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Apple AirTags to tracks your lost EUC?

Phong Vu

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Basically, I saw topic where people’s suggest to create a thread for lost EUC.

I think we can hide an air-tag inside an EUC (or onewheel/scooter) pretty easy.

Based on how Apple AirTags work, and consider the amount of people using iphone/ipad/mac. There’s a good chance that we can track it down without the thieves knew about it.

(Some guys on YouTube test to hide an airtags on a bench in the park then mark it as lost, and he got a lot of notifications within hour)

The investment is nothing compared to the EUC price nowadays.

Thoughts ? :)

Edited by Phong Vu
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I've ordered some for this very purpose. I originally was going to just get one to put somewhere inside the frame of my ebike, but then figured I could put one inside the shell of my wheel as well. I probably won't ever need to make use of it. But they aren't that expensive so why not? :) 

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1 hour ago, Camenbert said:

Thanks for this post, i never heard about AirTags before.
Are there Android equivalent ?


There are some, e.g. Tile. But Apple has an enormous advantage in the size of the network - any relatively recent iPhone (with up to date iOS 14.5) can connect to an AirTag and forward its location. With 3rd party Android options, you depend on enough of people using the same solution and app being around. So, things like Tile will help you with misplaced keys at home, but won’t be useful as a poor man’s thief tracker. Maybe except some tech hotspots like SF Bay area.

Also, AirTags will notify the thief that someone is tracking them if the thief has iPhone. I have to see how easy it is to disable the tag without a physical access to it. I hope it’s not possible, so it will work as a deterrent in those cases (a thief will throw the device away rather than bring it home for disassembly), but we will see…

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Yes, this is very old technology, there is some alternative in android world, but the size of the network is why I see it useful now.

Others product only work if the tracker close to someone who installed the app on their phone.
Apply airtags will work if it close to anyone who use iphone/ipad/macbook, which is huge.

Lets say if the thief use android phone, but as soon as he bring the wheel close to someone who use iphone/ipad/macbook, you will get the notification.
If the thief use iphone, they will only know they been tracked after 3 days (I don't know if this will change, but as least this is Apple current specs).

And let say he know about the tracker and dump the wheel somewhere, you still have better change of finding it?

I don't think this will work 100%, but consider an air-tag is only $29.
$29 is boost up the change of seeing your wheel again? I say worth it.

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Got it, the size of Apple network is indeed interesting. I have to admit the close/proprietary Apple system shows here it's advantage.
Being (as AirTags) detected is one, but will I be able to track my wheel if I have not an iPhone ?

Answering to myself, for Android it's "tile", vs a hundred million Apple device :


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7 minutes ago, null said:

I considered AirTags for this, but the anti stalker feature doesn't make it a very good anti theft retrieval system.
Basically it will warn an iPhone that if a Tag follows it for too long, or beep after a while.
Seems more for lost things really.

The anti stalker is not very good atm
(only notify the one who been following after 3 days)
Unless this is changed, 3 days are more than enough.


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The Airtags would have to be hundreds of times better than Tile to work as an anti theft device. Tile is great for finding your keys or even telling you when you are leaving your stuff behind but not so good at finding things out in the world. 

Example:  I lost my keys at home. I opened the app and marked the keys as missing.  No luck. Where could my keys be? I remember! They are in my wife’s car and she is at the store. I turned off the app and waited for my wife to get home. The keys were still listed as missing in the app. THREE Months later, THREE months of walking around a city with my keys, I got a notification that my keys were locked at a restaurant that I was in two hours ago. A phone in the restaurant that I had eaten in picked up the tile and sent me a notification two hours after I left the restaurant. Not very useful as a anti theft device. 

The AirTags app would have to be running on all iPhone all of the time to be useful and I am not sure I want my iPhone waisting power 24/7 looking for stuff. 

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4 hours ago, RockyTop said:

The AirTags app would have to be running on all iPhone all of the time to be useful and I am not sure I want my iPhone waisting power 24/7 looking for stuff. 

I think they use find my phone, which is already running all the time on all iphone :) (and ipad/macbook)

3 hours ago, Weaves said:

Well... if I have to pay for subscription plan, then this ideas lost interested real quick.
The change I lost my wheel is slim, since I can bring the wheel inside/outside with me wherever I go.
Paying $26 1 time is ok, paying monthly is just too much :(

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I've been using Invoxia for years (since I almost got my Rockwheel GT16 stolen on an attack back in 2017) and works well.

Not sure if available outside Europe, but there must be similar ones available elsewhere, using similar networks. 


Edited by Jean eRide.ie Community
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4 hours ago, Phong Vu said:

Well... if I have to pay for subscription plan, then this ideas lost interested real quick.
The change I lost my wheel is slim, since I can bring the wheel inside/outside with me wherever I go.
Paying $26 1 time is ok, paying monthly is just too much :(

If you ever plan on taking it out of the city your gonna need something more than one of those tags. If not I think they should work good-enough.  I think that a $15 a month anti-theft plan is worth it.  You can also go down the 4G tracker route and get a $5-10 a month data plan with some providers for semi-urban areas.  If you already have a large data plan you can ask for a discounted sim card for this purpose. Depends on provider.

Data Plan Examples:

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4 hours ago, Jean eRide.ie Community said:

I almost got my Rockwheel GT16 stolen on an attack back in 2017

I guess Apple is good in Marketing (aren't they) and some city bad in Security.

I never thought you could be attack for wheel, in Dublin ?!

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15 hours ago, RockyTop said:

The AirTags app would have to be running on all iPhone all of the time to be useful and I am not sure I want my iPhone waisting power 24/7 looking for stuff. 

But it already is. :) It’s also looking 24/7 for Apple devices around without internet connection (since iOS 13).

Don’t imagine it as something power hungry and active - most of those devices already have bluetooth running and listening, waiting for a connection from iWatch, speakers, car, etc. So recording a short ping from nearby devices costs nothing, and forwarding those pings to apple once in a while shouldn’t eat much of your data limit either. Even e-mail synchronization probably eats far more data…

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I prefer using Samsung's SmartTag it is the same as apple's Airtags  with the difference that it can be used as a smart trigger for your smart devices as well (turning on/off devices with key-presses).
In my country there are a lot more people using Samsung devices than apples, tnx to the shitty repair policy scams that apple enforces.

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14 hours ago, Weaves said:

If you ever plan on taking it out of the city your gonna need something more than one of those tags. If not I think they should work good-enough.  I think that a $15 a month anti-theft plan is worth it.  You can also go down the 4G tracker route and get a $5-10 a month data plan with some providers for semi-urban areas.  If you already have a large data plan you can ask for a discounted sim card for this purpose. Depends on provider.

Data Plan Examples:

lol, sorry, I forgot this is the international forum for a bit...
I'm from Canada, the land of no cheap plans :D I'm looking at $35 if I want a 1GB of data... yeah... cry for me...

But even with $15/month, it gonna be $180/year.
Compare to most of people need, it's too much...

For most of us, we just riding bike path, some light trail in the city, commute to works, go to get some groceries, coffee, etc...

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2 hours ago, Nivel said:

I prefer using Samsung's SmartTag it is the same as apple's Airtags  with the difference that it can be used as a smart trigger for your smart devices as well (turning on/off devices with key-presses).
In my country there are a lot more people using Samsung devices than apples, tnx to the shitty repair policy scams that apple enforces.

Yeah, all of them are the same.
The main point is find out what is the biggest network for your areas.

For my place, even if google decide to launch something, a network with iphone + ipad + macbook is quite unbeatable.
(Even people use android phone might have ipad/macbook)

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9 hours ago, Zopper said:

But it already is. :) It’s also looking 24/7 for Apple devices around without internet connection (since iOS 13).

Don’t imagine it as something power hungry and active - most of those devices already have bluetooth running and listening, waiting for a connection from iWatch, speakers, car, etc. So recording a short ping from nearby devices costs nothing, and forwarding those pings to apple once in a while shouldn’t eat much of your data limit either. Even e-mail synchronization probably eats far more data…

Well then, I guess it is hundreds of times better than Tile. :thumbup:

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Thievery also plagues bicycle owners, but with the advantage that most can't ride an EUC. Still, bicycle thieves would eventually get an EUC because it cost a lot.

My suggestion is to also get a chain lock; rather than the thief just grabbing your unsecured wheel he'd also have to cut the chain or handle.

I have this bicycle chain, but with both chain and Apple Air your wheel have have both discouragement and recovery.


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At the end of the day, all our Wheels already have BT.
Inmotion, KS & Gotway should directly implement this Airtags/tile technology on their motherboard.

As the video I posted earlier here shows, the Airtags network is open to 3rd players,
so it might be efficient, especially if it is setup specifically for the task that interest us (against theft).

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12 minutes ago, Camenbert said:

At the end of the day, all our Wheels already have BT.
Inmotion, KS & Gotway should directly implement this Airtags/tile technology on their motherboard.

As the video I posted earlier here shows, the Airtags network is open to 3rd players,
so it might be efficient, especially if it is setup specifically for the task that interest us (against theft).

I'd rather not have onboard tracking. Onboard bt signal that cant be turned off, is bad enough.  thanks tho...:ph34r:

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28 minutes ago, ShanesPlanet said:

I'd rather not have onboard tracking.

For privacy reasons ?

Is so, we can imagine a PIN code, shipped with the wheel, that would allow to switch this off.
10 errors in a raw and your MB bricks...

If it's about battery drain, these super tiny Airtags batteries (1, 2Wh?) are good for 12 months, it will not be a problem

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