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Unexpected shutoff? (KS16, FW 1.21)


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Hi all!

Yesterday I was out with some more and less experienced friends trying to learn to master the KS-16. One of my friends, who were trying for the second time and who are not at all able to ride without support tried to hop on by himself. He was practicing this for a couple of times. This ended up with him falling forward on the ground in a quite unlucky way so that he ended up with a fracture on one of his fingers and now he is bandaged for three weeks. As many other people he did not remember what happened that made him fall, if it was him doing something wrong or if the wheel behaved in an unexpected manner and so on.

At that time I also chatted with two of the other friends who we were hanging out with and did not take any notice of what he was doing, therefore I have no idea myself either.

With an unexperienced rider I would not have suspected anything else than that he made some mistake, BUT: while at the hospital, when we were walking - quite fast in a long open corridor - from the emergency department to the x-ray department I used the trolley handle bar to move the wheel while walking. After perhaps 20 to 30 meters I noticed that it suddenly powered off. The auto-balance was lost, the LED lighting turned off and yes, it was clearly powered off...

After the visit at the hospital, I have powered it on again, walked with it in various angles, various speed, rapidly switching between forward and backward movements and so on, trying to reproduce the behavior, but have not managed to accomplish that.

I am a bit confused as to what really happened ( and slightly worried if I can trust the wheel now or not...) and why and what to do now. Do any of you here have any advice? If I for example would disassemble the wheel and look for anything that may have caused this, what would I then look for? 


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Yes, that is indeed worrying. What if the wheel powered off while at speed?

At first I thought it was the known issue with the KS losing balance on standing take of. But when you experienced the shutoff while walking it ... it sounds like something else. I have never guided my wheel with the trolley, I cannot say if this is related. 

Hope you find an answer and share it with us.

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9 minutes ago, johrhoj said:

Yes, that is indeed worrying. What if the wheel powered off while at speed?

At first I thought it was the known issue with the KS losing balance on standing take of. But when you experienced the shutoff while walking it ... it sounds like something else. I have never guided my wheel with the trolley, I cannot say if this is related. 

Hope you find an answer and share it with us.

I was walking with it so it was perhaps with a speed of 6-8 kmh or something like that? I was thinking that perhaps it was tilted too much sideway, but I have tried to reproduce that and it is impossible to make it loose balance due to side-tipping it with the trolley. and even if I did, I assume it would not turn off but just inactivate the self-balancing.

The battery level is right now at 81% by the way, and I have not been charging it since this happened, so it was about that capacity or a little bit more during the incident.


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There have been reports of bad soldering on some large capacitor(s) on the board, you could check to see if it looks like one of the capacitor legs isn't making good contact with the board.

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Any Kind of Problems before?

I for myself would try and try to replicate this fault again...it sounds more like a loose Connection!

What esaj write:

From the Little Crashs of you friends the big capacitor on board perhaps get loose, could be, yip!

If so, you should also recognize the wheel to be "sluggish"..not reactioning very fast....which would be a sign more for  capacitor loose.....

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On 15.8.2016 at 2:41 PM, flass said:

Hi all!

Yesterday I was out with some more and less experienced friends trying to learn to master the KS-16. One of my friends, who were trying for the second time and who are not at all able to ride without support tried to hop on by himself. He was practicing this for a couple of times. This ended up with him falling forward on the ground in a quite unlucky way so that he ended up with a fracture on one of his fingers and now he is bandaged for three weeks. As many other people he did not remember what happened that made him fall, if it was him doing something wrong or if the wheel behaved in an unexpected manner and so on.

At that time I also chatted with two of the other friends who we were hanging out with and did not take any notice of what he was doing, therefore I have no idea myself either.

With an unexperienced rider I would not have suspected anything else than that he made some mistake, BUT: while at the hospital, when we were walking - quite fast in a long open corridor - from the emergency department to the x-ray department I used the trolley handle bar to move the wheel while walking. After perhaps 20 to 30 meters I noticed that it suddenly powered off. The auto-balance was lost, the LED lighting turned off and yes, it was clearly powered off...

After the visit at the hospital, I have powered it on again, walked with it in various angles, various speed, rapidly switching between forward and backward movements and so on, trying to reproduce the behavior, but have not managed to accomplish that.

I am a bit confused as to what really happened ( and slightly worried if I can trust the wheel now or not...) and why and what to do now. Do any of you here have any advice? If I for example would disassemble the wheel and look for anything that may have caused this, what would I then look for? 


Dear EUC friends,

it occurred to me that some radiation originating from the hospital (flass mentioned x-ray dept?! mrt?!) might be the culprit for the spontaneous defect of that KS16.


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14 hours ago, RenaissanceMan said:

Dear EUC friends,

it occurred to me that some radiation originating from the hospital (flass mentioned x-ray dept?! mrt?!) might be the culprit for the spontaneous defect of that KS16.


Interesting thought! It was however quite far from the x-ray when it powered off, not even on the same floor. But perhaps some equipment at the hospital was interfering somehow. do not know if that is even theoretically possible?

anyway, I have been driving a little since this incident, 1 hour maybe, with no sign of malfunction. I have not disassembled it yet, but I will do when I am back home again (on vacation now). 



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I would doubt that xray radiation has any ill effects on electronics equipment.  Laptops and electronics go through airport scanners all the time.  Xray exposures are very brief and emitted in a certain direction to expose film or digital sensors.  Drywall/gypsum effectively stops any scatter radiation, and usually xray facilities in hospitals aren't widely open to people walking by.  MRI machines are pretty well shielded inside rooms and do not emit radiation but use magnetic energy and radio waves for imaging.

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38 minutes ago, HunkaHunkaBurningLove said:

I would doubt that xray radiation has any ill effects on electronics equipment.  Laptops and electronics go through airport scanners all the time.  Xray exposures are very brief and emitted in a certain direction to expose film or digital sensors.  Drywall/gypsum effectively stops any scatter radiation, and usually xray facilities in hospitals aren't widely open to people walking by.  MRI machines are pretty well shielded inside rooms and do not emit radiation but use magnetic energy and radio waves for imaging.

But currently the EUCs are not tested in a driving condition regarding EMC. There's no shielding of the main boards (in most cases) or the harness.

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