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    MSX 100v, Nikola +, Kingsong 16s, KS16x, Mten3, v3 Monster, Inmotion V8

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  1. Ah yes. There's lies, damn lies, and statistics. The average riding speed doesn't mean anything because it takes into account any time that you were in motion, including all the times you are slow rolling to get around pedestrians or just going slow for whatever other reason. That's not the only reason the data is skewed towards the lower end, one big reason is that sometimes the GPS doesn't recognize you are stopped and keeps recording. Most of your stops are quick stop and go situations, in those instances the app will continue to record the ride and factor that into your average speed. My average riding speeds are around what the EUC world data indicates as well, even though I'm blasting to speeds near 40 mph often. But the amount of time I spend at the slower speeds skews that data and lowers the average speed. Now you may say "what about the max speed data?", well that shows for actual rides max speed average is 40-50km/hr, or 25-31 mph. Also note this data doesn't take into account darkness bot users, and there's plenty of those. But let's say the average max is close to the 27-30 mph range. In that case I'd still advise a wheel that can go significantly faster than 30 mph to give you a good buffer. If the average max was in the low 20 mph range, the V11 would be sufficient. A 5-10 mph buffer from the top speed is preferable for safety. Putting the data aside it's pretty simple, riders who prefer to ride at 25 mph or lower would benefit more from the V11 and riders who like to go faster than 25 mph would benefit more from a wheel where the top speed is above 34++ mph.
  2. Great points as usual. But I think you're under estimating the percent of EUC riders that want range and speed above all else. At least in my local area, 95% of riders want over 30 mph and the most range possible. You claim that the V11 meets the speed and range requirements of 95% of riders, I would strongly disagree here. Keep in mind it's not ideal to ride at the max claimed speeds. If someone wants to go 30 mph, I wouldn't point them to the V11 because that's nearly the max speed of the V11. I agree that inmotion did do something somewhat revolutionary, and others soon followed (S18, gotway EX). But as you are aware the V11 isn't perfect either, it has some flaws. The main issue for me is that it limits you on speed, and as that small battery pack starts to drain the limitations become more and more apparent. It certainly isn't a "truly polished well rounded product", there is much room for improvement in hardware and firmware. A few issues have been pointed out already by riders. At least inmotion is acknowleding these. The most recent issue is the tilt-back related to the temperature sensor. Also the wheel does break easier than say the sherman when dropped at speed.
  3. Yea if you are doing a lot of lifting, forget about it. I use this wheel for leisure riding, group rides, and just exploring.
  4. Definitely of safety is not cutting out, lift speed was above 60 mph. Heavier riders than me have hit 50 mph. Supposedly cut off is around 53 ish mph. To be 100% safe I'll keep it below 45. i mostly ride around 25-35 mph. Safety to me is having a huge buffer between riding speed and top speed. The 16x or any kingsong at 30 mph is far more dangerous than riding a sherman at 40 mph. You're at the max limit of the KS while there is still a big buffer for the sherman.
  5. I've ridden everything out except the v11, have ridden the S18 plenty. Demo V11 is coming in shortly from EUCO for our local group so I'll be testing that out as well. I'm sure it won't be that drastically different suspension wise from S18. Suspension wheels have one aspect they are good at, smoothing out bumps and reducing impact. But that's it, they have too many other compromises at this stage for me to consider them as the "best wheel". Too many moving pieces and parts to maintain, too many failure points, battery limitations, speed limitations, etc. I'll likely get a suspension wheel as a side wheel soon for slow rolls, but if I'm declaring a best wheel of 2020 it has to be the sherman.
  6. In 2015 I had a top speed of 20 mph and 5 miles of range on a boosted. How things have changed, I was able to hit 40 mph within the first 5 miles of getting on this and I know I can safety get close to 50 mph. Range anxiety is non existent. But most of all the balance and stability of this wheel is perfection. I've had all the 2019-2020 gotway wheels, many kingsongs, and inmotions. I declare this the most stable wheel I've ever ridden. The perfect balance, the lower center of gravity, combined with that knobby tire makes it so easy to go fast in a straight line. Is it perfect? Of course not, no wheel is. But it's the closet to perfection for street riding currently. MSP is the closest to perfection for trail riding. If you are on the fence about this, just get it. YOLO.
  7. There's a huge group in detroit. We ride weekly but the next big ride is labor day. If you aren't in the EUC detroit chat let me know. Message me here or if you're on instagram message me there @euc_malik
  8. The onewheel is a literal death trap. I've been riding PEVs for so long and my only major injury has been on the onewheel. I overpowered it at under manufacturers stated top speed and I'm only 140 lbs. The limits of this device are low. Additionally the design of it makes it easy for the foot pads to dig into things when going up hill. The sideways stance will always make sure you shoulder check the pavement at whatever speed you were riding at, hence the 1000s of broken collar bones. If you want to see horrific pictures, join onewheel crash group on facebook to see broken bones sticking out of skin, broken spines, people in hospital beds, etc. Yet they say it's all about the stoke and the float. If I try to say EUCs are safer and better, literally you will get a gang of people saying you look like a dork on an euc and they would never want to do that. In fact if you are on that facebook onewheel crash group, just search Marc Malik and see my post with 300+ comments saying how onewheel is better than EUC. Sadly I was one of these people blinded by the onewheel, until I discovered the EUC which is by far the safest PEV out. The larger tires, your weight being on top of the motor rather than in front/back of it, more powerful motors, bigger batteries, and more advanced warning mechanisms when approaching limits make it soooo much safer than a onewheel.
  9. Make sure all parameters in darkness bot are adjusted for your wheel. Voltage and battery size etc. i wouldn’t put it past Gotway to put a 2000w motor in there instead of 2500w. But that should be visibly not as thick. Additionally they need to use the appropriate firmware for the 2000w version. So if you do have the mss or whatever, it was made as an Mss and got mixed in? But this likely isn’t the case. What we do know is pro beeps in low 30s while the 2000w motor beeps at high 30s.
  10. Interesting, from feedback from a few sources beeps start 30-32 on newer 2500w motor vs high 30s on 2000w motor. I know you can take it up to 37 at your own risk but you should be at 80% motor capacity in low 30s. The mspro is the only wheel I haven’t tried personally yet though. I’d be a bit concerned about getting it as my street wheel since I’m so acclimated to the high speeds of the 100v MSX snd monster... I may push the pro too high and cause a cut out. Would like to know if anyone else besides you who didn’t get the 80% warning in low 30s on the pro..
  11. This is not what I have heard about the Pro. The beeps should come in at 32 ish. You sure you didn’t miss them?? 36-38 is cutout zone on the pro.
  12. And the cutouts keep happening, when will kingsong lower the limit here.
  13. Pedals dipped forward slowly and then very quickly after that. It seemed like it just ran out of power. I did not have any soft tiltback, and my hard tiltback was set to 50 so I cut off about 4-5 kph before that. I cannot attribute this to rider error, or at the very least I can say I would have never cut out on the MSX/Nikola riding the exact same way I was on the KS16x. I do know this wheel has cut out on others before, more than just what is shown on the forum. It is true that people use their heart when buying because despite a whole thread of kingsong 16X issues spanning multiple pages, this is one of the best selling wheels in the country. I still love this wheel, but there's some trust issues beyond certain speeds now. I have a new control board for it, which apparently according to @redfoxdude does not resolve the lack of power/dipping issue/potential cut out issue. Will I be brave enough to test that again? Likely not. The question is are you testing it for a pedal dip appropriately at higher speeds? Likely not because somewhere in your mind you know that there can potentially be a cut off and that will be preventing you from putting a bit of force in the ankle flick at higher speed (rightfully so).
  14. I got intentionally did the dipping in the video, but my cutout was unintentional. Just acceleration from 26 and at 27 ish it dipped and kept on dipping till I was on the floor ha. At this limit, you will be 100% okay. 40 km/h is no problem. KS 16X has already had a few hardware changes like a change in design in the control board, and I have a feeling their may be more.
  15. Do you have the newest control board? Or were you not able to dip the pedals even when you had your first batch control board?
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