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About uekarashi

  • Birthday 09/16/1988

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  • EUC
    InMotion V3Pro / KS18L / IPS S5

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  1. Huh, I wonder. I do basically use it for my commute. I haven't run into new issues so far, so hopefully it was just my phone being more useless than usual that day
  2. Perhaps. I tried it again yesterday - PIP disabled, tour tracking on, CSV off - and that was fine! I can't imagine CSV logging is the choke point, so hopefully this was just a heisenbug that never shows up again
  3. Just give it an increasing series of thumps, it'll be fine
  4. I only bother mentioning it because @Seba's Wheellog didn't cause the same phone to struggle, and EUC.world does. I'm happy for you.
  5. That would be pretty cool. I'll run my own build and until that's out then. Ta! Additionally, the new map display while riding is pretty excellent, but running the app seems to bog my phone down completely to the point of unusability. I have PIP disabled in case that was what was chewing up resources, but simply running CSV+tour tracking made me unable to launch my camera, swap to IM to check in with @hyperair, and so on. Has this been observed? I'm running on a Xiaomi Mi A1, stock Google One.
  6. Nice. I see there's potentially room left in PreferencesFragment - should I go ahead and figure out how to reimplement PR #3 from WheelLog?
  7. It's not the only top-heavy wheel on the market; the InMotion V5f and V8 are also top-heavy due to battery placement.
  8. This would be really perfect; I really only want my cool long trip to just be a single-coloured line so it shows up as my 'latest' trip for the forum signature. No stats/graphs at all is great.
  9. Oh, not at all. I just didn't want anyone misled that I had any kind of skills at all, when I was just hacking on it for selfish reasons. Nor more wheels than I actually have who do you think I am, @Marty Backe?
  10. I'm not going to be working on Z series support or features, as I don't own a Z wheel. I'm only really hacking on WheelLog to scratch my own use itches and will only submit PRs for those I think might be useful for at least a few other people.
  11. You're absolutely right - I eventually swapped to M3x30 and it works great! This is great right now.
  12. Following on from this excellent suggestion, I 3dprinted a kickstand instead, because 1) I kept waking up too late on the weekends to get to the hardware shops here, 2) this means I don't have to drill anything It's on Thingiverse: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3715805 And @Lutalo, M3x35mm worked perfectly for me with the 3dprinted model:
  13. @Seba - This is old news, but I've just submitted a PR to add an 'Edit user distance', that allows one to key in the number that @hyperair kindly restored for me, directly into Wheellog itself. This will come in useful as I'm of a mind to try developing support for the newly-acquired IPS S5 and will thus be performing out-of-band updates frequently
  14. There's a couple of new hashtags, #inmotionv12 and #inmotionvx, that's been showing up on inmotion_jason's instagram...
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