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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. If we're taking sides here, I want to state everything below 1000 W (nominal) or 1000 Wh can go right into the trash
  2. 100 km is nothing when you get a new wheel, 3 day rides or so, can't take longer than a week. If you contacted KS for a unlock code, it would probably take more time to get an answer than just ride (or does the dealer do that?) I thought you maybe bought from Ali. The € KS prices are indeed crazy. Would/could not buy at these prices as well
  3. Now you have the nice weather and here there's rain Oh, and congratulations! 1508 Wh?
  4. Ahso, dachte schon ich hätte was Missverständliches geschrieben
  5. Irgendwas schief gelaufen beim zitieren? Ich habe mich eigentlich nicht gegen Schutzkleidung ausgesprochen
  6. Wow, I have a little list but just with date and a quick description to help remember what it was. Not such professional bookkeeping. I like how you could compute your battery cycles from your info.
  7. That's why I spent so much money on it. Everyone who is content with 25km/15miles for commutes etc is missing something. Exploring as much as you like, without even once thinking about your battery is wonderful. You know you'll run out of steam before the wheel does. I'm already seeing the 70 km until 20% slowdown/beeping becoming a problem if it goes on like this, this was only a relaxed unplanned ride, not a route planned with more effort or a route with higher demands. Big batteries are awesome, endless riding, and for hills/inclines you'll use more power quickly. (Have you Blender-ed a EUC already, or is it not the kind of thing you're learning with? Thanks for the nice comments.)
  8. Some more pictures from today's ride. Nothing special. Took 2.5 hours of riding, 40% of the 1300 Wh battery, 35 km. Perfect weather.
  9. Panorama - ACM in front of a lake in front of some mountains. Trying a no-account image host so hopefully it works.
  10. @Pingouin Big batteries are soooo neat. Ride for hours, still at 70% or 50% afterwards With your weight, a 2400Wh Monster would have 200 km range! [Not that the 140-150 of yours is in any way bad]
  11. Ich schätze ohne oder mit Fahrradhelm wird man im Zweifel vielleicht eher in Ruhe gelassen als in voller Motorradkluft + dunkles Visier.
  12. Haha, and people think EUCs are useless or just toys
  13. Jupp das muss ich auch mal machen. Bloss ohne Armschiene wenns geht Und in F ist das legalisiert wenn man unter 18 km/h oder so fährt, also kein Wunder dass sie einen in Ruhe lassen.
  14. Maiden voyage with new/repaired ACM. Just some southern Bavarian random fields etc. with good weather and mountain view (view the panoramas in "full size" for more details).
  15. Mit richtigem Deutsch haben dies wohl nicht so, ist wohl mit der heissen Nadel gestrickt. Und dass jetzt plötzlich Du schuld sein sollst, wollen die dich verarschen? Nuja, hoffe das geht für dich gut weiter. Tips hab ich leider keine, ausser zu sagen dass wenn es einen Zusammenstoss auf der Fahrbahn gibt, derjenige der die Vorfahrt geklaut hat (= derjenige der auf die Strasse rausgefahren ist obwohl da schon wer war) prinzipiell schuld ist, egal sonstige (unterstellte) Umstände wie Handy. Lass dir da nix gefallen und sag denen deutlich was Sache ist. Hoffe die Verletzungen heilen gut. Weisst Du was der Unfallverursacher (=nicht du!) zu erwarten hat? Das wirkt irgendwie so als wollten sie alles auf dich schieben.. (?) oder die machen mit dem Anderen das selbe, damit sie weniger Arbeit/Unklarheit haben und für Alles die Schuld auf irgendwen schieben können. edit: und wohl mitm Anwalt reden bevor man irgendwas sagt/schreibt kann auch net schaden, machst du vermutlich eh (wenn die schon so kommen)
  16. Haha, they don't want to say what's coming up as they don't want their competitor Kingsong to have advance notice of what they do. Funny how there really seems to be some story behind GW vs KS, and how they don't see other manufacturers (Inmotion) as competitors (which makes sense, their wheels are quite different).
  17. Really nice idea with the soft plastic cover. Can you give more details how you made it (if you didn't misappropriate medical cast materials)? This might very well be a better alternative to the full body protective bags (like Inmotion) for all wheels!
  18. Danke! Mal schauen, vielleicht lohnt sich das...
  19. Gibts das Gutachten irgendwo kostenlos (und legal) zu kriegen? Ich kenn nur die Mitteilung drüber in diesem einen Polizeiblatt (mit kostenpflichtigem Link), aber wenn man das Gutachten selber dabei hat mit dem entsprechenden Teil markiert, ist vielleicht nicht die schlechteste Idee (und ist ne gute Vorlage ggf. unfreundlich zu werden, falls einem einer blöd kommt).
  20. Nice, virtual holiday! Any chance to see @noisycarlos's video too?
  21. You are. We are all beta testers, aren't we? At the very least, the Gotway and Rockwheel customers are. Not sure about other manufacturers, Inmotion and KS seems to have advanced. @Marty Backe Per spec, the 16S goes to 35 km/h right? Which is the same as the second alarm on ACM 84V. Do you go significantly faster with your ACM? (not sure how fast 16S will let you go if you disable every alarm you can)
  22. My 84V ACM makes a comparable sound (a bit like grinding sand), but less notable, when idle and only when the front light is on, so it may not be the motor (or the sound only happens in conjunction with some change from the light being used). Are you 100% sure it's the motor? Can you locate the sound in the motor, is it "everywhere" or localized? Is it just a general "electric arc" sound?
  23. Why not Kingsong? KS16S is basically as fast as ACM, just battery might be too small. KS18A(Y) is probably a bit better at 40 km/h [more stable] than msuper V3, and the upcoming KS18S (soon-ish) will allow you to go 50 km/h in KS-designed safety (not just like "well, the motor goes that fast" like GW)! KS18 comes with up to 1680Wh.
  24. Cute Reminds me of my very first night and fog ride. It was so cold, the fog had formed a layer of ice on my wheel when I came home. Here's a very blurry photo. It looked really nice with the fog and lights.
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