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Need advice : first "real" unicycle


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Hello guys,

I'm leFlint, 27 yo. I'm a cyclist, and i rode my bike everyday for around 100km/week.

I use it to commute the week, and for fun and speed the weekend. I also got a Xiaomi M365 that i use sometimes, its conveniant, but so sloow...

I got for a birthday a no-name chinese wheel that i see as a toy, and i had some fun with it ! Then i tried a Inmotion V8 and i had a revelation.. It can be more than a toy !

So, i've been looking for my first "real" wheel for some weeks. I have some ideas but here what i'll need :

  • A wheel for commute in town ( ~ 15 miles / day ) which keep some "juice" at the end of day.
  • Some speed ( the V8 is great, but the max speed is quite frustrating )
  • Capable of handle the rain ( North of France is like England.. Umbrellas everywhere !)

I'm 5' 10" and 178 lbs all geared.

I count on you for you advices, thank you !


PS : I truly hesitate between the Rockwheel GT16 and the Gotway Tesla.. But the more i look at the Gotway MSuper X, the more it sounds good..

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I've read some post about the GT16 watreproofing yeah..
Some of you had problems with it ?


I'm looking for a powerful wheel, that can move faster than the tramway ( ~ 40km/h ),  that last through the day ( ~ 25km ).

The weight is not a concern.
As i'll only buy one ( budget/space reason ), i want something pretty versatile..

And Kingsongs are very expensive in France (~ 2000 to 2500$, 500 to 1000$ more than a Gotway or the Rockwheel.. )

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30 minutes ago, leFlint said:

I'm looking for a powerful wheel, that can move faster than the tramway ( ~ 40km/h ), 

If you haven’t done so already don’t forget to budget for some good safety gear. At 40km/h a faceplant can do quite a bit of harm if unprotected. If it ever happens, It is so sudden that it is surprisingly far worst than coming of a bike at that sort of speed.

Also, don’t forget that another option, the one I tend to favour, is to get a smaller lighter wheel and use it for last mile, using the tram for the main journey with an easy to carry wheel can give the best of both worlds.

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13 hours ago, Keith said:

If you haven’t done so already don’t forget to budget for some good safety gear. At 40km/h a faceplant can do quite a bit of harm if unprotected. If it ever happens, It is so sudden that it is surprisingly far worst than coming of a bike at that sort of speed.

Also, don’t forget that another option, the one I tend to favour, is to get a smaller lighter wheel and use it for last mile, using the tram for the main journey with an easy to carry wheel can give the best of both worlds.

Yeah, of course ! I already have some safety gear, and it's out of question to ride without it !

I will carrying a pretty big bag ( ~ 50 liter ) when i'll go to the gym, + the wheel.. The public transportation are often crowed, i will annoy some people with my gear.. I prefer not !

13 hours ago, meepmeepmayer said:

16 inches is the best allrounder size, so I'd say the Tesla is your choice. Or really, any wheel you want, these 18 inchers are nice, too.

I don't think there were any water problems with the GT16, but apparently the rain can more or less directly get to the board. @Scatcat has one.

Thank you ! It's true that Tesla seems to be more "durable" due to it's design..

I'll still wait some feedback of GT16/Tesla owners, and i'll do my choice at the end of the week !


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I wouldn't choose the GT16. It really feels like a prior generation wheel now (it's old). I recently rode one after maybe a year since riding the last one. It struck me as a less substantial wheel than our modern wheels. If you put the Tesla next to the GT16 they will seem like two different class of wheels. I much prefer my Tesla to the GT16.

I think you need to reset your speed expectations. Unless you have lots of super smooth streets/paths to ride, you'll be forced to ride much slower than that. The EUC is not like a car or motorcycle (multiple wheels) where you can easily ride over bumps and divots in the road without concern.

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Thank you Marty !

Pretty clear, and the kind of "comparison" i wanted :) !

For the speed part, i'll only "unleash" the beast in a ~5km segment of my comute road, super smooth and broad cyclist band.

And i'll speed up step by step, never been above  ~27kph with an unicycle yet heh.. :rolleyes:

Then i'll probably go for the Tesla !


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Gt16 shouldn't be a consideration in relation to the major vendor-modern wheels. The Gotway Tesla would be the best bang for the buck given your moderate range needs. I worry about your need for speed, especially since you might be riding in rain or at least wet ground on occasions. Speed corrupts absolutely. We want to hear pleasant reports and possible video and not a RIP announcement. Gear-up, be careful and enjoy!

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15 hours ago, Jerome said:

Gt16 shouldn't be a consideration in relation to the major vendor-modern wheels. The Gotway Tesla would be the best bang for the buck given your moderate range needs. I worry about your need for speed, especially since you might be riding in rain or at least wet ground on occasions. Speed corrupts absolutely. We want to hear pleasant reports and possible video and not a RIP announcement. Gear-up, be careful and enjoy!

Thank you for your concern kind sir.

I always been a "speed" addict, i love speed skiing, biking, and other riding sport.

But i always do it very securely, never endangered other people or myself. And i will continue with the electric wheel !


PS: I've ordered a Tesla 1020Wh from "Intelligent Walking Store" for ~1300$. I'm so exited ! Some thread i have to read before getting it ?!

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34 minutes ago, leFlint said:

Thank you for your concern kind sir.

I always been a "speed" addict, i love speed skiing, biking, and other riding sport.

But i always do it very securely, never endangered other people or myself. And i will continue with the electric wheel !


PS: I've ordered a Tesla 1020Wh from "Intelligent Walking Store" for ~1300$. I'm so exited ! Some thread i have to read before getting it ?!

congrats, it is a fantastic all around wheel.. a great ride for a speed demon haha afaik the third fastest on the market.. my advice to you, being a previous owner of one.. invest in some sort of shin guards or knee high socks or something lol.. it is for its capacity a good size, but overall more boxy than most and murder on your shins when getting used to it.. idk of any thread just make sure to watch some videos on the app and how to set the limits before you ride, as it will have no qualms about going above its max speed and tossing you off.. i love speedy feets youtube channel he has great reviews on almost every euc available https://www.youtube.com/user/SpeedyFeetUK

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On 9/18/2018 at 6:20 PM, meepmeepmayer said:

Tesla, 16S, 18L, msX, Ninebot One Z, they're all great:efee47c9c8: It depends a lot on what wheel you just want.

I wanted to sum up the same as meepmeep,... 

I've heard mixed feedback on the Tesla, but then again that you hear about most wheels, however the 16s is awesome, but only goes to 35km/h , the 18 L is another very great wheel that allows you to go beyond that 40km/h and has some very good feedback... 

I guess you can't go to wrong with any of the above wheels mentioned..

1 hour ago, leFlint said:

PS: I've ordered a Tesla 1020Wh from "Intelligent Walking Store" for ~1300$. I'm so exited ! Some thread i have to read before getting it ?!

I guess you ordered it allready , and you should have read it before ordering ;)

you'll love the wheel... 



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imho if youre serious about euc's you should have at least two.. i have five but that may seem like overkill to most, though i do know of a few people who have more lol.. they all excel at different things, and yes if you get used to it the tesla can be a good all rounder.. though for me personally the best all around wheel and especially if you live in the city, is the KS16S.. i always go for it first and in the city you will find 95% of the time the speed limit of 35 kph is quite enough.. then again thats why i have multiple wheels because though not as comfortable as the KS or as portable as the v5f, i do love bombing around bike trails and such at 45 kph and going on 100 km trips.. different wheels for different occasions.. though, gun to my head.. i would likely choose the ACM2 over all else as that 1600 wh range and 45+ top speed i dont think i could give up after having them lol

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4 hours ago, Rywokast said:

imho if youre serious about euc's you should have at least two.. i have five but that may seem like overkill to most, though i do know of a few people who have more lol.. they all excel at different things, and yes if you get used to it the tesla can be a good all rounder.. though for me personally the best all around wheel and especially if you live in the city, is the KS16S.. i always go for it first and in the city you will find 95% of the time the speed limit of 35 kph is quite enough.. then again thats why i have multiple wheels because though not as comfortable as the KS or as portable as the v5f, i do love bombing around bike trails and such at 45 kph and going on 100 km trips.. different wheels for different occasions.. though, gun to my head.. i would likely choose the ACM2 over all else as that 1600 wh range and 45+ top speed i dont think i could give up after having them lol


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