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I've lost confidence and trust in EUCs

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So stop using EUC and anything that has electronics/batteries. How hard is that?

Your house can burn down because of rat that chew powerline.. Do you ever think about that? I think not.. Any electrical device cord can be broken over long period of use and it also can start fire. Some young next-door brat was playing with matches..

The meal you ate at restaurant could have rat poison in there. Because the chef had very bad day and he felt like killing some random person. 

Some psychopath, druggy, or metal person suddenly start attacking you, because you looked at him the wrong way. 

Random car kills you while you where crossing crosswalk. But we don't really think about these possibilities.


There is endless possibilities that can hurt/kill you. Only thing you can do it stop using EUC altogether, if you are so afraid. At least in this case it's a option you-yourself can mitigate the danger. The rest i mention is out of your control..


I won't lie - i also don't trust EUC 100%. Heck each ride i think i'm gonna fall, because it may stop working mid ride. (One day it will stop working - i know that 100%, as time goes on something will break, like battery, motherboard.) I also have build "fireproof" storage for my wheel. It shows i also think about fire and the damage it can do to my room. (Yes room, i live in brick/concrete apartment.) At least when everything burns down, i can replace everything with about 10.000$ 

As for my safety, or others.. I don't really care about myself, other little bit.

Edited by Funky
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It looks like you have thought this through, and I believe you have made the right decision for yourself.

It makes sense to get out now while you are still ahead.

At a later time, things may change favourably for you to come back into the fold, or not.

I agree with your thought processes and decision.

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17 minutes ago, Planemo said:

And yet many will still claim EUC's are as safe as bicycles lol.

You're right re the power source, these wheels are packing huge amounts of power, more than many people realise. And the high voltages we are seeing now need extreme caution when working anywhere inside.

They do - don't they. Crazy right.. EUC's can't even be put anywhere near bicycles!

More or less EUC = Live Grenade.

17 minutes ago, Planemo said:

And again you're right re water ingress. I simply don't trust ANY wheel currently made to be safe long term if used in rain. At the very least it's likely the wheel bearings will suffer. At worst...well theres your firebomb. To date, none of my wheels have been ridden in rain and I don't intend to until I see some proper work done on sealing. I know people do it, and it may take weeks, months maybe even a year for symptoms to arise. But arise they will.

I often ride in rain.. (As it's my commuter. I need to be in place on time.) And i think winter is even worse, all that snow slushy. As wheel well gets packet full of snow and it melts over 7hrs.. More or less Tire/Motor in covered in water all that time.

Helps if you have siliconed motor shut and exchanged bearing grease for marine one, also added a dab of grease all around the bearing itself. 3 years riding whole year round, no problems so far.. Bearings also are fine. I do use "shower cap" over my wheel when it's raining. Have even ridden in heavy rain storms, where one's undies even get moist. :D 


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@BKW  I will miss your food delivery adventures. It was very interesting and entertaining seeing you navigate through NYC, visiting all these different shops and customers abodes and your take on life. Hopefully EUC's will improve enough in the future for you to come back if the desire returns. 

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you are correct to feel this way.  if you put aside or ignore all the fucking hype surrounding all recently announced eucs,  and just look at the problems riders have found with these new eucs,  you wonder what the hell is going on in peoples minds BEFORE they buy any euc ???  are we purposely putting ourselves in a state of denial and blindly believe "the manufacturer will fix that, no problem...".  i was going to purchase a new euc for the past almost 2 seasons.  what i see unfolding during these almost 2 seasons is simply unreal.  it makes me want to quite riding altogether cause i cant trust the manufacturers,  i cant trust the various youtube videographers and the shit they sling in their videos,  and finally,  im tired of reading about stats and technical information that are just that,  information.  for once,  just once,  it would be refreshing to see a manufacturer offer a device to the public that works,  doesnt dump the rider face first into the asphalt, and doesnt make me regret i ever got into this past time to begin with.

its insane to have manufacturers sell a device thats not 100% safe,  its insane for retailers to keep marketing and selling these devices and not care about what they are really selling.  the only retailer i find that is trying to be as proactive as possible is ewheels jason.  but there again, he can only get as much from the manufacturer as the manufacturer will give....  im still not buying anything,  and this 3rd season for me,  perhaps nothing as well.  it will be interesting to see what injuries occur from all these new high speed  eucs and 1st batch test dummies...

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11 minutes ago, winterwheel said:

I've had no serious issues with my older wheels (3 years old or more). Stick with those and wait a couple of years for the issues with all the new beast wheels to get well and truly sorted.

i damn agree 100%... my old tesla V2 of 5 years still running and has not dumped me and its a gotway product.  i have a older solowheel glide 3 (i think thats a V8) which i always rode with tiltback and it never cutout on me....

hopefully it will get sorted out with the new eucs...

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On 2/28/2024 at 3:07 PM, bpong said:

its insane to have manufacturers sell a device thats not 100% safe,  its insane for retailers to keep marketing and selling these devices and not care about what they are really selling.

Yup, it appears no manufacturers can afford to do extensive testing of new models before release. 

In addition, not buying the first two batches may not be enough, if one doesn't want to face disappointments and hassles.

Buying wheels that have been out in the market for about the one year seemed to work out better.

I bought both of my S22 and Abrams about the one year mark, and I have not encountered many defects or other issues. The issues I have faced, were already known when I bought the wheels. And the firmware was stable.


Edited by techyiam
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9 hours ago, Cerbera said:

Yeah, same here. I only normally avoid heavy rain by choice but occasionally get caught out in that too. Light drizzle I find to be unproblematic, and like Funky have a lightweight weatherproof rain cover for the top of the wheel and have sealed all the important bits underneath and silconed my rim / have LiquiMoly marine everywhere there could be grease. All my battery cases have taped seams and screws - no water is getting in there other than through condensation, and the room I keep my wheels in isn't warm enough to cause it..

In addition to that, never leave it lying on its side after the rain and regularly check for any sign of water ingress. I do all that, and have never had any water-based problems in just over 8 years of riding. Not counting the bearings, and I already have replacements and printed covers for those next time they come a-knocking...

This is partly why I like Begode's, despite everything. If you have taken the time to finish off their builds to better withstand weather they are surprisingly reliable and tanky about surviving all sorts of conditions that cause other wheels to variously shit themselves...

But I also have full sympathy with OP's point of view, and have days myself where confidence is... lacking. The days I read about fatalities, or overly harsh / unnecessary police action, or feel particularly oppressed by the archaic law, or am upset by a rare negative interaction with pedestrians, even a furious dog whose owner I have annoyed by merely being there; all these things regularly give me pause for thought, make me question what I am doing, and make me look forward to rides slightly less. For now, the joy of riding is still able to win over all that on most of those days, and when I return I am usually glad I went.

The nature of these machines means it takes months to gain confidence in them but only seconds of weirdness to shatter it utterly. And it is understandable why some events are worrying enough to leave a permanent black cloud that perhaps can never be overcome.

I can see a (hopefully still distant) day coming when I no longer feel up to the challenge of keeping these things in safe rideable condition and there will be a day when getting dressed up to the nines in riot gear to go to the shops seems an effort too far... until then I gotta keep having as much fun on these as I can while I still have my health, skills and the inclination to do it ! :)

Well said. The issue with my CP was due to my own stupidity. I rode it in light rain for an extended amount of time, which I avoided for a while but needed to work and pushed my luck I guess. Then, when the charging board fuse blew, I bought an EX30 charging board -- which is basically the same board for the CP, or at least that's what I assumed -- and when I installed the new charging board THAT'S when the battery blew, so I think it was either the board or a combination of the water and the new board or something. So yeah, definitely not blaming anyone else but myself on that one as those that have tested this wheel gave great feedback (credit to Eevee's tear down video).

You've ridden your wheels for 8 years and no bad experiences. This says a lot of great things about what you're doing. But you're right, one weird thing happens and it kills your confidence in these things. I remember the first time the Sherman Max did the free-spinning thing, I was absolutely terrified to ride it home and took some time to gain confidence again. Add all these weird things up over time and the lack of trust and fear grows. This is what has happened with me. The worst thing I can imagine CAN happen (the EUC catches fire and burns down my apartment complex in Manhattan killing residents inside). This simply does not seem worth it to me in my situation, not even to risk anymore, which I have, which is crazy now I feel the way I do -- hypocritical in a sense, really.

But I totally agree and understand why you feel the way you do, and your logic is completely relatable. Awesome man, have fun :)

Edited by BKW
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