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    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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    Begode Master, Inmotion V10F

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  1. Just get an aftermarket set of brackets that allow a different/longer stroke than the Begode brackets and end your anguish. I bought the Hoopite brackets combined with a 200mm FastAce shock with a 550lb spring and compression/rebound adjustments. I realize that the added price to mod the wheel isn't great, but it's better than suffering and wishing you had a different wheel altogether. I truly feel that the Master is a great wheel that many will realize as years go by.
  2. I'd appreciate a brighter trip odometer. 👍 Great job on the app.
  3. I experienced the same tapping of the valve stem against the chassis after changing out my V10f tire tube. I believe it was aftermarket, as the original OEM tube has the properly angled stem. I guess you could possibly shim the valve stem with a couple of washers before putting the stem into the wheel rim hole. What I did on mine is glue washers, 8 of them in all, over top of the axle bolt holes and slip the chassis back over the shims, essentially splaying out the chassis so it doesn't hit the valve stem anymore.
  4. I changed out the charge port on my Master and about the only thing I have noticed is that I have not experienced an electrical shock when I connect the charger to the port.
  5. I'm aware that there will be rubber ports to cover the outlets, it's just the mere inconvenience of hooking up the charge cable blindly. I have a kickstand on my Master, but never use it while charging...too unstable. Maybe the KS kickstand is sturdier, but I'd prefer to put it on my own stand, much safer imo.
  6. To me it looks like a refined version of the S22, but with an even smaller battery. This would have been a game breaker a couple of years ago, but not today. And what is it about having the charge ports underneath? Why? To tick off the owner each and everytime they charge it?
  7. Just pulled my Master out of storage for the winter and took it for a spin after installing the new charge board and display board and everything is good. I've seen posts about people bricking their Masters while trying to update firmware and I'm very leary of updating mine now. There are a few Master firmware versions listed in the app (V2.2 2.3 2.4 and Master_G20), so I'm unsure of which version is best/latest, or appropriate for my Master. If I'm not having issues with my current firmware. Should I even consider upgrading the firmware?
  8. Hey guys, I ordered these new design linkage plates from AliExpress, but no instructions were included. Does anyone here know in what orientation these mount up? Can someone provide a simple drawing?
  9. I printed this handle from Thingiverse that was designed for the Master Pro. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5612903 It still fits using 2 of the 3 mounting holes, which in fact makes it somewhat modular, as you can mount it using either the front 2 screw holes or the back 2 holes. Mounting it using the front 2 holes makes it sturdier, imo.
  10. For some reason, the links don't seem to direct to your videos for me. 🤷‍♂️
  11. Are you cutting the new linkage plates out of aluminum? 1/4" thick enough?
  12. I noticed early on that my wheel had the "dead zone", "free play", "rocking motion", "looseness" or whatever anyone wants to call it. I found that switching the ride mode from soft to hard reduced the free play significantly. Did anyone else notice the as well?
  13. I remember back in 2005, I bought a new snowmobile and the same thing happened in extreme cold (-25 degrees C), headlight and speedo display didn't come on until it warmed up. I don't know what the manufacturer did, but it was rectified in future models.
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