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Kingsong King-F22 , the King of High Performance | 155.4V 20" 2738Wh 50S (now F22 Pro with 3100Wh, 176.4V)


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10 minutes ago, Punxatawneyjoe said:

a " child" weighing 40kg(88lbs) which is lighter than some wheels moving at  6.7m/s2 (15mph) has the pull force of 268n , more than enough to take you with it even if you weigh 300lbs.

funny that it's always a little hyperbole to prove the tether point. Are there a lot of people hanging out at the bottom of a cliff in remote areas? My guess is no.

This is just my opinion, i could care less if someone ties themselves to a 100lb brick. I just thinks it's poor judgement. I have yet to see an example of a "tether" saving some poor innocent bystander from certain death. However there a few examples of them being "inconvenient" at best.

Nobody is riding 15mph in tricky mountain terrain, you guys are making up nightmare scenarios out of fear.

@EUCzero actually lives and rides around a big famous ski/hiking/mtb resort in Sweden, his scenario is pretty real, if you drop your wheel down an elevated trail there it could hit someone.

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48 minutes ago, Punxatawneyjoe said:

You should tell that to this guy, he was lucky there was a jogger nearby to hep him.


As you can see he wasn't pulled down at all so you the video is just proof that it doesn't pull you down, now he had trouble solving his situation because he was stuck, one solution is always to release the tether around your body if it comes to that and if you attach the tether in such a way that you can't that's on you.

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6 minutes ago, Rawnei said:

, his scenario is pretty real, if you drop your wheel down an elevated trail there it could hit someone.

Understood, you are entitled to your opinion. There are mountains and steep drop offs everywhere in the world as well as a few around here so please don't "lecture" me like i have no experience. Many are on straight trails where i reach speeds of 30+mph. Some people like to meander through trails slowly, i do not if there is no chance of running into someone around a corner.

Sorry to derail this thread people, maybe @RagingGrandpa or another mod could move these comments to their own thread because i feel like this is an important topic so that someone new to the sport doesn't chain themselves to a 120lb wheel not understanding the risks involved. IMO the "risks" outweigh the benefits.

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4 minutes ago, Punxatawneyjoe said:

There are mountains and steep drop offs everywhere in the world as well as a few around here so please don't "lecture" me like i have no experience.

What on earth are you on about, this is a discussion, you made some arguments, I made counter-arguments.

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Just now, Rawnei said:

What on earth are you on about

Lol, sorry if you were offended by my response. Your "argument" felt more like you were "informing" me to a situation i did not know and that wasn't the case.

I respect @EUCzero and understand he is a technical off road rider with lots of experience. I just think anyone who wears a tether is taking a unnecessary risk.

You could argue that it "could" save a life but you could also worry about getting struck by lightning. Tethered to a 40-60lb wheel maybe ok if it goes down a 60° slope but when wheels start getting up to 100,125lbs you aren't saving yourself if it drops off a sheer cliff and there are a few of them around here. Trails are usually covered with rocks and dirt and leaves which can be really difficult to get a hand hold onto if you are falling down a hill.  The guy in the video couldn't just release the tether because he was holding on for dear life from being dragged down the hill. He most certainly would have lost his remaining strength eventually and been pulled down the hill if not for the woman's intervention because as you can clearly see in the video, he was unable to pull himself back up the hill with the wheel "tethered" to him. Maybe some sort of quick release would have been beneficial in that case but then you would be letting the wheel go anyway so what's the point.

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11 minutes ago, Punxatawneyjoe said:

Lol, sorry if you were offended by my response. Your "argument" felt more like you were "informing" me to a situation i did not know and that wasn't the case.

I respect @EUCzero and understand he is a technical off road rider with lots of experience. I just think anyone who wears a tether is taking a unnecessary risk.

You could argue that it "could" save a life but you could also worry about getting struck by lightning. Tethered to a 40-60lb wheel maybe ok if it goes down a 60° slope but when wheels start getting up to 100,125lbs you aren't saving yourself if it drops off a sheer cliff and there are a few of them around here. Trails are usually covered with rocks and dirt and leaves which can be really difficult to get a hand hold onto if you are falling down a hill.  The guy in the video couldn't just release the tether because he was holding on for dear life from being dragged down the hill. He most certainly would have lost his remaining strength eventually and been pulled down the hill if not for the woman's intervention because as you can clearly see in the video, he was unable to pull himself back up the hill with the wheel "tethered" to him. Maybe some sort of quick release would have been beneficial in that case but then you would be letting the wheel go anyway so what's the point.

You have made your stance clear, so have we, the rest is more constructive if it's an objective based discussion rather than our feelings, usually when we discuss tethers people immediately paint the most nightmarish and unrealstic scenarios they can think of, like riding 50kmh off a mountain side (see previous posts).

You do need to think about how to quickly get a tether off if you need to, the few times I wore a tether I made a loop around my waste instead of attaching it directly to my clothes, then I could either just wriggle out of it but also release the carbineers hook with a slight tug (elastic "TwoWhee" tether), I do believe releasing a carbineers hook is more difficult if it's stuck to and pulling on your pants.

Personally the times I found tether really useful is if I wanted to climb a long and really steep off-road hill, that way I can have peace of mind that if I loose traction and don't catch my wheel in time it won't stumble all the way down and break, nothing would happen to me and I could better focus on climbing rather than thinking about consequences for my wheel.

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6 hours ago, EUCzero said:

Riders who are strongly against the use of a tether have not even tested riding with a tether. Nor have they rode any off road where a tether is a must (along mountain sides). As a rider of an EUC you actually have some kind of responsibility. Not letting your EUC just roll down a mountainside hurting/killing someone. And not starting a fire 2 months later. So USE a tether in sutuations where this can be a potential problem. When it is not, do what you want.

I'm not going to try a tether. Especially in situations where that brick possibly under power or spinning takes me with it wherever it decides to go. But in circumstances where I pose a risk of losing the wheel or worse having it touch a pedestrian or a pet. I'll get off the wheel and walk it. They're so easy to walk. Why is this even a conversation?

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Someone is going to end up tumbling uncontrollably down a mountain, wrapped around a tree, bones shattered, decapitated, dead etc. Tying yourself to a 100lb stone moving at dozens of km/h as you whizz by trees and steep drops might be literal dumbest thing I’ve ever heard someone try to defend.

Edited by InfiniteWheelie
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11 minutes ago, InfiniteWheelie said:

Someone is going to end up tumbling uncontrollably down a mountain, wrapped around a tree, bones shattered, decapitated, dead etc. Tying yourself to a 100lb stone moving at dozens of km/h as you whizz by trees and steep drops might be literal dumbest thing I’ve ever heard someone try to defend.

I don’t know what it is about electric wheels, but they seem to attract some of the most childish, naive, and cringe people. Every few weeks there’s some new misinformation from some low IQ YouTuber that everyone just parrots. I’m not personally attacking anyone, it’s just a pattern I’ve noticed online and IRL. I love the devices but I stay away from other riders for the most part.

It's funny how you sit here and write about misinformation while you are actively fear mongering at the same time.

How about you do what is comfortable for you and let others do what is comfortable for them without throwing around judgments based on your own limitations?

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@Rawnei I actually deleted that second paragraph before you posted, to not be inflammatory.

However, it’s not misinformation that this can be extremely dangerous or fatal. If you want to risk it with the tether go ahead. I would be careful about telling others it’s safe though.

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2 minutes ago, InfiniteWheelie said:

@Rawnei I actually deleted that second paragraph before you posted, to not be inflammatory.

However, it’s not misinformation that this can be extremely dangerous or fatal. If you want to risk it with the tether go ahead. I would be careful about telling others it’s safe though.

You have no proof of the things you write, it's all theory based on your fears, things you are imagining would happen, that is not information.

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just to make it clear: the purpose of the tether is to prevent the wheel from tumbling down a hill / ski slope / mountain side in case the rider has some kind of a crash, in other words, the rider is the wheels anchor ? , and thats supposed to work well with a 100 pund wheel?

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4 minutes ago, Rawnei said:

You have no proof of the things you write, it's all theory based on your fears, things you are imagining would happen, that is not information.

being able to (upon given physical facts) imaging what could happen, seems a little better than waiting for something to happen, or?

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4 minutes ago, Robse said:

being able to (upon given physical facts) imaging what could happen, seems a little better than waiting for something to happen, or?

We already have people using tethers successfully some who posted in this thread, I posted a scenario that works great for me if you bothered to read, I feel whatever example is given is being dismissed in favor of anxious thoughts.

It's the same as someone who doesn't ride EUC tells you oh that's dangerous you will die.

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I don’t need proof of it happening to someone else to look at the situation and know it’s dangerous.

Maybe I’m more cautious than most, but when I imagine the forces involved with a 100lb e-rock shackled to your waste, at speed, around trees and drops, it just screams Darwin Award to me.

However, I’m also not a fan of the whole safety culture either. I’m not trying to morally lecture anyone, or even tell them not to use a tether. I just personally think it’s stupid.

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5 minutes ago, InfiniteWheelie said:

I don’t need proof of it happening to someone else to look at the situation and know it’s dangerous.

Maybe I’m more cautious than most, but when I imagine the forces involved with a 100lb e-rock shackled to your waste, at speed, around trees and drops, it just screams Darwin Award to me.

However, I’m also not a fan of the whole safety culture either. I’m not trying to morally lecture anyone, or even tell them not to use a tether. I just personally think it’s stupid.

But you are morally lecturing, you're talking about Darwin Award, calling it stupid etc, what is that about if not morally lecturing? You're indirectly calling people in this very thread stupid since they use tethers sometimes, it's completely unnecessary.

Nobody here is forcing you to step outside your comfort zone so why are you even so defensive about this?

Meanwhile there are people who would say your exact words about yourself just because you ride a one wheeled device, exact same judgmental thing going on there.

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@Rawnei It’s not moral lecturing because I’m not saying you shouldn’t do it, I’m not calling you irresponsible, saying you’re hurting the sport, causing people harm etc. Those types of things could be considered moral lecturing. I just personally think it’s stupid and wouldn’t recommend it, that’s my opinion.

I do think there are a lot of foolish and naive people involved in this sport in general, that’s been my personal observation over time. However I did delete that paragraph right after posting it, because I can see how people could take indirect offence, and I’d rather just talk about the subject at hand.

Edit: To be fair, I actually do think people advocating for it could cause harm, but I don’t really care. I’m not trying to stop anyone from doing it or advocating for it. If you get Darwin’d or get someone’s else Darwin’d, so be it. It’s not my problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, novazeus said:

looks chunky

Tbh if they’re sticking with the  4-stanchion thing and it proves to hold up decently, it really should be downsized and fitted into the 14D/16S type wheels as it would theoretically allow a fully centered version of their lift+trolley system they’ve optimized in the suitcase-look era.. 🤞

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5 hours ago, slippyfeet said:

IFA 2024 is going on right now in China, Angel is posting short clips and pics on her instagram Here at the KingSong booth

well, not for me i guess


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11 minutes ago, Robse said:

well, not for me i guess

This Facebook link might work for you: Facebook

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