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Dropped MCM4 in a pond


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It's now pretty clean!

It was under the water for a second or two, but it pretty boldly went where no wheel should go. 

It works just fine. It was not too far away from home but I rode around a few km slowly to see how it would behave. Everything seems to be in check. I guess the shell is like a bell volume, and the water simply didn't have the time to crawl deep inside.

I'm not sure what to do. Just wait, or disassemble? I'm not keen on disassembling it really.

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You can check out this video to see what is involved.  It might be a good idea to open it up and make sure there's no water inside still and dry out components.  Distilled water/IPA (Isopropyl alcohol) can also be used carefully to clean electronics components if you disconnect the power I believe.


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Okay, figured it out. Turns out there are two strips of double-sided tape on each side, so brutal prying apart is a required procedure. Pffff.

There was much less water than I was afraid there would be. I gave it a blow of canned air and will leave it to dry for a day or two.

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1 hour ago, Hunka Hunka Burning Love said:

You can check out this video to see what is involved.  It might be a good idea to open it up and make sure there's no water inside still and dry out components.  Distilled water/IPA (Isopropyl alcohol) can also be used carefully to clean electronics components if you disconnect the power I believe.


Good advice! I was looking for water to come pouring out when they disassembled the GW.  My KS was dripping wet. I am still planning to clean it and see if it might work but I doubt it.

Funny how these guys just scatter all of the screws on the floor.


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So I let it a couple of days to dry with the side covers open. Assembled it today and took it for a spin. Rides better than new, pretty smooth without all that dirt that used to be on and in it. Heh and I was afraid of taking it out in a rain.

Thanks everybody for the hints!

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