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Upgrading - is it worth going from a V5F to a V8?


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Hi all,

I've had my first wheel (V5F) for about 10 weeks and now that I can confidently ride it I'd like to upgrade. My plan was to save up and get something in the £1400 range but by accident I have come across a man living locally who wants to buy buy my existing wheel for £200 and at the same time I can buy a new V8 on Aliexpress for £600.

It's not my preferred upgrade route but my V5F has a lot of beginner knocks and scratches that the potential buyer isn't bothered about (he's seen the wheel) so it kinda seems attractive to buy a brand new and slightly more powerful wheel for an extra £400 :)

So guys and gals, do you think it's worth considering an intermediate upgrade to a V8 for £400?  Am I likely to see any significant improvement for my money or should I keep my existing wheel until I can afford something in the £1400 range ?

Many thanks :)

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Usually I'd say no, but if you're saving up for something better and don't know when that will be, maybe this is a nice intermediate step. You won't lose much money when you sell the V8 again. And maybe the stronger V8 will make you save longer and you can get a 1600Wh top end wheel;)

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If you are not into trips longer that 50km, going faster than 40km/h and climbing hills to fry motherboards (Oooops,:whistling:) , may I suggest to keep the V5F for future banging and skill acquisition and get a V10F for ride comfort.

If you are over 180lbs be wary of the pedals of the V10F. You may have to change them.

This is what I did and no regrets. I ruled out all other wheels because of weight and noise. I sometimes have to carry the V10F up a flight of stairs and I just cannot see myself doing it with those 55lbs plus wheels...

I am still waiting for a not too wide, flat top, silent, maneuverable, pothole comfortable,  42 lbs wheel with a 100km range and 45km/h top speed...:w00t2: For me the V10F was the closest thing...




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Guest PogArt Artur
3 hours ago, Gasmantle said:

Hi all,

I've had my first wheel (V5F) for about 10 weeks and now that I can confidently ride it I'd like to upgrade. My plan was to save up and get something in the £1400 range but by accident I have come across a man living locally who wants to buy buy my existing wheel for £200 and at the same time I can buy a new V8 on Aliexpress for £600.

It's not my preferred upgrade route but my V5F has a lot of beginner knocks and scratches that the potential buyer isn't bothered about (he's seen the wheel) so it kinda seems attractive to buy a brand new and slightly more powerful wheel for an extra £400 :)

So guys and gals, do you think it's worth considering an intermediate upgrade to a V8 for £400?  Am I likely to see any significant improvement for my money or should I keep my existing wheel until I can afford something in the £1400 range ?

Many thanks :)

From my perspective,learnt on of how many different doubts I went through, I wouldn't make any of pre-steps to get the wheel I want as a "target", if you know I mean Peter.

To clarify my words - I think I'd be better off keep waiting,and save to purchase the Z10 (target wheel) instead of paying £600 and selling it for £200 in matter of only 3 months.

If you have any of EUC in your mind , as a dreamed wheel to keep it for long time, as a car for example, then purchasing a bit better EUC than yours, to keep it for another few months, to sell it again for £200 (if you lucky to sell it) isn't something I'd think of as a good deal :)

But it's ONLY my point of view :)

I think you've started this topic not to follow anybody's advises, but to get a bigger picture of what to do :)

So just read all those clues of the members will offer, and make your mind up what to do :)

*You might upgrading slowly, step by step, EUC by EUC to the dreamed wheel you want, but consider all the loss of £££ (buying/selling).

You may be ok if you after to keep the wheel,though? :)


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