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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. You know the answer, you just don't like it At least you got a less ugly yellow stripe instead of green. Why are these stripes there???
  2. I don't believe you can influence that with the charging behavior. A weak/bad cell is just going to cause a problem sooner or later. Why would they do that??!! Good tip, holy ****.
  3. What, why, huh? I just want to know at which speed the 3rd alarm (5 beeps) appears on the 100V (and 84V) Nikola at 100% battery charge. That's all I want to know. Someone please find that out. People can speed all they want for all I care. Just don't die before telling us that speed (afterwards is fine).
  4. I don't mean the final switch off/"lift" speed, but the 3rd alarm (5 beeps) speed. If the Nikola works like all other Gotways, the 3rd alarm is speed- and battery charge-dependent (highest at 100% and going down linearly to some lower speed at 10%). So a lift test (lifting the wheel and slowly spinning it up, kph by kph) will reveal how fast you can ride the Nikola without beeping, which is what counts (and also gives comparison to the other Gotways).
  5. Not my video. Third video by this particular guy, trying the V10F.
  6. I'm not saying you shouldn't ride that speed. I'm just saying you don't have to. A simple lift test will reveal the Nikola 100% battery (or whatever you are at, but of course 100% is most interesting) top speed.
  7. Someone just do a lift test already!You don't have to ride that speed.
  8. Bike: *just standing there* 18L (angrily): So he's got a new one... even nicely draped on that wood. 16X (naively): Oh hai, I'm new here, who are you? Let's be friends! Woah, that sure is bad weather out there, glad I'm dry in here! And they you leave the room for a second and... Wheel drama!
  9. The 18L looks like it is considering shoving the 16X into the rain (to die) out of jealousy
  10. THAT WAS A JOKE. THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE WHATSOEVER BEFORE OR AFTER 1000 MILES. CHARGE WHENEVER YOU WANT TO. Rules for batteries: Do not keep them very full or very empty for a long time (~weeks). Ideally, store your wheel at maybe 90% and top up the day before a ride or so. But even that is almost overly careful. Charging to 100% by default if you use the wheel regularly is no issue either. For long term storage, start at something like 70%. As long as they don't go lower by themselves into "very empty" territory (e.g. vampire drain on the Z10), you can keep them like this forever, months and years. No maintenance needed besides being sure they don't discharge for some reason. Regularly (maybe once a month) charge to 100% and keep the charger in and give the cells some time to balance. This prevents subtle differences piling up into something that degrades the battery life or even damages the cells in the extreme case. Use them! EUCs are not for standing around or babying the battery. Never ever do not charge if you might need the charge. In doubt, charge! By the time you notice any battery degradation (which would only be a small loss of capacity = range anyways), your wheel is old and beat up and you will have a new one already. For reference, 200 charge cycles on the 16X (when maybe the degradation slowly starts) is 16000km/10k miles (80km range for the 1600Wh * 200). 500 cycles (a reasonable number where you might have 80% of the original capacity) is 40000km/25k miles. Those are huge numbers. These batteries are much more robust than everyone believes. And the are meant to be used anyways. Do not run the battery down (only charge when it gets empty). It is always safer for you to ride with the highest possible battery charge (the batteries themselves wouldn't care). E.g. if you ride to work every day, charge to 90% or 100% every day, instead of riding for 3 days and then only charging when the battery is empty. (This mainly goes for smaller batteries and as a general rule, the huge 16X battery has so much reserves, it will allow high performance even at very low charge. But there's simply no reason not to charge.)
  11. Never confuse the deflation when something is wrong with a wheel (I know the feeling!) with how great the wheel itself is. I'm sure some 1st batch Nikola owners regretted not getting an MSX, and where are they now? Happy! My impression, 16X owners are one firmware update away from greatness. Can't wait for some 16X range and mountain test results.
  12. Hab ich gar nicht mitgekriegt. Sieht so aus als wär auch der Fahrer schuld. Würde mich interessieren was "serious injuries" heisst - schwer verletzt oder nur mehr als "leicht verletzt"?
  13. I would triple ask "You know, on passenger planes these are not allowed at all by international regulation, are you really sure? Dangerous goods etc." but that is great news. Just be careful not to be stranded in a foreign country and then you can't take your EUC back if there's no military flight back You can start your own thread about this. Maybe post on Facebook (Insta? If that makes sense...) so people have a reference they can link to.
  14. Don't give up, hold fast. It was clear (with a bit of goodwill) from what you originally wrote that you mean the 16S and 18XL ride more nimbly while the MSX, Nikola and 16X are more planted and tank-like, which is why you say the Nikola and 16X are similar. Somehow people are just on edge since the 16X release. Kingsongers are disappointed that they can't just say the 16X is better than the Nikola, which by all rights it should have been, because of all these (smaller) quirks and issues (or maybe they are just, you know, annoyed by these annoying quirks and issues). Meanwhile, Gotway stans have to hold back their Schadenfreude for civility and stay quiet on their opinion that Gotways just ride better to prevent the KS vs. GW civil war from breaking out again. (Some hyperbole in this paragraph) As you do have both wheels (keep your profile up to date on that btw), feel free to post your first-hand impressions of the 16X and the Nikola in the appropriate places (like here!), and formulate how you like. Don't let any (perceived) obstacle stop you "Original content" is still the best of content here.
  15. This is hilarious. EUCs are like Alien artifacts, we have to figure out how the mysterious lights work and what they mean
  16. Nö, weiss ich nicht, wo? Ich kenne nur eine alte Frau, die in Spanien vor einen Scooter gelatscht ist und dann anscheinend gestorben ist. Hat auch niemand behauptet. Ich glaube du hast manchmal Probleme, Sprache zu verstehen, und nimmst alles 100% wörtlich. "EUCs gefährden niemanden" heisst, dass EUCs keine auch nur im geringsten nennenswerte zusätzliche Gefahr für andere Leute darstellen, insbesondere im Vergleich zu anderen Fahrzeugen. Gibt sicher auch paar alte Leute, die von Fußgängern aus dem Gleichgewicht gebracht wurden und unglücklich gefallen sind und das wars dann halt. Trotzdem ist es "für niemanden gefährlich" wenn du zu Fuß gehst.
  17. The key to a good calibration is a) most importantly, NOT having the wheel tilted sideways during the entire calibration b) having the wheel still during the entire calibration. Maybe try another calibration? This dipping/raising stuff really shouldn't happen!
  18. Thank you, but that test wasn't mostly pointless. He did it way too fast, instead of carefully increasing the speed by single kphs. All this gives is an approximate no-load shut-off speed, but not the much more meaningful 3rd alarm speed where the beeps appear.
  19. Gutes Argument. EUC kann man nur fahren wenn man es gelernt hat. Anders als Rad oder Scooter. Aber wie gesagt, es ging sowieso nie um die Gefährdung. Das ist nur vorgeschoben. Ansonsten müsste man zuerst was gegen Autos tun. Das hat mich auch überrascht, das der ADAC eher auf unserer Seite ist (naja, Scooter halt) und die Fahrradfahrer gegen alles. Hätte das Gegenteil erwartet - die militanten Autofahrer sehen alles andere als Ras- und Verkehrhindernis, und die Radler haben Verständnis. Vielleicht liegts an der Spandex-Fraktion, oder die Leute die in einen Fahrradclub gehen sind alle so komisch drauf.
  20. Es geht aber nicht um die Gefahr, sich selber zu verletzen, sondern andere. Ich glaube kaum das Motorradfahrer viele Leute an- oder überfahren. Wie gesagt, Autos sind in jeder Hinsicht um Größenordnungen gefährlicher.
  21. Es geht aber nicht um theoretische Möglichkeiten oder Rabulistik ("niemand" meint "niemand" wörtlich), sondern um das was tatsächlich passiert (oder wenigstens realistischerweise passieren kann). Und da ist jedes Fahrrad gefährlicher (da höher), mal ganz abgesehen von Autos.
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