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On 6/5/2019 at 7:54 PM, Smoother said:

She had more cuts and bruises (and gravel stuck in her palms) than I've ever had falling off an EUC. 

Everyone gets the occasional minor injury just from walking but I have seen the results of people who are careful never to fall, actually fall.

1. A woman who fell off a hoverboard, breaking several ribs, her left arm and leg, her hip joint, and a collarbone. I wonder if this simply terminated her life as she knew it.

2. A woman who stepped off the steps one step before she was supposed to, with a terrible hip joint injury that required replacement, and a very damaged knee that would eventually require replacement.

3. A woman who stepped downward over rough pavement that broke her hip joint which then required replacement. Interestingly, I recall her telling me that some major artery or vein was cut internally, and that it could have ended much worse.

I'm convinced that absolutely sedentary people (which these people were) who are obese come out the worse in any accident, with the extra mass compounding the clumsy fall.

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12 hours ago, LanghamP said:

2. A woman who stepped off the steps one step before she was supposed to, with a terrible hip joint injury that required replacement, and a very damaged knee that would eventually require replacement.

I've done that, running down the stair with something in my hand, blocking my view.  Man did I hit the tiled floor hard.  ZERO injuries.  Could have been much worse, as your post indicates.

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On 6/7/2019 at 1:11 PM, Smoother said:

I've done that, running down the stair with something in my hand, blocking my view.  Man did I hit the tiled floor hard.  ZERO injuries.  Could have been much worse, as your post indicates.

Typical bifocals incident.  You can suffer significant indignity at 0 kph!

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On 6/2/2019 at 2:31 PM, tata said:

What were your most remembered stories with other people's attention and how did you deal with it? 

Positive: 99% of reactions. Common examples include "What is that called?" "Wow, that looks fun!" "Is that hard to learn?" "How much does it cost?" "How fast does it go?" "How far can it go on a battery charge?"

Negative: 1% of reactions.  In 3.5 years of riding, I can only remember 2 negative reactions.

1. I was riding on the right side of the road, where one would ride a bicycle (there was not an actual bike lane). A car came behind me and the driver yelled "get out of the way!" This angered me because there was huge space for him to go around me.

2. As I came around the corner on a neighborhood street, a man was nearby. He yelled, "Are you visiting someone in this neighborhood?" I answered, "No." He yelled, "Then get the hell out of here!" I did not answer, and I rode past him and continued out of the neighborhood.

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On 6/4/2019 at 12:58 PM, tata said:

Right now I will just chicken out on my sidewalks

I ride on sidewalks sometimes, but if I encounter pedestrians, I go into the street if it is safe to do so.

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1 hour ago, MaxLinux said:

Positive: 99% of reactions. Common examples include "What is that called?" "Wow, that looks fun!" "Is that hard to learn?" "How much does it cost?" "How fast does it go?" "How far can it go on a battery charge?"

Negative: 1% of reactions.  In 3.5 years of riding, I can only remember 2 negative reactions.

1. I was riding on the right side of the road, where one would ride a bicycle (there was not an actual bike lane). A car came behind me and the driver yelled "get out of the way!" This angered me because there was huge space for him to go around me.

2. As I came around the corner on a neighborhood street, a man was nearby. He yelled, "Are you visiting someone in this neighborhood?" I answered, "No." He yelled, "Then get the hell out of here!" I did not answer, and I rode past him and continued out of the neighborhood.

😂😂 People are so rude it’s funny. You should have told him it’s none of your business, and for the first guy i would have caught up to him at the next stop light and proceeded to maneuver in front of him and on the green light go as slow as possible so he would have to wait or illegally pass me out of his lane.

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I just stalk after the pedestrians if there's no space around them. It's not easy to switch between roads and sidewalks in big city. I am glad my 14D and my skill allow me to go slow enough, I hope I could still do that with larger wheel when I get one. 

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On 6/9/2019 at 1:11 AM, Darrell Wesh said:

 and for the first guy i would have caught up to him at the next stop light and proceeded to maneuver in front of him and on the green light go as slow as possible so he would have to wait or illegally pass me out of his lane.

Now thats the type of chaotic evil shit im about LOL. Im super nice to people who are nice back, but my tolerance and patience for rude people is at an all time low. This is how im gonna die, LOL. Hit in a road rage incident. 

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4 hours ago, seage said:

Now thats the type of chaotic evil shit im about LOL. Im super nice to people who are nice back, but my tolerance and patience for rude people is at an all time low. This is how im gonna die, LOL. Hit in a road rage incident. 

I love the people who speed around me when I’m going the speed limit, thinking they’re entitled to be in front of me because they’re “faster” despite having to go 40 in a 25 to pass me. And then when I catch up at the red light I just maneuver right back in front of them and look them dead in the eye and smile. 

It’s not just when I’m on my EUC either; I was on my Dualtron 2 in the fast lane and this car I guess wanted to pass me to get in front and had to floor it to 50mph in a 25mph zone as I was going full tilt 40mph down the road. It was completely reckless and unnecessary when they could have just waited behind me. 

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