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How do you deal with the rain?


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I'm awaiting a Veteran Sherman, and as it seems mainly made up of GotWay, I ask here:

How do you handle rain with the lack of water proofing?
Do you avoir it completely or is there an acceptable amount? Any "good practice" here except living in a dry country?

Its difficult to never ever get caught by some downpour, just how much should I worry?
Any way improving it other than topicalising and siliconing every gap ?

Tanks for any insight!
Its my battery fire angst that ask.

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46 minutes ago, null said:

I'm awaiting a Veteran Sherman, and as it seems mainly made up of GotWay, I ask here:

How do you handle rain with the lack of water proofing?
Do you avoir it completely or is there an acceptable amount? Any "good practice" here except living in a dry country?

Its difficult to never ever get caught by some downpour, just how much should I worry?
Any way improving it other than topicalising and siliconing every gap ?

Tanks for any insight!
Its my battery fire angst that ask.

You can buy the bodyguard in roll.nz or use temporally a cover like this from aliexpress




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Thanks for the replies, if the rain from the top is the major issue then this fixes that.
I'd worry a bit about the wheel splashing as well, but maybe it doesn't go too much upwards.

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Buy Inmotion is the solution.  :crying:

My MSPRO have survived light rain ride with EUC bodyguard when covering also button and trolley.

I dont think waterproofing the controller and using better warterproof connectors would cost that much more. 

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On 6/21/2020 at 12:13 PM, null said:

Thanks for the replies, if the rain from the top is the major issue then this fixes that.
I'd worry a bit about the wheel splashing as well, but maybe it doesn't go too much upwards.

Yeah, I wouldn't put much stock in using covering materials on top of the shell. Consider the V10F for instance where the issue was the water splashing into the wheel house and through the seal into the battery compartment from below. Since all wheels are constructed differently there's not a single solution to this that would apply for all models, and the general advice so far for nearly all wheels have been not to not expose them to water in that sense so.. Hopefully Inmotion have learned their lesson after V10F and they now advertise an IP55 rating for the V11 which is a nice step forward. I can't speak for the Sherman though, and haven't seen any similar rating for it. That doesn't mean it will combust in contact with water of course, no manufacturer want their wheel to up in flames, but just that they're not explicitly claiming any rating that I've seen (don't think most wheels do, with exception for the Z10 for which I've seen ratings for the frame and battery).

I've personally ridden my Nikola several times in the rain when commuting and getting caught by the rain without issues, but that's all anecdotal of course.

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Indeed, sadly what I worry about. I can visualise all the water sneaking in everywhere, and corroding it’s way between the batteries. Luckily the stats are still in our favor (even gotway wheels don’t randomly combust) but still. 

The Sherman seem to somewhat better organised than the MSX, but has a lot of joints (without gaskets)

Thanks for the input.

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24 minutes ago, null said:

Indeed, sadly what I worry about. I can visualise all the water sneaking in everywhere, and corroding it’s way between the batteries. Luckily the stats are still in our favor (even gotway wheels don’t randomly combust) but still. 

The Sherman seem to somewhat better organised than the MSX, but has a lot of joints (without gaskets)

Thanks for the input.

Right, and I'd just like to say I don't mean to be crying wolf in any way, it's just that there aren't anything explicitly stated, at least for most models. As you say, looking at the stats these are still very unlikely events. Just to correct my earlier post somewhat about there being nothing to do I'd note that some people like to still go over their various wheels and add additional water proofing themselves where they feel it's warranted, which is always something that is possible but certainly not for everyone.

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  • 2 weeks later...

1 . stay home 

2. use backpack rain cover 15L(liter) version fits all EUC price 10eur max.

3. Watch satelite cloud map when you ride and be prepared. (windy.com)

4. purchase special EUC weather sealing what some companies offer example here:

This just fascinate me ! I am owner KS16X and water is 16x cryptonite


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