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About Dr.E.U.C

  • Birthday June 10

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  • Location
    Bogotá (Colombia)
  • EUC
    Veteran Lynx, Veteran Sherman S (Sold), Commander Pro (sold), KS- S22 (Upgraded, sold), KS-16S (sold), KS-6X (sold), Veteran Sherman V2 OG (sold), Extreme Bull Commander HT(sold)

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  1. On the last day, I opened the visor to remove some dirt. At a relatively slow speed of 35km/h, a fly exploded on my left eye (it hurts like hell). I don't want to know what could have happened to my eye at the highest speeds.
  2. I have found this simple app, in case somebody wants a lot of sounds over Bluetooth, based on GPS speed for your EUCs. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=mothorn.warning.sound.electric.vehicle.gps.appCenterArm
  3. You could help Flavien develop the Wheeldash standalone app for Garmin by joining the group in Telegram: https://t.me/+HN536GuwSBo1NzQ0
  4. On the road or in the rain, they tend to be overshadowed by the lights of oncoming cars, as they all are; I have not had the opportunity to test them in totally dark places. I think that the option you used, a 5-inch bar with a flood of 6 LEDs, could behave better with less power draw.
  5. Well, I just moded my CP, installed this Fog light: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0998Q9D2H?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details 20w draw something like 1,66Amps max. have to add a little modifications: Removed the stock lights and printed two caps (one with a hole for ligth cable and o-ring for seal) with 2 printed nuts for press sealing and mounting drilling a hole under the CNC handle, and adding tread for a 5mm bolt for the mount I have printed two spacers for enlarge the front sliders + M5 x 70mm bolts Way better results than stock!! video5118401909207597822.mp4
  6. My CP has been charging since 4 hours ago, the red light has turned on, and it is at 100% (133.7 v). Is there any issue related to the new firmware? Before upgrade, charger went to green light at 100%. The charger is green now; maybe it was taking some more time because of balancing the cells.
  7. Firmware upgraded. I have tried Racing mode, but the CP makes a weird roaring sound. Is this normal?
  8. I also have a S22. Gladly, I will test it.
  9. I hope you could be able to develop manual selective scanning to pair another brands wheels (kingsong, Inmotion, Veteran) Maybe it will be too hard, but your app is good and, I think, has a lot of potential, and even more so now that the supposed EUC World app, which has been under development since December 2021, looks like it will never get the light at this point to me.
  10. - Unmanageable riding over syntetic grass - To give some km (miles) to know the real behavior of a tire. I have found the Shinko 244 bevaves the best, against those
  11. Hi, @Blkfri Is working properly right now! I have another suggestion: Why not add the option to autostart activity recording when opening the app? I have forgotten several times to start recording and have had to press the buttons in the middle of the ride. Another idea could be to allow the user to set up a percentual speed alarm based on the 80% of registered cutout speed, for example: Cutout speed (COS) = 110km/h - 68mph 80% of COS = 88km/h - 54mph Vibrating alarm settings example: at 100% = 88km/h - 54mph at 90% = 79km/h - 49mph
  12. Suggestion: Could it be possible to link one of the buttons to a shortcut to turn on, off, strobe? I know it is possible right now by long-pressing the mid-left button, but you have to follow several steps to proceed; not very secure while ridding
  13. Thanks @EMA I love your designs! Do you have the link for the front protector under the LED bar light?
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