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Southern California trail ride along video - long

Marty Backe

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It's been 15 days since I attempted to step on my first EUC - the Gotway ACM 16. I've become decent enough that I decided to film an 18+ mile trip around the Los Angeles San Gabriel river trail and adjacent parks.

It's a long video, but you can obviously skip around or not watch it at all. There's some decent trail footage around 50 minutes in, as an example.


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That was fun.  I commute on the 605 every day, and I see the bicycles, and have always wondered about that trail system. 

Now if only there were "super charger stations" along the way where you could recharge your wheel like a Tesla car, that would be great!


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I thought that unicycles are faster than bicycles.With all due respect, I also noticed that you're going really slow Marty, is that because you've tried going fast and fell? I'm asking because I ordered an acm just like yours and live in the LA area as well.

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42 minutes ago, swvision said:

I thought that unicycles are faster than bicycles.With all due respect, I also noticed that you're going really slow Marty, is that because you've tried going fast and fell? I'm asking because I ordered an acm just like yours and live in the LA area as well.

I'll bet he was going slowly to conserve battery life.  That trail from end to end is 38 miles long, so an out and back would be beyond the range of a 820wh battery.

Just my guess.


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37 minutes ago, swvision said:

I thought that unicycles are faster than bicycles.With all due respect, I also noticed that you're going really slow Marty, is that because you've tried going fast and fell? I'm asking because I ordered an acm just like yours and live in the LA area as well.

hey...he is just driving 15 days :-) for that time he is doing very well!

really secure and safe...on fast driving especially...you will feel only after a lot riding 2-6 weeks!

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Thanks for the comments guys. I think the max speed inside some of the parks was ~18 mph. As some noted, I've only been riding EUCs for 2 weeks, so I don't yet push the speed a lot.  And on the river bed, keep in mind that I'm fighting a steady ocean head wind (the wind noise is reduced substantially because of the deadcat on my microphone). Anybody who has ridden this trail in the afternoon can attest to how strong the winds are.

35 minutes ago, Questor said:

I'll bet he was going slowly to conserve battery life.  That trail from end to end is 38 miles long, so an out and back would be beyond the range of a 820wh battery.

Just my guess.


No, so far I never ride to conserve the battery. In this case I'm fighting a strong ocean head wind that funnels up the river.

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1 hour ago, swvision said:

I thought that unicycles are faster than bicycles.With all due respect, I also noticed that you're going really slow Marty, is that because you've tried going fast and fell? I'm asking because I ordered an acm just like yours and live in the LA area as well.

It's pretty easy (as a past bicyclist) to go 20+ on a bicycle. Most EUCs - not so much.  The deadcat on my microphone was muffling the very strong ocean headwinds that I was fighting on the trail, so it looks like I'm going slow for no reason.

You'll love your ACM. Trust me, it goes scary fast when you're not fighting against the wind. I still reserve scary fast speeds for short bursts.

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57 minutes ago, Marty Backe said:

It's pretty easy (as a past bicyclist) to go 20+ on a bicycle. Most EUCs - not so much.  The deadcat on my microphone was muffling the very strong ocean headwinds that I was fighting on the trail, so it looks like I'm going slow for no reason.

You'll love your ACM. Trust me, it goes scary fast when you're not fighting against the wind. I still reserve scary fast speeds for short bursts.

Thank you, Marty! I cant wait to try it out.

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42 minutes ago, MaxLinux said:

You mentioned the deadcat on your microphone. I'm curious about this, because many EUC videos have severe wind noise. Were you using an external mic, or did you attach the deadcat to your cam somehow?

I shot this video with a Canon Vixia HF100 HD camcorder. Mounted on top is the Canon DM-100 directional microphone with the deadcat. Everything was mounted on a  Manfrotto monopod. On the heavy side, but works great.








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Hello.... i'm greg

new to the forum and looking seriously at the ACM 16

Loved the video.... 

what you did there, after only 15 days of riding was amazing to me.... the fact that you did it with THAT VIDEO SETUP

(which is INSANE) makes it all the more incredible

well done and thanks for sharing

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4 hours ago, Greg Spalding said:

Hello.... i'm greg

new to the forum and looking seriously at the ACM 16

Loved the video.... 

what you did there, after only 15 days of riding was amazing to me.... the fact that you did it with THAT VIDEO SETUP

(which is INSANE) makes it all the more incredible

well done and thanks for sharing

Thanks, my arm was a little tired at the end ;-)  I attribute my rapid riding advances to time on the wheel. In 17 days now I've put a bit over 175 miles on the ACM. I really do enjoy the ACM.

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3 hours ago, Marty Backe said:

Thanks, my arm was a little tired at the end ;-)  I attribute my rapid riding advances to time on the wheel. In 17 days now I've put a bit over 175 miles on the ACM. I really do enjoy the ACM.

that is amazing.... very happy to hear that

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