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idk how they stage this videos and what precautions they take, and i’m a glatlander so limited experience on mountain roads,

but before i begin my daily practice on my road, i walk it with Bob to make sure no limbs or other debris(cow shit, donkey shit, dead animals) are on my little half mile track for my slow speed runs.

what happens when a rock tumbles down on the road unseen by the wheel riders. they won’t be able to veer around it.

same as my tree lined road, all covered in shadows.

dawn should know this. i only have about 50k in street miles with 3 different motorcycles, the last one a screaming eagle road king, because a road king can handle running over a 2x4 laying diagonally in the road.

hard to believe dawn has 200k plus street experience mot to know that the govt isn’t looking out for motorcyclists safety, neither are subcontractors that don’t secure their loads.

they are called the mean streets for a reason.

there was an epidemic of young soldiers coming home and taking their bonuses and going out and buying hayabusas and killing themselves almost immediately.

like this real motorcycle racer said, hayabusas are intended for the racetrack, not on our hwys.

there are no do overs, u can’t fix dead. 

i’m not being a karen here, but the consequences fot marty, dawn and whoever if someone did get hurt or died, woukd be a nightmare im our legal system, could be considered criminal negligence, more than just millions in damages.

insurance won’t cover u if ur doing something stupid or illegal. unfortunately, this is ouf society now and attorneys like money.

if dawn killed herself, her daughter might find an attorney to go after marty, just saying.

not an attorney, but jurys can be very punishing.

get waivers signed and notarized. consult with an attorney.

attorneys will destroy usa eventually, all our politicians are attorneys, writing laws to enrich themselves.

i’d go to a race track or closed course if i had to do a high speed run.

course i think single track in the mountains is insane too, trees don’t move, probably worse than running into a block wall, tried snowboarding once and determined that was too dangerous.

and dawn i still say is the best street wheel rider i’ve ever seen, but other less talented, and i can think of some in history, will surely try to copy her.

speed kills!

we don’t pay gas tax, neither do teslas, but there will come a time when u will have to pay extra for ur tesla for not paying gasoline road tax.

we don’t pay any either, no registration, insurance, etc so wheels most assuredly will be banned from vehicle roads.

the roads around me aren’t like dawn’s roads where she lives, she might last a day here without getting run over.

my usage off ranch will be limited to emergecies off ranch and i’ll only be using sidewalks and trails to get where i have to go.

if u have a pot to piss in(i don’t right now) if u hurt somebody with ur wheel, that will have attys parked outsidd the hospital like buzzards if u have any net worth.

i’m sure everybody is aware of this. ghese are just my thoughts and why i don’t drive or leave the ranch.

u know in florida, one of the richest guys is “ask gary” a chiropractor that does referrals to attys. my cop buddied with fdle go after these attys that stage accidents for lawsuits.

it’s an epidemic in florida. protect ur ass(ets) like u know u should. and emergency room visits are a complete ripoff, they wanted $10k for three stitches to sew my toe back on a wasted 3.5 hours of my life with Bob sitting in my car and me hopping out to check on three times with my toe dangling and i had to instruct the pa wtf to do or else i’d still be there. did bargain down to $2k plus for three stitches and some antibiotics. why i treated my nail in the ball of my foot myself and gambled on lockjaw. plus, if i get hurt i dom’t have a mommy to take care of me, and the 60 plus animals i care for. if i get hurt, the animals will suffer.


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i view everything through the prism of our legal system. fortunately i have two lawyers protecting me. 

money means nothing to me, but time at my stage of life is priceless. i don't want to be wasting it in a courtroom defending myself. 

better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6, is the cwp motto, but for me, the wasted courtroom time would be life ending anyway probably.

i'm actually looking at islands i can buy because this 325 acre ranch isn't enought seclusion for me. i've been a victim of insurance fraud case, but impossible to prove, like when they swoop in front of u and slam on the brakes. i didn't have a camera on my dash to prove otherwise. good idea to have one though, nowadays. all this data recording the wheel does, pretty easy to prove, reckless endangerment. 

not being a karen, i just don't anybody getting hurt physically or financially or going to jail. some teenagers ran over a woman and her baby in a stroller on bayshore, on the sidewalk i think, and they went to prison for drag racing. then the govt wasted probably hundreds of thousands on band aids to help prevent it happening again. 

everybody loves speed bumps, don't they. if humans didn't drive too fast, we wouldn't have speed bumps damaging ur zo6's, like mine would scrape.


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1 hour ago, techyiam said:

Kuji's video provided you a useful data point, that's great. But it provided me nothing though.

You are making an assumption that Kuji was able to max out acceleration on both wheels, and his data would accurately apply equally to you as a rider.

Dawn also felt she could accelerate harder on her Masters than on the V13 she got from Marty, at least for the time being. 

Very surprising to find that you got nothing out of Kuji's video. In any case, I'm just pointing out that Kuji showed via numbers that he rode Master & V13 to similar results (acceleration) whereas Dawn felt she could accelerate harder. What a person feels or even what a person remembers feeling at specific point in time is hugely subjective, but there is no question that on one specific day Kuji accelerated faster on the V13 than his best time on the Master. Was Kuji's test perfect and without bias? Of course not, but to do any better would require a lot of testing equipment. At the very least, his video is proof that V13 has good power if you reach for it and I think his data point is multiple times more valuable (regardless of personal use case) than all these other people trying to describe a feeling with nothing to back it up other than they said so.

It's clear to you do a lot of research so it honestly baffles me how you ended up with the two greatest lemons of 2022, but if you enjoy them then that's all that matters. 

Back to the V13, it should be a clear upgrade/replacement for Abrams, but I take back my previous comment on smaller riders doing fine. There definitely IS a minimum height requirement and more than one person has dropped it on the demo rides. The minimum height is being able to straddle the wheel without your feet on the pedals, a requirement that girl did not meet but did not realize until stepping off - I was right behind her when this happened and everyone was shocked at how quick it happened and how violent it was. Anyone who tries low speed tricks or bails a lot will have this happen to them eventually (and learn quick to not try and grab it) but with these big wheels and huge power, dropping a wheel at low speed is a serious problem especially if indoors, new riders need to be properly educated by sellers.

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3 hours ago, conecones said:

Kuji accelerated faster on the V13 than his best time on the Master.

This fact may be of use to some riders. It just doesn't help me. 

I don't doubt the V13 has more torque and power than I need. That is not my primary concern. What I need to know is how much of it can I comfortably access.

I also know my Abrams has a lot of torque and power too. I am still figuring it out as to how much of it can I tap into it. I am not an aggressive rider by any mean. But 22" wheels can make it significantly more difficult for smaller and lighter riders to access the torque. 

3 hours ago, conecones said:

Dawn felt she could accelerate harder. What a person feels or even what a person remembers feeling at specific point in time is hugely subjective, but there is no question that on one specific day Kuji accelerated faster on the V13 than his best time on the Master. Was Kuji's test perfect and without bias? Of course not, but to do any better would require a lot of testing equipment. At the very least, his video is proof that V13 has good power if you reach for it and I think his data point is multiple times more valuable (regardless of personal use case) than all these other people trying to describe a feeling with nothing to back it up other than they said so.

The bottom line was I did see Dawn accelerated on a V13 in her video. And this provided me with some data that I was interested in.

3 hours ago, conecones said:

It's clear to you do a lot of research so it honestly baffles me how you ended up with the two greatest lemons of 2022, but if you enjoy them then that's all that matters. 

On the V12, I bought it when it was still being hyped, and well before the data was coming in concerning widespread cutouts. But my V12 has never cutout. On hindsight, I am really glad I bought it, since I enjoy riding it, and it has good build quality, waterproofing, and is durable. 

I bought the Abrams knowing full well it is a cutout wheel, but at a significant discount. I was also confident that I could make it safe. Of course, it will take work, and expose me to more risk. But I was willing to do so, because it checks off a lot of the things that I was looking for. So far, I am still glad I bought it over other wheels. 

3 hours ago, conecones said:

There definitely IS a minimum height requirement and more than one person has dropped it on the demo rides. The minimum height is being able to straddle the wheel without your feet on the pedals, a requirement that girl did not meet but did not realize until stepping off - I was right behind her when this happened and everyone was shocked at how quick it happened and how violent it was.

Agree here. After my experience with the Abrams, I definitely can understand why.

3 hours ago, conecones said:

Back to the V13, it should be a clear upgrade/replacement for Abrams,

The V13 is on the table for me. But I am still curious about the Sherman-S, Commander Pro, Ex30, and possibly what else new somebody is going to release for this class. This class of wheels seemed to be developing well and sales volume seem to be gaining good momentum. 

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1 hour ago, techyiam said:

Begode maybe implying they are going to improve quality.

That is good to hear. I've always thought they listened well to userbase in the short-term, and hopeful they can do the same over safety and QC concerns over a much longer time-frame. Bet it raises the prices by a fair bit though (again) so we'll see if the market can afford what it says it wants !

Edited by Cerbera
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14 minutes ago, Cerbera said:

Bet it raises the prices by a fair bit though (again) so we'll see if the market can afford what it says it wants !

There is competition. So no manufacturer is immune from overpricing their wheels out of the market.

 Regarding affordability, Sherman-S seems to be doing well. It is not clear that there is an issue here yet.

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1 hour ago, techyiam said:

Once Begode has good enough quality and waterproofing, with their class leading performance and competitive suspension systems, I would consider them.

Already here... LK/Veteran... careful steps

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28 minutes ago, Mango said:

A legend is born

ya, dawn has some real motorcycle chops. best street wheel rider i've ever seen. she's a natual.

Just now, novazeus said:

ya, dawn has some real motorcycle chops. best street wheel rider i've ever seen. she's a natual.

and those crazies in california, lane split.

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57 minutes ago, Josiah said:

Challenger looks responsive enough

It looked bouncy to me like the suspension had too much pressure in it, wasn't much give. It defiantly looked maneuverable though for a smaller rider.

I think a little less tire pressure and shock pressure would have made it handle the bumps much better, when i ride the v11 off road i notice if i run it soft it absorbs the bumps very well.

Edited by Punxatawneyjoe
gramatical errors
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1 hour ago, Mango said:

A legend is born

I have see another YouTube video where another female motorcyclist was wiped out in exactly the same way. It looked to me like a very skilled driver pulled the rear parking brakes to induce the car to serve over and exactly block the motorcycle, but not enough to skid into the third lane over where there were cars, and would have hurt the driver. I would be suspicious of this driver for committing attempted vehicular homicide. 

Noticed the car that swerved over was initially in front of Dawn at first in the second lane from the left. The driver then stayed in the far left of the first lane after a lane change, so that it would have enough room as to not swerved into the third lane over. The driver timed the maneuver, and as Dawn approached from behind, he skillfully accelerated his front wheel drive car and applied the rear parking brakes. His car then started a controlled swerve into Dawn's lane. His car would closed the door on Dawn but not enough to swerve over to the 3nd lane over, otherwise the driver can also get very seriously hurt.

On hindsight, Dawn should have tried to dart over to the left. But without knowing apriori the intent of the driver, nor previous experience with this kind of assault, it would have been very difficult to make the right counter-maneuver at that instant. 

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5 minutes ago, Clem604 said:

So first impressions of the V13:


1) Build Quality/Fit and Finish: IMO the V13 the best built EUC on the market today. The build quality is truly next level and it feels like more of a tank than even the Sherman S (which we also had present at the demo)

2) Pad Setup: It has the best stock pads of any EUC I've tried (a lot) Acceleration was no problem but the braking pads COULD be larger and stick out more, this was one thing where I thought it could've been made better but it could also be the size/shape of my legs

3) Suspension: The suspension is very smooth and feels nothing like the V11, which in my mind is a good thing :D Very supple and seemingly hard to bottom out.

4) Fantastic Headlight:  I would say the V13 headlight is the best in the business. Brighter than my V11 (by a long shot) and also the beam pattern is very wide, much wider than the V11. I was very surprised by how good the light was.

5) Ease of use: I was speaking with everyone who rode it for the first time and we are all very surprised at how fast we could get comfortable on the wheel. I had some initial wobbles the first time I got one but I wasn't expecting to get so comfortable with the wheel so soon. I was comfortable pushing it a bit within I the first 10 meters of riding the wheel.

6) Supreme Stability: I could see how Dawn and a few others rode this up to 90km/h (indicated on the wheel). The V13 felt incredibly stable AT ANY SPEED. I wasn't able to take it up to max speed but the stability of the wheel  is pretty next level, even compared to the likes of the Sherman/Sherman S

7) Manoeuvrability : Another surprise here, The V13 is easy to ride and is somewhat nimble for a wheel of its size which also shocked some of the other riders there. It's honestly not that much harder (but still is) to manoeuvre the wheel around at lower speeds than the Sherman S.

8) Acceleration/Braking: This wheel takes a lot of effort to get going and braking. This was to be expected with a wheel this size so I won't put it down as a CON. The power is very smooth and feels quite endless. This aspect of of the wheel can be improved with aftermarket pads.



1) Battery Capacity: 3024WH isn't the largest and may not be enough for some.

2) Price: Not much to say here except "the price is too god damned high" although this could be said of all the new performance wheels coming out.

3) Weight: This is to expected of the V13. It's big and heavy at around 113lbs although some of us could still lift it.

4) Kickstand: No included kickstand but is only a minor gripe



I have a pre-order for a batch 2 Sherman S and I still think its the right wheel for my wants and needs. However if the battery was larger on the V13 I would have a very hard decision to make between the two as they are close in price where I'm buying it from.

Excellent feedback. Yeah I really would like the V13 to be my daily wheel but the drawbacks are enough to kill it for me. I look forward to their future wheels.

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