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ACM - Tire pressure and Android App

Fabian Gutbrod

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I do have only a view kilometers on my new Gotway ACM V2 (820Wh) but I´m very happy so far. There are two things that are a bit strange to me. I had a ninebot before and this was somehow different. 
1- Tire pressure: I normally go with less tire pressure (2bar) because i have some gravel path and small stairs/steps on my way to work. I tried different tire pressure with the ACM but when I have less then 3bar in the tire it feels unstable in low speed but also for 30 km/h. Perfect for stairs and bumps as you feel there is "suspension" from the tire but I think the original tires are only good for more pressure. I did not find information about this topic for the ACM therefore I would like to know what you have in your tire as a good compromise. 
2- The app: First testrun I had installed the app electro-sport.de (as this was the only one in the appstore when you type gotway that looked OK). This allows maximum 36 km/h for the tilt back function. That´s was totally ok for the first run and made fun but as I would like to go fast 40 km/h I installed the app that was posted in this forum to download from facebook page. When I run this app the first time there was an update available. So right now I have the new version 2.11 installed but this only allows maximum 30 km/h for tilt back.
So I wonder which version I should search for that allows higher speeds for the ACM.

Thanks a lot. :thumbup:

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Por la Presión de los Neumáticos, Usted Dębe TRATAR con Diferentes Presiones Hasta Que encuentre El que Mas le guste, Que Tenia templores con mi Msuper un 35 klm y hora ya no me pasa y Es Posible DEBIDO a la Presión, Pero tan bien Ahora Porque Tengo Más confianza una Altas VELOCIDADES, puedo USAR la Aplicación de Google Play gotway del androide, es para establecer mi rueda, elimino Las Dos Primeras Alarmas y se jubilan la tilbak, y la dureza de los pedales en la comunicación, párr paseoa utilizo otra application Google Play WHEEILOG



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I just got my ACM on yesterday, so haven't had any opportunity to seriously ride it outside yet.  And its rainy outside today.  However, I have had pump up the tire and patch together the proper app to use.  From what I'm finding so far, the Gotway app, it's functionality, distribution, etc. is appalling.

Thankfully there are some talented individuals out there that help fill the Gotway voids. 

So for App I have decided to stick with the one from "electro-sport.de" to configure settings and use Wheellog as suggested by @Jose Otal for data monitoring.  I'm convinced there is no decent Gotway app.

I also have a NB1 and coming from it with it's nice and easily obtainable app, I did not expect to have frustration with apps when I got the Gotway ACM.... So sad actually.

For tire pressure I simply use 45psi.  Used this on my 9B1 as well. 

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5 hours ago, Fabian Gutbrod said:

So right now I have the new version 2.11 installed but this only allows maximum 30 km/h for tilt back.

For me version 2.11 Gotway App only allowed a maximum 25 km/h for tilt back for me.  I wonder if the max setting for tilt back is dependent on the motor type installed in the ACM.  Mine has the HB motor.

Perhaps I should set a max tilt back of 25km/h until we better understand what Gotway is hiding.  

I noticed in a video done by EU Guy on YouTube, where his ACM motor was the HB style also. He had done some high speed testing also.

I'm so confused... almost regret buying the thing, so much mystery about the product.

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14 minutes ago, Wagtenor said:

For me version 2.11 Gotway App only allowed a maximum 25 km/h for tilt back for me.  I wonder if the max setting for tilt back is dependent on the motor type installed in the ACM.  Mine has the HB motor.

Perhaps I should set a max tilt back of 25km/h until we better understand what Gotway is hiding.  

I noticed in a video done by EU Guy on YouTube, where his ACM motor was the HB style also. He had done some high speed testing also.

I'm so confused... almost regret buying the thing, so much mystery about the product.

can be you got a used one from "first-second batches"?!....Yes...i have read somethings where new 12 mosfet boards and a old motortype of a specific batch (in the beginning) did not match up and made the user set to a highest speed of 30kmh....

And i know EU guy has a 6 mosfet old ACM...as far as i know

perhaps you should ask your seller if he changed the board...

seen that when ACM was new on facebook ( or was it here? @Kevin Grandon was that you?)




if your ACM is new:

i trully believe you only have android app problem like some others mentioned on FB gotwaygroup....


but its mysterious as you have the very old pedals -red- when i remember correctly, that you said that....could not be "brandnew" type....

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4 hours ago, KingSong69 said:

Yes...i have read somethings where new 12 mosfet boards and a old motortype of a specific batch (in the beginning) did not match up and made the user set to a highest speed of 30kmh....

@KingSong69 can you share a reference to this issue?  Thanks.  By the way the Gotway app only allows me to set max tiltback to 25km/h.  The OP said the max presented to him is 30km/h and we're using the same version app.  Do you know why the Gotway app requires the user to enter motor s/n?

Mine came with the 12 MOSFETs, HB motor and pedals with red rubber on it. And was configured that way when made at factory.

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39 minutes ago, Wagtenor said:

@KingSong69 can you share a reference to this issue?  Thanks.  By the way the Gotway app only allows me to set max tiltback to 25km/h.  The OP said the max presented to him is 30km/h and we're using the same version app.  Do you know why the Gotway app requires the user to enter motor s/n?

Mine came with the 12 MOSFETs, HB motor and pedals with red rubber on it. And was configured that way when made at factory.

If i would have the link i would have been given it....Sorry!

i even quoted the member that I thought who had got the issue! More I can not give...sorry!


look for the Gotway group on FB ...there have been people that can't set their tiltback higher than 25...with newest app android...but just a few say that....others don't have that and can set tiltback to 48 (like me with msuper v3)


the "newest" GW app provided social feedback and so on ...but also got this registration process...I know that it proves where your wheel comes from....but don't know if it sets speed/tiltback to certain motor numbers....


i would opt for using an older app version if that sets your limit higher...

I am no ACM owner so I don't know the actual motor quotation....

@Marty Backe do you have a "HB" Motor in your 67 Volt ACM?


beside that:

but i definitely know there have been people having first an ACM (6 mos) ....getting then a new board(12mos)...and than having speed problems...because motor type does not got on with the board....in that time they where told to contact their seller to get a "special Bluetooth update"....


i remember you said your wheel was below 1000 dollar...


thats suspicious low......where do you bought it? 

Sorry, I don't want to disturb or set u up!

its just that what I know...give the quoted people some time to share their knowledge...perhaps they know more!

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1 hour ago, KingSong69 said:

If i would have the link i would have been given it....Sorry!

i even quoted the member that I thought who had got the issue! More I can not give...sorry!


look for the Gotway group on FB ...there have been people that can't set their tiltback higher than 25...with newest app android...but just a few say that....others don't have that and can set tiltback to 48 (like me with msuper v3)


the "newest" GW app provided social feedback and so on ...but also got this registration process...I know that it proves where your wheel comes from....but don't know if it sets speed/tiltback to certain motor numbers....


i would opt for using an older app version if that sets your limit higher...

I am no ACM owner so I don't know the actual motor quotation....

@Marty Backe do you have a "HB" Motor in your 67 Volt ACM?


beside that:

but i definitely know there have been people having first an ACM (6 mos) ....getting then a new board(12mos)...and than having speed problems...because motor type does not got on with the board....in that time they where told to contact their seller to get a "special Bluetooth update"....


i remember you said your wheel was below 1000 dollar...


thats suspicious low......where do you bought it? 

Sorry, I don't want to disturb or set u up!

its just that what I know...give the quoted people some time to share their knowledge...perhaps they know more!

@KingSong69you seem unjustifiably irritated.  Thanks for all the solid information you shared.  Much appreciated.

For the record, I am satisfied with my purchase and am stoked with the performance of my ACM.  It's just difficult trying to understand the nuances of the Gotway ACM life cycle as a product and also obtaining and using the app.

Best wishes....

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1 hour ago, Wagtenor said:

difficult trying to understand the nuances of the Gotway ACM life cycle as a product and also obtaining and using the app.

I agree.  From what I've seen, the speedometer is crazy. like an extra, silent warning, a visual of battery fluctuations.:wacko:

I mean, speedyfeetUk the screenshot shows the speedometer going crazy:huh:

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5 hours ago, steve454 said:

I agree.  From what I've seen, the speedometer is crazy. like an extra, silent warning, a visual of battery fluctuations.:wacko:

I mean, speedyfeetUk the screenshot shows the speedometer going crazy:huh:

All that I've ever used is the Wheellog app and it gives very smooth reading. But you're probably out of luck if you only have an IOS device.

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19 hours ago, Fabian Gutbrod said:

I do have only a view kilometers on my new Gotway ACM V2 (820Wh) but I´m very happy so far. There are two things that are a bit strange to me. I had a ninebot before and this was somehow different. 
1- Tire pressure: I normally go with less tire pressure (2bar) because i have some gravel path and small stairs/steps on my way to work. I tried different tire pressure with the ACM but when I have less then 3bar in the tire it feels unstable in low speed but also for 30 km/h. Perfect for stairs and bumps as you feel there is "suspension" from the tire but I think the original tires are only good for more pressure. I did not find information about this topic for the ACM therefore I would like to know what you have in your tire as a good compromise. 
2- The app: First testrun I had installed the app electro-sport.de (as this was the only one in the appstore when you type gotway that looked OK). This allows maximum 36 km/h for the tilt back function. That´s was totally ok for the first run and made fun but as I would like to go fast 40 km/h I installed the app that was posted in this forum to download from facebook page. When I run this app the first time there was an update available. So right now I have the new version 2.11 installed but this only allows maximum 30 km/h for tilt back.
So I wonder which version I should search for that allows higher speeds for the ACM.

Thanks a lot. :thumbup:

I set my tire pressure on all my wheels to the maximum listed on the tire. But this is very personal.

I have avoided the new Social app. I can't stand the idea that it requires to be online and a motor registration. Get the older apps. They've been posted to the Facebook group but if you absolutely can't find it shoot me a message with your e-mail address and I'll e-mail you what I use (Android). I can set the tiltback to 45 (or higher - can't remember right now) and set all the other configurations very easy.

Since I use Wheellog the only use I have for the Gotway app is for calibration, which is rarely required.


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8 hours ago, KingSong69 said:


i would opt for using an older app version if that sets your limit higher...

I am no ACM owner so I don't know the actual motor quotation....

@Marty Backe do you have a "HB" Motor in your 67 Volt ACM?



I don't know what "HB" means. My last ACM was purchased in October from relatively new stock. Never had any speed issues or limitations that I know of. Definitely agree that people should stick with the older app. I see no value in the new Social app - hate it. But maybe that's just me. 

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6 hours ago, Marty Backe said:

I don't know what "HB" means. My last ACM was purchased in October from relatively new stock. Never had any speed issues or limitations that I know of. Definitely agree that people should stick with the older app. I see no value in the new Social app - hate it. But maybe that's just me. 

normally the motor number on the rim there is a one or two letter for the "type"....in the front...or nearby the number

for eample on my V3 its QJ

in the beginning of ACM there have been HB and another....but if you dont have any HB on the rim...you have another

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I would try this..

Get the "1)GotwayAndroidAppMCM4ACMEnglish151028" from here:


Turn on the wheel and connect, don't try to change settings while riding.
Set ride mode to "powerful" (hardest).
Disable first and second alarms.
Disable tiltback.
Don't touch anything else.
Disconnect and restart the wheel.
Obey the last alarm (80% power).

Use this to check range and speed:


Have fun :thumbup:

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Well I played a lot with different apps and version right now. If Wheellog would allow to change the settings this would be my only app. For driving it is right now but to change the settings I always go to the GW app. For the newest version you can only set 25 km/h tilt back on the screen BUT you can click on "show more" and then you have automatically 30 km/h set as speed. Today I had my first crash with the ACM. If you disable tilt back totally then you might get a bit faster than 45 km/h and even will 80% battery the ACM can not handle this speed. As I put the phone in the pocket during riding I can not say how fast I am right now. (The alarm is nearly permanent on, I think it starts already at 35 km/h)
I would love to have the tilt back at 40 km/h. One simple alarm at the same speed and one more alarm that you will not ignore at 43 km/h. Normally I think the traveling speed will be at 35 to 40 km/h what feels very stable and safe. So if someone is in direct contact with the manufacturer it would be perfect If they allow to set the speed and the tilt back function absolutely free. For tire pressure I know use 2,7 bar. That feels comfortable and stable but when you go slow you are not that agile. Maybe I will increase a bit when I made some close up video of the tire when overcuming curbsides. 
So as a conclusion I do not recomand to turn "tilt back" function but would like to set it to 40 km/h together with the alarm. Does anybody have version where this is possible?
Thanks :thumbup:

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8 minutes ago, Fabian Gutbrod said:

For the newest version you can only set 25 km/h tilt back on the screen BUT you can click on "show more" and then you have automatically 30 km/h set as speed.

Thanks for this - you are correct. I didn't notice this before... so we both show Max 30 km/h using Gotway app v2.11.  

Unfortunately though it's still not clear to me whether anyone is seeing higher than 30 km/h tilt back for ACM with latest Gotway app.

It seems that Msuper V3 is allowing higher tilt back setting though.  So not sure if app can tell the difference of which wheel (ACM or Msuper) by S/N or by motor number that must input by user.  An interesting test would be to input motor number from Msuper v3 but connect to ACM in app.  Slowly the mysteries can be unravelled. 

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3 hours ago, KingSong69 said:

normally the motor number on the rim there is a one or two letter for the "type"....in the front...or nearby the number

for eample on my V3 its QJ

in the beginning of ACM there have been HB and another....but if you dont have any HB on the rim...you have another

Ah, I see. Unfortunately I don't have an ACM to check now (until this Friday).

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1 hour ago, nomad said:

I would try this..

Get the "1)GotwayAndroidAppMCM4ACMEnglish151028" from here:


Turn on the wheel and connect, don't try to change settings while riding.
Set ride mode to "powerful" (hardest).
Disable first and second alarms.
Disable tiltback.
Don't touch anything else.
Disconnect and restart the wheel.
Obey the last alarm (80% power).

Use this to check range and speed:


Have fun :thumbup:

Cool app - thanks for posting it.

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1 hour ago, Fabian Gutbrod said:

So as a conclusion I do not recomand to turn "tilt back" function but would like to set it to 40 km/h together with the alarm. Does anybody have version where this is possible?
Thanks :thumbup:

I don't know whether you meant to say turn it 'on' or 'off'. But the main reason that I now keep tilt-back off is for safety (which sounds strange I know). It may have been here but I think it was on Facebook somewhere, where a person related how when tilt-back kicks in at high speed when you may not have a lot of battery juice left, the motor may turn off. This is because tilt-back requires more energy to kick-in, and if you don't have the energy bad things happen.  It all makes sense to me so I keep tilt-back turned off.

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The last alarm is the final alarm, it can not be disabled and is not conservative, it means back off, seriously. How many alarms do you need? Answer: you only need one alarm, the last warning. Secondly, tiltback is not a warning, it's an override to take over control from the rider, to prevent reaching a dangerous speed. In this case that means anything over 35 km/h.

So on a 35 km/h wheel, such as the 67.2V ACM, what is the function of setting tiltback higher than 30 km/h? That's only a 5 km/h tiltback buffer and that's the minimum needed to relatively safely prevent you from overloading the wheel and setting off the 36+ km/h alarm. Setting tiltback over 30 km/h is too late as it will accelerate the wheel when it activates, the opposite of what is needed to stay below 80%. It works at 30 km/h because it has a 5 km/h buffer to accelerate and force you to lean backward. It boosts away in front of you and tilts up the pedals to catch you so braking can be applied automatically without throwing you off. If you disable tiltback then you remain in control over the full speed range of the wheel.

If 35 km/h is too slow or if 30 km/h optional tiltback is too low then you need a faster wheel. I just want to help you understand that this is not a wheel built for riding on beeps when both the first and second alarms have been disabled...

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1 hour ago, Wagtenor said:

Unfortunately though it's still not clear to me whether anyone is seeing higher than 30 km/h tilt back for ACM with latest Gotway app.

normally you can set tiltback in 3kmh steps from 3 to 6 ....up to 48 kmh...or set tiltback "off" in general, so no tiltback!

Latest version and also earlier versions of the app all have that.....


only some few people seam to have problems with it...here someone else to experience that:



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1 hour ago, Marty Backe said:

I don't know whether you meant to say turn it 'on' or 'off'. But the main reason that I now keep tilt-back off is for safety (which sounds strange I know). It may have been here but I think it was on Facebook somewhere, where a person related how when tilt-back kicks in at high speed when you may not have a lot of battery juice left, the motor may turn off. This is because tilt-back requires more energy to kick-in, and if you don't have the energy bad things happen.  It all makes sense to me so I keep tilt-back turned off.

i now this stories, also. And had mine tiltback set to "off" also, because of it. this makes totally sense and i myself experienced a high speed crash because of a wheel becoming wobbly because of high speed tiltback! (other wheel - long ago)


when i hear the latest alarm at about 36-38 i know its time to NOT go ANY faster! And by the way, i am 100kg....and the wheel does its job!

i would allways advise, not to ride faster than last alarm...and only drive that fast (max last alarm) if it is not uphill...or againsts fat windbows...or on a bumpy road/way!


And what i found great about the latest GW...that they are able to ride that fast up to 30-35% batterie...and still deliver the same high lift off cut out and power! My experiences...more down with batterie i did not test!

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