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Economy Stimulus money!

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@Creining The answer to your first question depends on the person's financial circumstances, so I don't think anyone, besides yourself, can answer that question. Have you tested in any wheels before? It appears you already own a MSX, yes? I ride the King Song 18XL and think it's pretty nice, but it's the only wheel I've ridden.

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yes of course its only you that can answer that question... if you are well off, dont rent, and are working from home then yea why not... but if youre living paycheque to paycheque and are laid off you would be an idiot to spend that on an euc lol.. anywho since you already have a 100V MSX its not like you can get something more powerful/faster,, so to complement it i think a wise choice would be a light weight errand wheel thats convenient like a ks14s/16s, v5f, v8/f, mcm5, maybe even a tesla.. theyre all convenient, light weight, have good trolleys etc.. or if you want something to screw around on for fun maybe an mten3.. however if youre the kind of person who only likes to go far and fast and you only use a car for errands euc's are just for days off then perhaps an 18xl or gotway nikola.. i would actually say the nikola is more comparable to the msx than the 18xl is even though the 18xl has the bigger tire it actually rides more similarly to a 16" wheel than the nikola which can be quite nimble at slower speeds and has excellent torque but at higher speeds it handles very similarly to the msx where it has a bit of the gyroscopic effect and you have to lean into turns. the 18xl is more like an extremely comfortable/relaxing long distance cruiser.. zero gyroscopic effect at any speeds and the handling is very very smooth and the speed is gradual its a completely different ride to the msx

what is it specifically that you are looking for in a second EUC, because everything is good at something and everything is bad at something.. its impossible to make a recommendation with zero information on your ideal use case

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  • meepmeepmayer changed the title to Economy Stimulus money!

is the government giving out money to those of us who can afford a wheel to begin with? If so... HELL YES I'd spend it on another wheel or toy( actually no, I'd donate it, i tempt karma too much already). If no, and only the 'poorer' class gets the check, then its even more of a moral dilemma. If you CAN afford to spend it on a wheel, but are given money because you are poor, someones information is askew.  Either way, asking strangers if its okay to spend government money, is usually a bad idea no matter what(some of those strangers probably overpaid in taxes and arent getting shit). Free govt money given on accident to the people that don't NEED it, should go to charity, tho thats my own bs opinion. Who's economy is buying an euc, stimulating primarily? Whos was it intended to? I honestly dont know shit about this, and does it even really matter? If you SAVE it or donate it, does it even stimulate anything?  WHich wheel? The KS18XL of course....

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On 3/30/2020 at 2:57 AM, Creining said:

Is it a bad idea to use your government money to buy a EUC? Also which wheel to buy?

It's a bad idea, unless your finances are stellar.
We're in for a long, exhausting crisis. Is your job stable? How will you handle 100% increase in prices (inflation)? Do you have at least 6 months of savings? How much debt do you have?

Also, why buy a second wheel when you have an MSX already? Almost every wheel will be a downgrade to you...

Edited by atdlzpae
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Answer is Hell yes it is a good idea! Stimulate the economy! The wheel to buy is the tough part. There is alot of new wheels coming out now. Inmotion V11, and Kingsong KS-S18. To name a couple.

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7 hours ago, Creining said:

Answer is Hell yes it is a good idea! Stimulate the economy! The wheel to buy is the tough part. There is alot of new wheels coming out now. Inmotion V11, and Kingsong KS-S18. To name a couple.

I absolutely don't believe Keynes was right and I treat all "stimulate the economy" as a socialist government propaganda.
US didn't have a proper crisis since 1970's and the amount of debt in the system is staggering. Next 3 years are gonna be brutal for a lot of people. :unsure:

I'll repeat my questions: Is your job stable? How will you handle 100% increase in prices (inflation)? Do you have at least 6 months of savings? How much debt do you have?

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11 hours ago, Creining said:

I have a very stable job, even more so in a time of crisis. I believe yes we as in the whole world have a bumpy road ahead. I give it to God every day. That is the answer my friend.

What was the question then? ;)

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48 minutes ago, travsformation said:

What was the question then? ;)

I believe the question is; What do you do when you realize that you are stuck in a simulation where you have absolutely no control over anything;) My answer would be Santa Claus, if I gave up talking honestly to my friends and had to choose a fictional character to guide me in my despair, because then being a good person and writing a list is all it would take, and I would only be disappointed one day each year.

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  • 1 month later...

If that's so, then the answer is: it's a bad idea to spend money on vanity. :)

Most people don't have months of savings and a stable job. I really think we haven't seen anything of this crisis yet:
- QE and unemployment benefits will almost certainly result in inflation
- We didn't yet have the mass bankruptcies that are bound to happen
- Unemployment is record high. I think it's higher than in reality (because of how high unemployment benefits are), but even 50% of 30mil is staggering
- Food supply chains are breaking

Trying times are coming. And just like in 1930's, the government is doing everything in their power to make it as bad as possible.

It's a way better investment for 95% of people to stock up on food for $1200. And if you really need transportation, buy a $300 bicycle. -_-

For the other 5% $1200 makes no difference whatsoever. Rich folks can spend 1% of their money on toys and they still have 99% left for food and rent. B)

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