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eucWatch - Standalone band/watch

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I have tested the watch some more and the limits have updated past 45kmh. It's still a bit wonky, one time I connected the watch to the wheel and it showed a limit of 20 on the main screen despite all the alarms set to 50. But it did adjust back to 50 after I messed with the settings back and forth. 


One feature that's missing compared to EUC World is safety margin alarm for power output. I think it's just kingsong that communicates this information and if I remember correctly 15% margin is where tiltback happens regardless of speed. EUC World defaults to 20% but it can be adjusted. 

This is to me the most important feature in EUC World since none of the other app/watch alarms scale to leftover battery or temperature, etc.  

Can this be added? 

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it was on the charger most probably, the limit is dynamic, kingsong auto-sets it to 20 when charging, you can charge on the go, but only 20kh/h top speed.


the "pwm"/safety margin is included, it is the bar under the speed, but this is a useless register, it is related to no load speed, not load, on eucWorld too.

read here for more info: 


the watch has the same alarms as the latest eucworld version has for safety, when the speed comes within 5km/h from dynamic speed limit, it will buzz to inform you that a tiltback is about to happen, and little rectangles will fly by under the speed, so that you know how many times you overpowered it. You cannot turn this off

Use this loader if you are on the old one, better do an "install all", not upgrade. 



Edited by enaon
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1 hour ago, James Bonga said:

I finally got one p22 working with eucwtch, can't believe it :D After one p8 and three P22's it's done. The one i got was from this store https://www.amazon.es/gp/product/B08V8MHZFZ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

You sure are a guy with hi determination. :)
So two of the p22's didn't work? Can you post a link of the ones that did not work? 


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thanks, so we are not sure this is a non working p22, as you had it working in the first try. 

thanks for trying it out, let me now if it is ok on the 16x, there were some issues reported about alarms sounding on standard loader, I think I solved it, but a verification would be nice. 

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From what i can recall, both p22's they sent me were different from each other, if i'm not mistaken one showed up as p22-C and the other one as p22-D.

What do you mean by "alarms sounding on standart loader?"

I did a quick test ride and i couldn't figure out one thing, when you go to "garage" and you pair the watch with your wheel, everything works fine. But, after turning off the wheel and turning it back on, i can only connect back to the wheel by creating another profile of the 16x on the watch. I'm sure that's not how it is supposed to work :D 

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no this is not the way it should work, it should save the slot after a successful connection. Try it again, this time connect, and once connected, disconnect using the side button. If the slot is empty, please let me now. 

thanks for the info, p22d is unknown, maybe it is not supported. 

ps. forget the alarms sounding on standard loader thing, if it happens it is hard to miss, if not then it is fixed :)

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6 hours ago, James Bonga said:

the other one as p22-D.

ok, it looks like the p22D has the lcd pins reversed, what a mess. :)

do not throw it away, it may be fixed in the future, I will let you know when. 

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1 hour ago, Dubardo said:

What's the best way to find a compatible watch? Searching NRF52832 in smartwatch gives a lot of different watch.

you need a p8 or a p22 to be able to use daflasher for the hacking step. 

those looks like a p22, cannot tell for sure, but my bet is that they will work. 





this p8 wil also work I think, but not all p8 are compatible now, some sellers have one with a changed chipset, so go for this store for best chances. 


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Thx, i'm gonna try the P22. Someone in the comment explained to connect via bluetooth and select P22. So My guess is that it should work. Anyway, with amazon's 2 days delivery and free refund, i'm pretty safe

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18 minutes ago, enaon said:

are you on standard or testing loader?

this one



Im going to no testing version delete all, try the testing.... lets try


Working touchscreen, im idiot try simple things first xD

Edited by Victor Jose Ladero Covelo
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8 hours ago, Victor Jose Ladero Covelo said:

Working touchscreen, im idiot try simple things first xD

just to understand what was the problem, you were using a p22 with the standard loader, and then used the testing one and is now ok?

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there is now a p22d on the market. Do not flash this one, better return it.

If flashed will not get bricked, all steps up to installing eucWatch will go through, but as of yet the screen display is unusable, it will look like it is stuck. 

it may be supported in the future . 

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I got this P22 from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08DXQSVDC

At first it was losing connection on my EX.N basically non-stop.  Every time I looked at it, it was complaining about the wheel being FAR or LOST.  I realized that my phone was in my left pocket, which ends up extremely close to my left wrist, which must have been causing enough interference to knock it out.  Switching the phone to my other pocket seems to have solved this connection issue for now.

The watch connects to my 16S fine but doesn't seem to update any information.  It shows 0 MPH no matter what.  Any ideas?

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On 5/22/2020 at 2:05 PM, enaon said:

Update: As of June2021 the watch supports Ninebot c/e/p, A1/S2,Z10, Kingsong, Begode and Inmotion v11. Sherman connects and only displays speed for now.   

FYI there is now a low priced and easy to hack smartwatch, that can be used as a standalone display for our wheels. 

I wrote a small client for the ninebot one c/e, haptic feedback is a very nice way of getting informed, I think it should be standard for all wheels, better than beeps. 

This is a teaser video, more info on getting started here:


advanced info:





(new dash version)

(old dash version)

What wrist guard is that? Triple 8?

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1 hour ago, GothamMike said:

How do I change the Temp to F? I wear your watch more than my Apple Watch, even on rainy days! I ride the v2 Sherman

They are somewhat hidden, a lot of accidental presses. :)

if you are on latest testing version, then a swipe up will call global settings, and the "i" icon on the bottom is "source app aware", so if you call settings from a dash app, this button will have temp/speed options etc. 


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Hi enaon, at first I want to give you some short feedback. I am using the watch now for the last 2 weeks and it is working really good with my Kingsong 18L. In standby the watch uses as your said about 1% per day. Very good.

The 2nd one I ordered I prepared for a friend, he has  an Inmotion V10f. Unfortunately the watch cannot connect to this wheel. Is there anything you can do about this?

Thanks in advance.

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2 hours ago, aze man said:

Hi enaon, at first I want to give you some short feedback. I am using the watch now for the last 2 weeks and it is working really good with my Kingsong 18L. In standby the watch uses as your said about 1% per day. Very good.

The 2nd one I ordered I prepared for a friend, he has  an Inmotion V10f. Unfortunately the watch cannot connect to this wheel. Is there anything you can do about this?

Thanks in advance.

Thank you for the feedback :)

yes the inmotion v5/8/10 is not working yet, but it will in a couple of weeks, I found a v5f :)

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