accelerate too strong for the wheels abilities? Or the battery is not 100% fit? What's the voltage once fully charged?

With the update the wheel feels (a bit) stronger - has maybe a bit better balancing, "harder hard" mode by a better motor driver algorithm?

But it's still the same wheel with the same motor and batteries - the physical limits cannot be changed, but just a bit more efficiently used.

10 hours ago, inmv0285 said:

also i read that the EUC will make less noise!

Exactly - the high pitched whine is gone.

10 hours ago, inmv0285 said:

i tried Kingsong app, but it show that i'm already on last version.

with EUC i don't have the option, same thing for darknessbot.

You have an "official western" version or from aliexpress/etc?

With first it should be no prob with euc world and darknessbot, with the second it will not work. 

Seems that this is encoded within the serial number (https://eunicycles.eu/news/jak-dekodowa-nr-seryjny-monocykli-king-song) in the agent field? Imo someone already wrote which codes show chinese versions - but can't remember...

10 hours ago, inmv0285 said:

i didn't try Softturner because i read that some user had their wheel blocked..

Afaik one can brick ones wheel with the softtuner app - as this is the "engineer app" with which one can override everything and force install wrong firmwares?

The KS wheel blocks (for non official export wheels) happen with the normal KS App and the softtuner app! Which wheels exactly, when why and if any is blocked or not is unkown...

Currently a new aliexpress ks wheel is reported beeing blocked by both ks apps: 


10 hours ago, inmv0285 said:



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@inmv0285, hi, welcome to the forum. I have the 16S also, updated to firmware 2.02 with no problem on the KingSong App ( Not Soft Turner).  To be on the safe side during update, stay close to the wheel and  make sure no others Apps are running on your phone. The wheel is indeed quieter and smoother after the update. Good luck.

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On 8/6/2020 at 10:37 AM, Chriull said:


You have an "official western" version or from aliexpress/etc?



the seller told me it was from kingsong europe (i'm in france)

but he gave me charger with chinese plugin, so i guess it came from aliexpress :/

this would explain why i have trouble updating my firmware.


On 8/6/2020 at 10:37 AM, Chriull said:

Could be that you just accelerate too strong for the wheels abilities? Or the battery is not 100% fit? What's the voltage once fully charged?

hm no i don't think its du to the acceleration, i never had this feeling on my inmotion

i'm not even going that fast, on average i'm at 20km/h.


thanks all for your reply, i will continue to look how to upgrade.

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Your can confirm whether your wheel has a Chinese serial by connecting to EUCW our DarknessBot, and check if you have the options to upgrade firmware, calibrate, or adjust speed settings. These three functions are not available on 3rd party apps for KS wheels with a Chinese serial.

A Chinese serial has a letter [P-Z] as the agent code (fourth digit from the right).

Edited by mrelwood
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On 8/8/2020 at 7:21 AM, mrelwood said:

Your can confirm whether your wheel has a Chinese serial by connecting to EUCW our DarknessBot, and check if you have the options to upgrade firmware, calibrate, or adjust speed settings. These three functions are not available on 3rd party apps for KS wheels with a Chinese serial.

A Chinese serial has a letter [P-Z] as the agent code (fourth digit from the right).

hello, thanks for the information, yes from serial number i have a chinese version.

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