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Quote Function [thread SPLIT from "Rules" thread]

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I think quoting from a post right above post should also be frowned down or illegal, too! Just to add simple reply! MONITOR....

What purpose does it serve but make following harder, bad form, and forum extremely  l  o  n  g .  .  .  .

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8 minutes ago, MetricUSA said:

I think quoting from a post right above post should also be frowned down or illegal, too! Just to add simple reply! MONITOR....

What purpose does it serve but make following harder and forum extremely  l  o  n  g .  .  .  .

I totally disagree, and here is why: by the time you complete your answer to the post, other users may have posted theirs. Yours won't be directly just beneath the one you are answering.

It's good practice to shorten the quote to the part you are answering, just like I didn't :). On a PC you can quote just a selected portion of text but not on a mobile, it appears.

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48 minutes ago, MetricUSA said:

I think quoting from a post right above post should also be frowned down or illegal, too! MONITOR....

I do realize that I'm doing the very thing that you frown upon right now.  :D  However, I think there's something you didn't think about.  Here is why I think it's shouldn't be frowned upon or illegal.  Sometimes people answer something and then the person that was replied to edits and changes what they said and could possibly make the reply confusing or even nonsensical without the quote.  I'm open to discussing the pros and cons of this and welcome any further feedback from anyone.

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2 minutes ago, John Eucist said:

I do realize that I'm doing the very thing that you frown upon right now.  :D  However, I think there's something you didn't think about.  Here is why I think it's shouldn't be frowned upon or illegal.  Sometimes people answer something and then the person that was replied to edits and changes what they said and could possibly make the reply confusing or even nonsensical.  I'm open to discussing the pros and cons of this and welcome any further feedback from anyone.

And this is a perfect illustration of what I was saying earlier. This post is below mine and not below the one it answered, but mine wasn't there while this one was typed...

Better yet, it gives another good reason to quote what you are answering :)

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Haha.  @Reivax's point was proven.  I thought I was posting directly under @MetricUSA's.  Secondly, when I replied @MetricUSA didn't have that second line there until he edited that in.

----- merged concurrent post -----

On 6/16/2016 at 1:00 AM, Reivax said:

And this is a perfect illustration of what I was saying earlier. This post is below mine and not below the one it answered, but mine wasn't there while this one was typed...

And I posted my previous reply (the reply above the quote box in this same post) before I saw that you already said what I said. :D

EDIT: The quote box in this post (and the line below it) was a separate post AFTER my reply above the quote box but it got merged together automatically by the forum.

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10 minutes ago, MetricUSA said:

What's the point, the  moniter is one of the worst offenders and others follow lead.... 

What do you mean by "moniter" or even "monitor"?  Did you mean moderator?  As in me?

Did you see the points that @Reivax and I made?  I welcome discussion on weighing the pros and cons and open to criticism on where you think our reasoning is wrong.

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22 minutes ago, John Eucist said:

welcome discussion on weighing the pros and cons and open to criticism on where you think our reasoning is wrong.

It's easy to shorten a quote on a mobile device (as above on my iPad mini) you just quote and then delete the parts you don't need. 

Oh and there is another damn good reason to quote the post you are replying to. The poster gets a notification that you have quoted what he/she said so knows to return to that topic. 

I would only agree with @MetricUSA in the case where a long reply complete with pictures is quoted that does make the forum tedious to plough through. However a short, to the point of the reply, quote is IMHO always advantageous:-)

EDIT: Phew.... Lucky I included the quote as there were two replies whilst I typed the above!

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I think quoting is good and useful, and agree on all the points above (seeing who's answering to what question/replying to what and getting the "ping-back" when someone quotes you). Only problem with quoting is when people quote a post with lots of pictures, and don't remove the pictures from the quote.

You can also quote multiple posts in your own posts, and even breakdown the single quotes (like for answering a question in the middle of the post, and then quote the rest for whatever reason):

2 hours ago, Jurgen said:

Did any of you already see the movie "Synchronicity" (it's available on Netflix)?:D

Nope, I don't think it's available in Netflix Finland (Netflix doesn't buy worldwide rights for showing the movies, so you get different selection in different countries).


2 hours ago, John Eucist said:

I do agree that one should quote only the the relevant parts to the reply especially if the quote would otherwise be very long.


2 hours ago, John Eucist said:

This is true even if the reply isn't directly under what it's replying to. 

Just showing that a single quote can be broken into multiple parts.

It takes a bit of fiddling and trying things to "learn" to use the quotes effectively.

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