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    Kansas, USA
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    Sherman Max, KS 16S

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  1. Disappointing; its like a couple guys building hot rods in their garage.
  2. To make sure sealant is done properly, I think the pedal hanger will need to be removed and reinstalled after sealant is dry.
  3. Dude, you know it's true it's on the internet.
  4. I will be in Columbus Nebraska this weekend. Planning on a couple early morning rides around Lake Babcock.
  5. Lol.. All politicians around the world need to pull their head out.
  6. I'm questioning if we should be riding this fast. Did you see how far the wheel flew? Imagine this happening in the city.
  7. Sorry but it is made up. January 6th insurrection, made up. Trump in bed with the Russians, made up. Hunter Bidens laptop was fake and was Russian misinformation, made up. on and on and on.
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