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Z10 Clone?! Is this Plagiarism?


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I heard from the "closed" facebook group that a person asked for theĀ 

Dogebos DG-Z10

I've search a bit about it and found that Dogebos is a brand name, these machines are sold mainly in aliexpress and their price isĀ low-low..

Is this something new cause of the trend the Z series wheel made the past year, is it enough to become a problem for Ninebot, cause this CLEARLY isn't an original wheel

Or is it!?

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TheĀ use of "Z10" seems to be just in the model name/number. Its just a fat tire electric scooter and looks nothing like an EUC.



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I don't believe that china vendor would clone other china product. It can't make it cheaper.

All other description on this alibaba is about ninebot Z-10, also picture is with ninebot sticker. But you can ask the seller directly.

But in any case be ready to have zero day warranty.

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  • 3 weeks later...

when i was bying my wheel from ali I noticed that (almost) all sellers put anoyher brand in the description. In my case it was MVmotor. The seller just claimed that it was his company name...


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Sometimes companies sell off surplus products to OEM. This can happen if sales didn't meet expatations and they have a huge unused production capacity.

By put out product in OEM brand they do not directly compete with their own product. since they don't take a quality issue hit to their brand, and they don't need to brand protect these products so warranty claims do not hit their brand either.

Another example is the CPU and graphic card business for computers. when the component didn't meet top tuned spec it might pass test at lower speed or disconnecting some parts of the CPU/GPU. 10 years back that was used a lot. So you could sometimes firmware/driver hack to better performance, but product might not last as long as it had hard to cope with the extra stress.

Same as companies might deliver vital components to other products. Here I think the CPU and GPU for consuls. it brings in profit to CPU/GPU makes but they are not interested to be too exposed as it is just to pay for development of next gen product either for consul market or other product. it is a way to spread cost and standing on more legs just in case.

So back to EUCs andĀ Z10. Some have speculated 9B to withdraw from EUC market, as Z10 didn't perform sales wise as 9B had hoped. I know nothing of this at all....

But one way to salvage factory cost is to continue as OEM product maker. Or it could be just to boost sales and profit.

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