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Buying direct - Western Union or bank t/t


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Hey, I've been corresponding with Sarah @ kingsong (sarah@szkingsong.com) regarding purchasing a unicycle direct.  Someone on youtube said they had dealt with her in the past.  The only issue is she wants me to send a one way bank transfer.  Just looking for some other verification if anyone else has dealt with her directly.

I know kingsong is legit, but this would be the first time I've done one of these so I want to be extra careful.



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I agree with @fearedbliss here. Anyone asking for a Western Union or Direct Bank transfer seems dodgy to me. I would never pay that way because if anything goes wrong there's nothing you can do about it.

As has been said - you're better finding a reputable trustworthy distributor if the manufacturer can't offer other safe ways for payment.

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i normally would agree the two people in front, also...

but not on an agreement with sarah or tina from kingsong...

question is: where are you coming from to think about direct buying at Ks China?

if there is no other possibility to get a wheel to your country, just do it!


my 2 cents...

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On 17 июня 2016 г. at 1:42 PM, xoltri said:

Hey, I've been corresponding with Sarah @ kingsong (sarah@szkingsong.com) regarding purchasing a unicycle direct.  Someone on youtube said they had dealt with her in the past.  The only issue is she wants me to send a one way bank transfer.  Just looking for some other verification if anyone else has dealt with her directly.

I know kingsong is legit, but this would be the first time I've done one of these so I want to be extra careful.



I have sent money by bank transfer to Tina of Kingsong twice and both times transaction went fine. Tina and Sarah work together and basically sit next to each other. I am sure Tina will vouch for Sarah. I dont think you have anything to worry about.

the only thing, be aware that the bank will charge you the fee ( mine charged me $36) and the bank will charge them a fee also, maybe $15 or $20 , so they may ask you to pay their fee also.

if you are planning to buy many units for many thousands of dollars, their fee might be different, i dont know

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Well, I wired the money through my bank yesterday.  Will post back once I receive the wheel.  They are going to ship the wheel and battery separate, to comply with regulations.

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18 hours ago, xoltri said:

Well, I wired the money through my bank yesterday.  Will post back once I receive the wheel.  They are going to ship the wheel and battery separate, to comply with regulations.

May i ask you were you are from?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright, I received it today! 16 days from payment.  Cost including shipping from Kingsong KS16 840wh was 1060 USD.  I had to pay $23 USD from my bank for the bank transfer, and another $38 USD in taxes/duties from FedEx.  I dealt with Sarah who was great.  They had to send the unicycle and battery in separate boxes due to shipping regulations, so I had to disassemble it to put the batteries in.  Only took about 20 minutes.  Batteries were fully charged.  It came with v1.20.

Now, I'm coming from a CXM wheel with a 130wh battery that I've had for the last 3 years.  It has a top speed of 12km/h with me on it, and a top range of about 10km.  I've had a lot of fun on it over the years for sure, but it has some limitations obviously.

But the KingSong?  Seriously, this wheel is freaking amazing.  It's like going from a pedal gokart to a Cadillac.  It is top notch all the way.  I put 20km on it already.  I was a bit scared to unlock it to 30km/h since I don't have any safety equipment yet, but I couldn't resist.  What a game changer!  30km/h feels incredibly fast.  I was literally laughing out loud.  You can make some serious distance at that speed, and according to the app the total range is 77km.  It's so much fun!  Also had my first bail on it already when my kid stopped suddenly on his bike in front of me.  Got a few scratches on it, but honestly it's good to get that out of the way so I'm not so worried about it.

As for the other features, the handle is really great since the unit is so heavy.  The speakers aren't the greatest, but they were good enough for me and the kids to rock out cruising while they were on their bikes, so I am happy with them.  The app is great too, but for some reason it was in Chinese so I had to delete it and reinstall it and it went back to English (iOS).  It seems like it will let me go to 40km/h on the app, but I'm not going to risk it.

Couldn't have received it at a better time either, as we are going camping to Jasper this weekend and I can't wait to take it on some of the trails.



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Welcome in the KS16 club :)

5 hours ago, xoltri said:

What a game changer!  30km/h feels incredibly fast.

After a couple of months, you'll get used with that speed, especially on very flat surface and the real game changer would be to try back your 12km/h wheel ;)

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At the 25 kph level, and increase of as little as 2-3 km/h feels like a big change. I remember when i had a 28 kph max speed and went to 30kph max, the speed increase felt incredible. In reality i was crusing at 25, as started crusing at 29, and that 4-5 kph was  an amazing upgrade

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8 hours ago, xoltri said:

Alright, I received it today! 16 days from payment.  Cost including shipping from Kingsong KS16 840wh was 1060 USD.  I had to pay $23 USD from my bank for the bank transfer, and another $38 USD in taxes/duties from FedEx.  I dealt with Sarah who was great.  They had to send the unicycle and battery in separate boxes due to shipping regulations, so I had to disassemble it to put the batteries in.  Only took about 20 minutes.  Batteries were fully charged.  It came with v1.20.

Now, I'm coming from a CXM wheel with a 130wh battery that I've had for the last 3 years.  It has a top speed of 12km/h with me on it, and a top range of about 10km.  I've had a lot of fun on it over the years for sure, but it has some limitations obviously.

But the KingSong?  Seriously, this wheel is freaking amazing.  It's like going from a pedal gokart to a Cadillac.  It is top notch all the way.  I put 20km on it already.  I was a bit scared to unlock it to 30km/h since I don't have any safety equipment yet, but I couldn't resist.  What a game changer!  30km/h feels incredibly fast.  I was literally laughing out loud.  You can make some serious distance at that speed, and according to the app the total range is 77km.  It's so much fun!  Also had my first bail on it already when my kid stopped suddenly on his bike in front of me.  Got a few scratches on it, but honestly it's good to get that out of the way so I'm not so worried about it.

As for the other features, the handle is really great since the unit is so heavy.  The speakers aren't the greatest, but they were good enough for me and the kids to rock out cruising while they were on their bikes, so I am happy with them.  The app is great too, but for some reason it was in Chinese so I had to delete it and reinstall it and it went back to English (iOS).  It seems like it will let me go to 40km/h on the app, but I'm not going to risk it.

Couldn't have received it at a better time either, as we are going camping to Jasper this weekend and I can't wait to take it on some of the trails.





Good Choice...fantastic wheel!

The App should not allow you to go over 30 with any of your Settings...this "up to 40" is only Working for the KS18.....

Whenever you try to save something over 30 it will not accept it :-) And like you said: It is better for your health that this will not work :-)


Have Fun!!!

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