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Firewheel Clone, bit damaged, needs batt.


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I have this issue with the current machine that was in storage and i'm trying to recover it. And it's currently my only euc, so i reeaaaally need to fix it :-O

D6jio49t.jpgĀ xH7hylut.jpgĀ Ri5uo9dt.jpg

Photos in big rez #1 | #2 | #3

It's suffers from downhill road damage, it shut down, i've jumped safely but it started bouncing for like 15m before stoping and some stuff broke :'(Ā 

The following Gif shows a bit of space on the left part of the wheel on pedal/axis


And i've also broken the plastic part protecting the battery level led and the light led. The machine also has 2 of the total 4 screw bases smashed resulting on a gap on the wheelĀ 


Photo in big rez

I've taken into action and opened the parts i could open cause i couldn't split in half to get access to the battery, i want to get to know the kind or even part number to order a new one or replace it with a new custom pack like @esajĀ suggested on the ->

..that the user @1RadWerkstattĀ can build.

Anyways, moving on to some side/internals

p4H2igYt.jpgĀ BVbTDeht.jpg

Photos on big rez #1 | #2

Now to the questions part.

  • I need to find what kind of Firewheel Clone that is, preferably the model number so i can search online for support, i know i'm far-fetching but at least i can try.
  • I need to replace the battery as soon as possible cause this model has more than 2.000 klm (overĀ 1250 miles) and the battery does sudden shuts
  • After i gather the above i need to know if it's possible for a bms mod to keep me a bit safer while wheeling :P

I know i'm asking a lot, but i'm not that adept with tampering these things, i'm more on the theoretical side of things..

I hope there is someone out there to help me with this thing.. it's the only euc i have left and i hate the fact that i useĀ public transport for my daily commute :-#

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I've seen Firewheel-clones sold on Aliexpress under the name "Macwheel", but don't know much more from them. Can your mainboard be accessed from the outside (like it would seem from the second to last picture)? Certainly very different mainboard, possibly also the entire shell itself (you can't access the mainboard of an original Firewheel from the outside, the entire shell needs to be split in half)Ā and probably also the batteries & bays, I can't tell if packs built for Firewheel could be used there or not.

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Yes the right side does give access to the board but the battery is from the inside of the left.

I'll try again with a friend and shoot better pictures of the process.

Thank you for the research on the Macwheel i'll check it out!

edit: @esajĀ i'm getting "0" results on "Macwheel" on AliExpress

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4 minutes ago, Lefteros (SomniusX) said:

edit: @esajĀ i'm getting "0" results on "Macwheel" on AliExpress

There's new certification requirements in Aliexpress for electricĀ unicycles, so most of them aren't "visible" currently:

Yi Chen from "Rockwheel intelligent technology products store" says that Alibaba group has removed almost all EUC / Electric unicycle items (and if you actually try to search you'll really find very few remaining anywhere) and that all sellers / shops there now need to provide device UL2072 (though maybe he meant UL2272 ??) safety certifications to be able to post and sell any such items and that he needs a "few days" time to deal with that. He also claims that it has no impact on already ordered items and that those will be still shipped as ordered.Ā 


However, google found this:


Whether it's the same model as you have or not, I have no idea...

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OMG it's the same, and i remember the guy that gave it to me said he spray-painted it once..

But nothing much on parts, like all product ads, at least we are in the right path :D

Thank you @esaj that was so fast, amazing search skillz!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've got updates on the insides of my wheel, the Firewheel clone aka Macwheel..

  • Original color was red and it was repainted white
  • The battery was 132Wh instead of 174Wh that was advertised
  • It has more than a couple of broken parts
  • Base screws are "screwed" :PĀ 
  • Left axis is woobly needs extra fixture at the side, will probably get a metal piece stuck to it
  • New battery is on the way, thanks to @puntofatoĀ a fellow Greek that tended to help me :D ( thank you so much bro)

And here are some photos just for the fun!Ā 










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In conclusion, i was told that it had a 170+Wh battery and it will get me from point a to point b, which is a ride about 4,5klm (2,8 miles), but me being 104kg (230 pounds) on an almost 3y old wheel with aĀ 132Wh battery that has more than 2.000klm (1200+ miles) on it, wellĀ you know the rest (read #1 post).

Thing is it's the "only" one i have at the moment, and the current economical situation in Greece (capital controls, over-the-top taxes, etc)Ā doesn't let me gather up enough money in a month to get a better/new one. So, i've reached out to some friends and i'm trying to fix this one so i can commute from home to work everyday and leave the car for the wife and kid, they may need it more than me now that my daughter is 5y old and got passed fromĀ kindergarten to school.Ā 

I'll keep you guys updated with anything that comes up.Ā 

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you can try gluing/patching the old shell with thickĀ abs slurry (mix of acetone andĀ abs - e.g. lego blocks).Ā worked for my old wheel, just takes forever to dry for larger bits, butĀ is practically free

if you have time, bit of electronicsĀ skills and a doseĀ of courage you can make your own high performance battery for ca.120euro

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11 hours ago, Tomek said:

you can try gluing/patching the old shell with thickĀ abs slurry (mix of acetone andĀ abs - e.g. lego blocks).Ā worked for my old wheel, just takes forever to dry for larger bits, butĀ is practically free

if you have time, bit of electronicsĀ skills and a doseĀ of courage you can make your own high performance battery for ca.120euro

There is a new battery on the way, today or tomorrow, and it will be mod'ed into the machine one of these days, it's bigger :PĀ 

About the lego blocks, i've seen this here at the forums and a friend of mine that has a car workshop started working on the left axis by adding a small metal plate to enhance the cheap plastic that holds it, he will add metal to the pedal base that holds them which is cracked in one or two places, and do some re-wire'ing.. leds are fixed and we are missing the transparent plastic pieces that covers the leds and the battery indicator.

Soon!Ā JxruIjS.png

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I've also found the cover of the battery indicator, it was inside the cardboard box i've put the euc inside when we moved under the protective wrapping


Oh man each day gets better and better, hope this week to ride my euc again, revamped/upgradedĀ JxruIjS.pngĀ uo0PBEm.png

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