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KS-S18 Clacking sound when riding


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What's up with the clacking noise that my new KS-S18 has started to make lately as if part of the wheel is hitting the housing? Although I doubt that is the reason since it only happens when riding, not when the wheel is free spinning. I think lately I saw someone post a video where you could hear his make the same noise.

In my case, it often subsides a little or completely after riding for awhile or after remounting. But mostly it is persistent.

I can tune it out by blasting my music, but it's very annoying when I am just want to go for a quiet, peaceful ride.


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Some questions... Is it making that "noise" once per circle? Like a heart beat? You go faster - noise faster? (If it starts  happening more often as you go faster.. I may have an idea.)

Is it happening riding both ways? When you turn wheels "ASS/spring" in front and then ride, it also makes the noise? Or only when "ASS/spring" is in back position? (Riding wheel forwards/backwards.)

Is noise happening only when you are turning left/right? Or both ways? Or when going straight? (If it's happening only while turning, i may have an idea.)



Edited by Funky
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yep, you gotta give the forum more details to your wheels' malady.

the sound could be the result of a more serious and dangerous problem or it could be something that you can ignore.  but more than likely, its something you cannot ignore.  provide more details in your next posting please,...

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Anyways.. Check your VALVE stem. 

My wheel also started to make a "tuk-tuk-tuk" annoying noise one day. For 2 WEEKS i couldn't find the culprit. I even dismantled whole wheel....

More thinking and such.. My noise was happening only while turning right. And once tire has done full circle. My VALVE was coming out right side. And as my tire touched the ground it got suppressed under my weight. And when tire left the ground/valve area - the VALVE would spring back somehow. And make that "TUK" noise. The rim had 1-2mm gap where valve comes out of rim hole. It was enough space to make a noise, as it would move around. I simply used some HEAT SHRINKS over the valve stem and it stopped making that noise..

Who would ever think that the 1-2mm gap in rim hole, where valve comes out would be the culprit. :shock2:

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Thanks for all the feedback. 

What makes this even more of a mystery is that it is not a constant. On my ride today, it made no clacking sound at all. There is some variable that is unaccounted for such as heat perhaps. Today was much cooler than it was on my last ride.

Funky's experience does sound like a plausible one.

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Mine makes a "knocking" sound when I ride, but not every time. Comes and goes.

Started to notice this after I changed the stock tire for a TR1. A couple of small "spacers" (flat round metal donuts) came off, and I didn't put them back in as I didn't know where they went. Turns out they go on top of the axle, on both sides. One is slightly thicker than the other, so I'm thinking of putting it on the left side, where most of the noise seems to come from. 

Haven't reinstalled them yet, the S18 is a bit of a pain to disassemble and put back together. Will update when done.

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12 hours ago, Patrick Robert said:

One is slightly thicker than the other, so I'm thinking of putting it on the left side, where most of the noise seems to come from. 

It could be that the thicker pile should go on the right side instead, so that it might tilt the shell more to the left to give more room at the left side of the tire/motor. Best check the alignment before putting the wheel back together.

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I'm not sure that a video would help diagnose the problem, but I'll try to get a recording anyway. I discovered yesterday that it will make that clacking/knocking/tapping sound even when trollying. I was hoping that this was a known issue with the S18 so that the answer wouldn't depend on speculation and forensics based on my description, even with a recording.

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2 hours ago, DonRoberto said:

I'm not sure that a video would help diagnose the problem

Words are lousy in describing the exact nature of a sound, especially if it’s a new one for the listener. Minor aspects of the sound and when it comes can reveal the actual reason, or at least point in the right direction.

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4 minutes ago, DonRoberto said:

As the situation has developed, it clacks whether riding or not.

Sounds like the click is once per revolution, so it could be your tyre valve catching in one spot?

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6 hours ago, fbhb said:

Sounds like the click is once per revolution, so it could be your tyre valve catching in one spot?

That is the popular theory, but there is nothing unusual about the valve's placement. It's exactly in the same state as it was for the first 200 miles before the sound first started. It is also very intermittent. Some days it is not there, some days it is. Sometimes it is absent for the first hour and then is there for the next hour. Sometimes it only happens when turning or veering left and absent when turning or veering right.

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OK, if it's not the valve then my next best guess would be the bearing on one side (as your S18 has a hollow bore motor and could be suffering like the S22 bearing seating/misalignment issue).

You may be able to do the rubber "mallet fix" with the motor in situ or it may need to be removed if access on the S18 does not allow. This sometimes fixes the issue, but the motor will have to be removed and stripped to fix the bearings in place with "Bearing Fit" Loctite if this fix only gives temporary results:


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12 hours ago, DonRoberto said:

I finally got around to recording the sound described.

Yes, that is a so called bearing knock. The rubber mallet trick above may help, but if it doesn’t, re-aligning the bearings is needed. It’s a bit laborious, but doable if you have good instructions.

 Wouldn’t hurt to regrease the bearings as well while you’re at it.

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2 hours ago, mannubahti95 said:

And when tire left the ground/valve area - the VALVE would spring back somehow. And make that "TUK" noise. The rim had 1-2mm gap where valve comes out of rim hole. It was enough space to make a noise, as it would move around. I simply used some HEAT SHRINKS over the valve stem and it stopped making that noise..

Sounds familiar.. :blink: Am i in cave? Halo.       Haloo. - Halooo.. - Haloooo...

But in his case, the sounds is happening also while not riding. Wheel being sideways.. He has the bearing problem.

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Had a very similar knock on the V10F. Found that one bearing was a bit loose and had some play on the axel.

Took it off and made a bit of roughness on the axel where the bearing sits. Actually i think we made it to rough as we had troubled putting back on.. But that + bearing glue fixed the problem real good.

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I didn’t know the newer s18’s had hollow bore motor. Huh. I went to Ewheels website, didn’t see it mentioned. But I did see a comment from an unhappy buyer about suspension assembly issues (still).


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  • 10 months later...

Hi guys! Got 350km on my s18 and started having that ticking sound as well. Started inconsistent, depending on my weight mostly I’d say. Then recently it started ticking constantly, and connected to the speed at which the wheel spins. 
Ive been looking at the discussion and when checking the valve, it doesn’t seem damaged of have moved at all… so perhaps it’s the bearing issue then. 
What do you think? (Video below)


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@user_kino  start with the simple stuff first.

Does the wheel make this noise when you put it on its side and turn it manually? (switched off obviously)

Try doing this whilst moving the front mudguard left and then right, any difference?

Is there any play in the wheel when its on its side? Physically rock the wheel to see.

Does it make this noise constantly even when turning left or right? or in circles? when riding

Turn your wheel upside down and see if anything falls out that is stuck. (switched off obviously)

Record what happens when you jump up and down on the wheel stationary, anything different?

Check all the nuts and bolts are tight

if you have tried all this and nothing comes of it,  take the wheel apart and have a look (rough guide below of Version 1 S18 for inspiration)


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