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Bad doggy !!


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Well, after 7 years of riding, and many dogs trying their best over the years, today one finally got me, much to my surprise !

I was doing my normal late evening / dusk lake-side ride, and had just entered the narrow boardwalk that extends out across the lake. I had the first part of it to myself, so zipped fairly quickly along that bit, but seeing 2 people ahead with dogs (both on leads) I slowed right down to walking pace, and attempted to roll past the relatively narrow gap between them and the railings.

And that turned out to be a mistake, because what I hadn't noticed massively was that both humans and both dogs were so entranced by what some ducks were doing, none of them had seen or heard me coming at all ! I do have a bell on my glove, but tend not to ring it around the lake, where people are trying to relax and I don't want to seem like I am demanding they get out of my way - I am happy to just go really slowly and wait...

So that's what I did, and the first of the 2 dogs noticed me literally as I was 2 ft away, took great exception, turned around and sank its jaws into my calf, annoyingly on the back, unprotected side of my nice shiny new Leatt Dual Axis knee / shin guards ! However, even the thick strapping there prevented some teeth ingress and actually only 1 fang made it through, and the rest was grazing and abrasion.

Being British, we both immediately apologised (the owner, not the dog) and then, I am pleased to say, followed a rather pleasant 20 minute conversation in which I managed to de-escalate any early tension, and convince them of the safety, reliability and usefulness of EUCs in general !

The dog had the hump all the way through though - something about that TSG helmet I reckon :)

Anybody else fallen foul of canine fury ?


Edited by Cerbera
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Wow. I got nipped early in my riding days and the owner came after me like I had bit the dog. Nice to see some folks acting civilized and hopefully nobody got seriously injured. Thanks for sharing, these type of situations don't always end well for us.

Edited by gon2fast
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Bad dog owners!! You can't just run around with a dog that bites people when it gets startled. Has nothing to do with EUCs.

7 hours ago, Cerbera said:

The dog had the hump all the way through though - something about that TSG helmet I reckon :)

Please elaborate. Sounds like a good revenge story.

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On this occasion I was prepared to cut the owner some slack - it was on a lead after all, and she had only just got the dog from a rescue centre, and didn't know its personality very well yet. It also had just 3 legs, so I presumed it might have had quite a distressing life previously, which can make animals a bit on the nippy side, especially when surprised...

On 7/24/2022 at 12:22 PM, meepmeepmayer said:

Please elaborate. Sounds like a good revenge story.

What was interesting was that the dog didn't really chill out during the entire conversation I had with the 2 people. I even tried to get down on 1 knee at one point, and speak reassuringly to it, with deferential eye contact and everything, but it continued to regard me with immense suspicion until I left, and when I met it again around the other side of the lake we had to give each other a very wide berth to avoid a repeat of the situation, and I could tell that dog was straining at its leash and clearly up for another go !! I think we both learned something that day - her about the personality and propensities of her new dog, and me about making slightly more noise as I go along so I don't surprise stuff.

If anyone is curious as to which breed it was - I don't know, being a cat person myself, but it was one of these types, and about that size...


Edited by Cerbera
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Wow. You apologized? If a dog attacked me and drew blood that wouldn't be my reaction. I'm an animal lover [in general], but I don't think there is any place for aggressive dogs out in public spaces. 

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All dogs have the potential to be aggressive, just like humans.  Wouldn't have it any other way.

One of my dogs is a rescue from living on the street.  Obvious early life trauma, but has come a long way until she is almost friendly now, even with strangers.

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I'm pretty convinced some dogs just don't know what you are, which makes you a threat.

Obviously it was too late for you, but when a dog gives me the evil eye I'll do my best to stop and doff the helmet. Seems to work, probably not as good as treats but so far it's been good at deescalating the situation. I also talk to the dogs when approaching so they're not startled, "hi doggo!". Then you're not 'bothering' the owner as much.

Still though, controlling your dog is the owner's #1 responsibility (picking up their poo is a very close second). A kid on a balance bike… yikes.

Edited by Tawpie
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18 hours ago, VikB said:

Wow. You apologized? If a dog attacked me and drew blood that wouldn't be my reaction. I'm an animal lover [in general], but I don't think there is any place for aggressive dogs out in public spaces. 

I could see how at least half the fault could be mine. My own awareness-from-distance was good enough to notice them and prepare, but not enough to notice that they hadn't seen me or to predict the possible consequences of that. My rather vast personal riding experience DOES inform me that some dogs hate EUCs and their riders, but for some reason I assumed that 2 dogs lying down might ignore me if I went past them slowly and quietly. It would have to be quite a close pass, and I think I misjudged what a dog might consider 'personal space'. Yep, as I write this the more I am convinced that this happened primarily because of a proximity miscalculation by me. Mental notes have been made: wider berths please, and let's hope my riding XP has been upgraded !

The lady whose dog it was had just got it from a rescue centre only a few days previously, didn't know its personality yet and did have it on a lead, that would (in theory) have had a short enough length on it to prevent the bite had the owner known I was coming in advance. And she was mortified, and very apologetic herself that I had been bitten. I do have to confess that, not having children myself, their safety wasn't at the forefront of my mind during the conversation, so we didn't discuss muzzles and the wider safety implications, but the owner did seem to generally acknowledge the seriousness of owning a bitey dog. With hindsight perhaps I should have mentioned that, but I certainly didn't feel any need to call animal control, or whatever the UK equivalent of that might be !

In fact I didn't really harbour any lingering resentment towards the lady or the dog ! I found both their reactions in the circumstances pretty understandable, and didn't have any wish to do anything that might lead to the dog (or my wheel for that matter!) being removed and possibly destroyed...

With hindsight of course I know what the more cautious and correct thing to have done would have been ! Instead of slowing down to walking pace, and trying to sneak past behind them without disturbing them, I should have stopped short, given a breezy 'Afternoon, girls!', and asked if I could sneak round the back of them. That way the dogs and the humans would have seen me, and the dogs may have realised I was no threat.


Edited by Cerbera
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7 hours ago, Tawpie said:


I'm pretty convinced some dogs just don't know what you are, which makes you a threat.

I think that's right. Various dogs have chased me over the years when I wasn't wearing a helmet, but I think I have noticed an increase since the TSG Pass got here ! Previously it has been mainly those small, angry yappy-type dogs, but since the helm arrived there does seem to have been more interest / suspicion from larger ones...

It is difficult to say though - lots of other factors. Could be the way we move, could be just general 'never seen that before / don't know what that is' kinda thing, or even just surprise because we can be silent on approach from behind. It could even be that I smell of cat, having one at home !

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I was attracted to this topic as I have had many canine encounters just in my first days of riding.  To be fair, I am a big dog person.   I am large enough to be called big, I like large dogs, and so I may be more likely to have a good experience than others.   And further, I am very new.  but I am sure I am over 150 Miles and I have covered allot of terrain. 

Nonetheless, I wanted to comment that I think Cerbera has it down.  We just need to make sure that people and pets know we are coming if there is any chance of a collision/confrontation.  After all, we have the big brains, so we should be mindful of them as we have more options and resources.  The same way the more maneuverable ship makes way for the less so.   I have made a habit of actually riding toward dogs and saying nice things.. but always watching them.   Riding at them tends to get their attention but being calm tends to calm or confuse them.

This is interesting as everyone has helpful and similar points to make, and the advice is not even needed.  But we all have a reaction to the risks that we all needed to say our point.  :-).

( I always say "Happy dog" when I am approaching,.. so far it works. )

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