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  1. Hi everyone @Seba, I love to see the new average consumption in Wh/km, and how the same route downhill I can average 5Wh/km, and uphill 20 What I don't get is why you hide this specific stat once the wheel is disconnected? I have to remember to look at it while the wheel is still connected, and forget most of the time that I start riding and thinking.. how much will I average on consumption today?. The W average remains there! ALSO, even though EUC World says that my wheel can upgrade to firmware 12, it installs only the 11. Do you know anything about this issue? Maybe it has been a month or two since I "upgraded" twice to v11 (Kingsong ks14s) Thanks!!!
  2. I totally had the opposite feeling 😅 Anyway, after a couple of times emptying the battery a little bit and charging again, the cell balancing kicked in, and today the battery has been balancing for about 10h already. It has been falling from the 1.3A nominal to almost nothing without any abrupt change. Right now is drawing 0.01A, which is the minimum my device can measure, but more than zero which is what it previously had. I don't understand why this worked. What I will do now is certainly balance the cells much more frequently Best,
  3. Thanks a lot for your reply! I'll reply better once I'm in my computer. But just a little question: those 12V in the battery sync cable mean "go ahead", and the 0.4V mean "stop"/"overcharging danger"? Thanks again!!
  4. Hi @Seba and sorry for bumping this old thread. I am having problems again with the damn battery: The battery stops charging at about 66V, If I disconnect a battery pack, the wheel keeps charging, so it would seem like the battery left in it has no problem. If I ONLY disconnect this "BMS Sync" cable, the wheel keeps charging. If I measure black - red-sync-cable on the wheel it gives me 12V If I measure black - red-sync-cable on the battery, it gives me 0.4V I have measured all voltages on the BMS of the "faulty battery" and they are all around 4.1V, some at almost 4.2V, so it looks like it is in great shape. What could happen if I charge the wheel without the red sync cable connected? If I use the wheel and deplete the battery a little bit it charges nicely until those 66V, where it stops suddenly. So when the balancing should kick in it stops working. any ideas? Thanks
  5. So, I won't do anything to fix the lost km, it has been something I just think shouldn't happen. Maybe someday I'll plot all the recorded km to see if some are lost from time to time. My firmware is 1.09. I can update to 1.12, but at 1.10 I saw what it seemed a "feature" that would lock the wheel if serial number invalid, and once my wheel forgot its serial number, so I see no need to upgrade.. Would anyone recommend moving from 1.09 to 1.12 in a ks14s? Thx!
  6. Hey, This comes from EUC.WORLD logs datetime,duration,duration_riding,distance,distance_total 2020-07-23T13:57:52.577+0200,1,0,0.000,3977.313, 2020-07-23T14:01:48.536+0200,236,233,1.371,3978.684 2020-07-27T08:24:03.905+0200,6,0,0.000,3977.498 MY WHEEL (ks14s) HAS FORGOTTEN IT HAS DONE SOME KM!! I am so confused, does this happen often? I have changed phones in between the two logs, but this definitely seems a wheel issue.. right? EDIT: the "previous" point 3977.498: 2020-07-23T13:58:33.970+0200,42,40,0.184,3977.498 now, my whole life of running metrics, measuring km/V of battery, Wh/km, etcetera IT'S A LIE
  7. I still don't get what "kv" is. But worry not, if I need I'll look it up! on a sidenote, @Seba, have you considered using gravatar for default avatars? Mine would be this awesome furry friend:
  8. I wish I could say "gotcha", but I didn't understand a thing! kv=V/(rad/s) = V·s? haha what is that? I need an accelerated course on motor physics. I've gone through them but they didn't stick to the memory
  9. So it's a shame that we can't compare the power to what other wheels do. Thx!
  10. First of all, that's impressive!! Second.. What's also impressive is how much power the wheel is "drinking", looking at the graph it seems the average was above 1kW, during 2.3h, that would mean a minimum battery of 2300Wh, but it looks like websites report 1800Wh battery. And you even mention the wheel was not fully charged. Continuing with the numbers, 2300Wh/70km = 32Wh/km, which is A LOT for a flat surface. I average 15Wh (at the charger level)* on my KS14S in Barcelona which is not flat at all (my tours at least). My point is... are you sure the wheel is reporting the power accurately? Cheers! *I mean, I measure how many Wh (after the transformer and before the battery) I feed the wheel and how many km I ride, which because of charging inefficiencies the number to compare my KS14S to MSP should be lower than 15Wh/km
  11. That was quite an explanation for a game of detectives!! Still, I do not know all the wheels out there. I understand that sharing such information is of a privacy concern, but at the same time we are talking about an app that basically shares GPS coordinates. Today we are doing a demonstration in Barcelona in favor of PMVs and AVAS is going to be there!! Cheers!
  12. Well, I mean on the tours! When you see Seba doing 90km straight you wonder what wheel is he driving? It'd be cool that this is also shown on the euc.world tour.
  13. I would like to know why the wheel model is not displayed. It seems so obvious that is a very interesting piece of information that I just guess there is a reason for it no to be there :p
  14. The external battery pack is meant for charging another battery pack? If not I wouldn't do it. You need something to limit the amps. When charging a battery pack what limits the amps is the charger. I do not expect neither that battery or the charging port of the kingsong wheel to have an amp limiter when charging. Be careful! EDIT: Okay, I see you meant to have both be discharged at the same time by matching voltages at the beginning.. I think this would be fine.. Just make sure you measure the voltage before you connect them and don't assume anything. There is just the issue that 10amps may flow through a wire (in the wheel) that is not expecting more than 2/3 when charging. Btw, regenerative braking will only be sent to the ewheel battery (I am pretty sure there is a diode there preventing outflow). But since then the external battery will have then lower voltage, this seems feasible.
  15. E-Wheels US only (+ Canada). For the time being I don't want the battery pack, I am just surprised that it exists nowhere
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