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How it started, and where it is taking me ...


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Grand old external combustion, plain old internal combustion, and futuristic electric power were all experienced in one outing with great scenery ... nice! :cheers: 

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On my little cruise today (nothing special, left the house and headed south, got back 4 hours later), came across a tiny taste of the future!


Edited by Tawpie
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  • 2 months later...

Sorry, that was the last little adventure….been tootling around town. Couple of times got up long before the sun and rode two miles to Denny’s. Birds are waking up, no traffic. Real peaceful. 
Rode some easy mtn. bike trails I had not rode before. Rode across a fair sized farm (for here) - ‘bout two miles.

Rode shuttle to our farm couple of times (5 mi.) working on stuff. Lost brakes on the Samurai last week. Finished that up today, got her back on the road. 
 Another Amish man got a wheel I heard. So that’s three other wheels in the area. Be doing a little group ride before long…

Thats all I got.


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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Kinda dodged a bullet today. Was taking the dgf to the doctor bout an hour away from home driving highway speeds. Had a little shaking in the steering. Thought it was prolly the rim on the front she dented last week. Then some high pitched whining.

 Kept going to the next exit because, you know reasons. Pulled off, did the spit sizzle test on the front calipers, felt the rims up thinking maybe bad bearing. Kind of a bad smell, but not under the hood. Put the flashers on and drove slow the last ten miles to the hospital to make the appointment. Called shops on the way to ask about getting it looked at, but everyone we talked to is busy and booked into the middle of the month. Dropped her at the door, parked then started really looking. Turns out the lower “cup” that holds the spring on the front drivers side strut was giving way and rubbing on the inside corner of the tire. 
 No parts stores had one on stock, Neither did the Sub dealer. 

 I had this brilliant idea that I could get my Magyver on and get it home. If I could compress that spring, and lift that cup off the tire, I could just drive it slowly home. So I got the s18 out geared up, and went in search of ratchet straps. So I was riding narrow, broken sidewalks cause the traffic is crazy there, and no peds. Found a dollar store, found said straps and made my way back. Took four tries to get a strap just right on the spring and cup, and away I ratcheted. 
 In hindsight, it was an incredibly stupid idea. All it did was lower the front end of the car, because, duh, the weight of the car rests on the top of the spring.

So we called and Uber guy to bring us home. Tomorrow, I load up the wheel, hitch up the flatbed and go retrieve the car.

 Going to park the truck & t somewhere nearby that’s  more convenient to load than that busy hospital parking lot, ride over and drive back. 

Happy to be in bed tonight and not another highway statistic. Wish me luck tomorrow.

Edit: Fetched the car with the truck yesterday. S-18 shuttle to move the car from the hospital to the trailer.

Fixed the car today. Dropped the car off for the dgf, then rode the wheel five miles back out to the shop for the Samurai. Gotta love the shuttle value of these things.

Edited by OldFartRides
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  • 2 weeks later...
37 minutes ago, OldFartRides said:

It was a fall foliage festival weekend here in my neck of the woods in the mid- Atlantic Alleghenies. I worked half a day Friday replacing some rotting steps at the dgf’s niece’s house where lots of people gather and party all weekend. I always say, “ If you  want to be in the club, you have to do a little volunteer work on the clubhouse now and then”. Next, I was headed to the dumpsters with the rotted steps strapped to the roof rack of the beloved Samurai when I spied a open parking space in front of my favorite coffee bar/ tap room. The owner was starting to take apart the swivel base of a comfy seat, so I threw in with that little project. After the dumpster run, I geared up, rode across town and hung out for a while at said partaay house catching up with people I haven’t seen in a year or two. That night it was campfire night at the farm with some relatives, replete with coyotes and owls yelping and calling.

The dgf woke me up before dawn Saturday AM for something she needed me to do. After that, I geared up and rode to Denny’s for pancakes, coffee and “SevenEves”, by Neal Stephenson. After that, I picked up some eggs at the farmers market and delivered them to my niece. Copped a late morning nap, then headed to my favorite mtn bike trails with my Amish buddy who I sold my v11 to. We did a challenging five mile loop on some damn fine single track. Then it was back to the party house for some good “apres” parade eats and socializing. That night, it was Scrabble with the dgf. She kicked my ass.

Sunday AM I geared up, rode across town to my niece’s, fired up the beloved MR2, took it down to the annual car show and spent the next three hours wandering around looking at most of the approximately 250 cars both old and new and gabbing with owners and acquaintances I ran into. I was stunned to see a beautiful yellow De Tomaso Pantera which I had only ever seen in magazines when I was young and in love with any mid engine sports car made. The owner was friendly, so we talked about his car for a bit and then he mentioned that there was a Lamborghini hiding in the bank parking lot just off the main street. It was an ‘04 Gallardo in burnt orange. The owner was just a regular Joe in the rock/ quarry business who always dreamed of owning a “Lambo”. When the show was over, I made sure I was there to hear that one start up and drive away.

When I got back to my beloved mid engine sports car, I noticed a guy I know and his two sons getting ready to leave in three of their vintage Citroens. I followed them to their place for a visit, then went on to my buddy’s place for a couple rounds of Kelley pool. Got back to my niece’s just after dark, put the car away, geared up and rode home. It was a whirlwind weekend !

Almost Heaven... West Virginia!

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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 months later...

The other day it was just beautiful. No one needed me, so I packed up and took a little drive down south to Tucker Co. WV to a   neat little park with a couple of single track loops. The inner loop is fast, with banked turns, switch backs, and a few boardwalks across streams and boggy places. I wanted to give the outer loop another go. I had started on it once before on the s18, but quickly turned around due to the rock garden and uphill grade. This time I had the mcm5v2 avec knobby and was prepared for a ride/hike kinda day. Long story short, I hiked as much as I rode, but I got to see the whole trail and had it all to myself. It’s cool because you can look around a bit while walking, then hop back on for short rides.

Then I zoomed around the inner loop once, stopped at “Picnic Taco” in Thomas and even got home before dark !

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  • 1 month later...

So it’s morel mushroom season here in the Mid-Atlantic USA. I went out yesterday and today to look for them. Both times involved riding and hiking. They weren’t long forays, but they were most enjoyable. Here is a pic from yesterday :



i didn’t take any pics today, but I should have. I didn’t find any mushrooms, but I had a great time.

Edited by OldFartRides
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