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How to Avoid Speed Wobbles


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Hello All,

I've been riding for about 5 weeks now and I'm in love. Best fun of this century!!! :D I Started out in beginner mode on my S18 for the first week, moved to normal mode for about 3 weeks, and I have now been riding in expert mode for the last few days. I have noticed the speed wobbles getting more and more prevalent as I progress through the modes. Now, in expert mode, it seems I get the wobbles all the time! Especially when I accel/decel fast. 

What is the best means of avoiding this? more practice??

Of course, squeezing my shins and and legs against the wheel helps a lot but then I don't feel as in control for corners and bumps. 

All "facts" and opinions are welcome :) 

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Hey! Welcome. Pretty fun, huh?

Speed and braking wobbles are something that just took "miles" for me to overcome, and I still get them. In my case, it took almost 2000 miles to figure out how to emergency brake without starting wobbles, and I practice that now at the start of every ride so that I can teach my body to do it properly (assume the s*itting position, don't just lean back).

But you should also check that the tire is centered and not uber-wobbly during a free spin test. Watch to see that the tire remains straight and that the wheel doesn't want to waggle around in your hand. There's a post on this forum about centering a tire... not fun, but sometimes not terribly difficult.

Good luck, try out the s*itting position for braking, and ease into speed little by little. Go faster until you just feel the wobbles start, then slow down... repeat, and over time you'll find that you can go faster and faster before they start. Or they just go away!

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11 hours ago, BigWilly said:

Hello All,

I've been riding for about 5 weeks now and I'm in love. Best fun of this century!!! :D I Started out in beginner mode on my S18 for the first week, moved to normal mode for about 3 weeks, and I have now been riding in expert mode for the last few days. I have noticed the speed wobbles getting more and more prevalent as I progress through the modes. Now, in expert mode, it seems I get the wobbles all the time! Especially when I accel/decel fast. 

What is the best means of avoiding this? more practice??

Of course, squeezing my shins and and legs against the wheel helps a lot but then I don't feel as in control for corners and bumps. 

All "facts" and opinions are welcome :) 

Stagger your feet a bit one further up on pedals than the other.i also stagger my power pads slightly aswell.power pads help immensely under hard braking and acceleration I used Velcro so I could keep adjusting them up down forward and back on the wheel ..then I would do speed runs from 0 to 60kph to 0 as fast as possible under hard acceleration  and deceleration and adjust power pads until I found the sweet spot where there was no wobbles..  I haven’t touched my pads since and now can ride fast without much worry of wobbles 

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Consider trying a looser stance rather than squeezing the wheel. 

Sometimes squeeze, sometimes loose, try it all and as confidence and familiarity increase the wobbles will decrease. 

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Optimal PSI help significantly.

Wobles can be becasue legs are tired/weak.

Check you tire on freespin if oscilate or not.   If yes reseat tire and in ideal use motocycle weight to put rim into ballance to compensate air valve 15+grams eat almost all rim in my personal experience.

Wobles can hapend everyone is not based on riders km/miles etc sometime surface wind and random event can happend and trigger wobles to everyone.



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I agree with @DjPanJan and everyone else's suggestions. In the beginning speed wobbles are a real worry and a little scary but as you get more experience although you may still get the odd wobble the way you react to it totally changes. You learn to ride through it and don't even think about it being an issue but rather just like a bump in the road to navigate.

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11 hours ago, DjPanJan said:

Optimal PSI help significantly.

Try reducing tire pressure a bit.

When wobbles start apply dampening inward pressure with one leg not both; this disrupts the cycle.

Feet too far back on the pedals can also be a contributing factor.

Edited by winterwheel
added one more thought
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With more time on the wheel you will find the wobble stops so just ride easy for now and practice. I usually never get wobbles anymore and if I do I just carve and the wheel straightens out. Careful with taking out too much air, it is a good idea but make sure you don't jump off curbs and only ride on smooth bike trails. Low PSI makes it easy for nails and glass to puncture your tire but it will help with the wobbles when first learning

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Thank you all for your suggestions!

@Tawpie s*itting position was perfect. That eliminated 95% of my wobbles while braking. The other %5 of wobbles are manageable and easy to ride through.

@Dosingpsychedelics The feet stagger was a good suggestion. Funny thing is, after you mentioned it I started looking down at my feet and I noticed that I already naturally had a stagger going. Leveling my feet then made the wobbles worse, so the feet stagger is a great one to implement.

@DjPanJan  I experimented with altering psi a couple weeks ago; I put it at 32 because I thought, "That's what my car tires take so that should be about good" and it made the wheel un-ridable and unstable LOL. So I went back down to 25 (or 20 I can't remember atm) and I've been chilln there since. Curious, What do you like your psi at??? Seems to be more of a preference than actual number.

@winterwheel Your suggestion to apply inward pressure with one foot, not both, was super clutch! Doing so gets rid of ALL of my acceleration wobbles. Today on my way to work I hit top speed multiple times and got the tilt-back(1st time feeling the it - it scared me at first lol) all while not feeling any wobble whatsoever. One foot pressure a great suggestion sir. Might I add, you are a BAMF legend!!!!!! Your -33 degrees video is so sick, I loved it. 

THANK YOU again for your help and support! I ride with over-elevated confidence now that I got those pesky wobbles squared away. You guys are the best <3 

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I weight 280lbs and ride 28psi. So lowering psi also reduces wobbles. (Doh if you jump, ride over curbs, to low psi could damage rim..)

Those modes are named wrong.. (Most people leave it on expert and don't think again.. Because it's "expert..") :D 

Expert mode means less delay - as you press forwards, the wheel will start going without any delay.

The middle mode is meant more for cruising as it has little bit delay - you barely notice it, but ride and everything becomes more smooth.

I don't really want to explain all the mods and what they do. If you search in google "kingsong riding modes" it already have been talked about.

Like beginner mode, it has the most delay and when you press the pedal, it feels like rubber banding. It takes little bit more time to wheel start moving. Also pedal dipping is the worst in this mode. On expert mode there is close to zero pedal dipping (by dipping i mean whole euc "body" moves forwards/backwards as you press on pedals.) Like you go forwards - pedals presses downwards, same time euc body also moves downwards.

But on expert mode euc body doesn't move at all. I will link this video, so you see what i mean.>>> You get more wobbles because there is no more the "body" play - it stays always in same spot.

Edited by Funky
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10 minutes ago, meepmeepmayer said:

Yes! Beginner, normal and expert just mean a soft, medium, hard pedal response and have nothing to do with riding skill, it's just what one prefers. Remarkably dumb naming scheme.

Yeah i liked how the beginner mode felt, BUT it was so easy to overpower the euc.. You lean forwards euc starts beeping.. I liked also medium/midle mode, but there was so little difference from expert. That i simply left it on expert and forget about it. I also started on expert, so i left it there at the end. As instant response is much better, than little delay. Even if it rides little bit worse.. Over time you don't even notice it anymore.

Edited by Funky
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