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    T4, mten3

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  1. Are you using eucworld/darknessbot, is it app beeps based on the notoriously inaccurate pwm leaperkim output. Idk if the app can make the wheel beep. I've turned off app based alarms on my eucworld. I need to revisit that and fine tune them so I dont get 80% app warnings when the wheel hasn't even done its 70% warning that leaperkim use as there first unavoidable warning.
  2. 2 methods, unbolt the part in its entirety (what I've done) or cut the toe hook off from the crash protection so its covers areas similar to the rear kickstand (which I've also removed). Yea we had a local guy that snapped his leg, couldn't get his foot out on a low speed tip over that turned into a breakdance of death. Most of the group have removed the toe hook now. I've also added a plate to extend were I can place my pads and to act as crash protection for the wheel. 3d printed handle bumpers as kickstands now.
  3. Afaik 200 is just a easy way for them to program off.
  4. I've over leaned/torqued my T4 twice at speed, once resulting in a crash. Think about a euc over torque like driving a underpowered car up a hill. If you stay in a high gear you will lose speed, and eventually stall the car. This is a over torque, the change in environmental variables has asked the motor for more torque then it can provide. In that same underpowered car on the same hill, if you go down in speed and/or pick a lower gear you will have the touque to maintain that speed and still have throttle control to accelerate. Now the same scenario but with a better spec'ed car, it can go faster up that same hill befor it maxes out its motors torque capabilities, it might not ever exceed its torque capabilities. In euc terms a better more powerfull wheel will be safer and will operate at the same speed with more safety margin. Over lean is the same but your the one asking for more torque not the environment(hill pothole wind etc). Unlike a hill over torque, over leans often happen at faster speeds as the motors ability to generate torque diminishes as it approaches its kv limit. A motors kv limit is similar to a cars rpm redline but on electric motors the torque drop off is more pronounced, a cars torque will drop off but its more about the engine self disassembling. Over leans make you more susceptible to over torques and at the max speed/torque limits the two are the same. Over leans at lower speeds are doable but modern eucs will lose tyre traction even on flat ground first. Old eucs can over lean at low speeds due to their low powered motors/controllers and batteries hence the opinion of them being less safe then modern euc. In a euc safety is not accelerating as you approach your top speed and backing off up hills etc. Unlike a car that you can pin the throttle to the floor eucs cant operate at 100% throttle(lean) and road imperfections hills wind gusts etc can affect your lean and torque demands on the motor. On older eucs safety limits you even more, as motor, controller, and battery limits on torque can affect the rider at easier to access riding scenarios. On my lynx I am 70% the limit with the tyre being the other 30%. I've gone over 75 km/h (45 mph) and only made it beep on road imperfections. Off road and up stairs grip is the limit, better rider control can aid in keeping grip and I'm backing off befor the tyres limit more often then not. In my rider group others can make it beep past the first beeps with and without hi speed mode (increases the motors kv limit at cost of less torque) but that does not take away from it being more capable and in turn providing a highter safety threshold.
  5. Voltage * amps = watts, you can get 100kw from a 10 volt system if you can throw 10,000 amps at it. Just like a 1000 volt system giving 100 amps also gets 100kw. Volts has some advantages but by it self is not a indication of ability. Samsung 50e cells vs 50s cells for example both "buckets" hold 5 litters (5 ah) but the 50e has a garden hose(10-15 amps) to get the water out while the 50s has a fire hose (25-45 amps). But as said the weak link in the system could be anything and specs dont always match reality. In euc's: Lean, Software > controller, battery + wires, phase wires, motor, each having a absolute amp limit then a thermal limit. After that you have physical limits like rider ability, velcro for the lean pads, the euc's physical properties, motor then the tyre and ground surface. Then at speed you have wind resistants and all that entails like more lean, better posture/position to reduce drag, countering the pushback from the wind, countering side gusts to stay on track etc etc. Dont get stuck in the weeds a few metics that gauge potential and real world test or two to gauge reality, you dont need to model the euc in a computer to calculate its drag coefficient.
  6. The wattage number quoted by manufacturers is just that a number, it needs context behind it to mean something. Most times the number is pulled out by marketing or rounded up from the engineers. The sherman L for example 3200/8000 watts, the 3200 is implied as a nominal power and 8000 watts peak instantaneous power. But even then those numbers need more context is that a 1 hour nominal or 24 hour, is it just based on heat load, to what temp. Is the instantaneous power just based on max amperage at full or nominal voltage, is that at one second five seconds thirty? Sherman L is quoted at 840amps peak with its mosfets but it there another weak link as 8kw / 130 volts nominal = 62 amps even worse with max charge volts 53 amps. The 2 batteries (left right) are fused at 40 amps each but should be able to peak higher for short loads. I'm assuming the 840 amps is a single phase so phase to battery is usually half of phase, but even if that's all mosfets / 3 phases / 2 to get battery amps thats still closer to 140 ampa not 60amps. Now the Sherman L is quoted as having a higher torque to the lynx(same voltage wheel same manufacturer) but same top speed and motor power ratings. So one can only assume it's the same motor with the same kv but they can throw more amps lower on its touque curve but is still limited by the same thermal limits so why is the peak watts not higher? We used to know the free spin speed of euc's but now even that info is hidden behind artificial free spin limits. From a true free spin speed we could estimate a motors kv (speed / circumference = rpm, rpm/voltage= kv), kv lets us calculate the motors kt or torque coefficient thats gives us the torque per amp. If we assume the motor wattage is in the ballpark wattage/voltage gives amps at nominal and peak (times/divided by 2 is a reasonable estimate when only one nominal/peak figure is given). From that we can use it with kt to get motor torque, times it out by motor dimensions to get wheel torque to the ground. If someone does the maths and compared it to the wheel pull force values from the diy tests we might get a better picture of facts vs marketing. https://forum.electricunicycle.org/topic/28025-💪-euc-pull-force-test-results-reviewers-please-do-this/#comment-418391
  7. The filtering of the gyro, and the pid control etc is the cause as far a I know. All data can have spikes and other anomalies. Leaperkim have a filter with a decay of old data to iron out spikes etc thats why you can get a pedal dip on start up if starting on the kickstand and give it a good torque within a few seconds of balancing starting. I cant say this with absolute certainty but my experience and comments from more technically experienced people then me hint to this cause.
  8. How many owners have inverted there sherman/patton/lynx pinned the peddles between there legs then manipulated the wheel. If you observe the gaps between the battery and motor mounts you'll be surprised by the play, remember you on the wheel will move it more then you can with your hands. Each fastace has 2 seals to limit the x and y movement of the motor side of the shock and keep the oil in, no other components stop that movement. It works but your asking 4 oil seals to restrain a lot of movement with that force having good leverage.
  9. Science is doing stuff and writing down the results, 3d party testing is just data gathering as a business, it does not take away from community members doing the same especially when we dont have any 3rd party testing business that test euc's. Tuv is just our community testing codified and turned into a business to make lawyers and government bureaucrats happy actual data would be remarkable similar or identical to the communities data. As far as trusting the manufacturer and there marketing numbers look at begode and there infamous speed numbers vs gps speed. Or vacuum manufacturers in the US and there wattage claims, or ebay etc lumen numbers for flashlight. Businesses have a incentive to lie especially when there is no or little accountability. The euc manufacturers have no incentive to be accountable for there numbers and no downsides if called out on lies. Community bases data collection is our only data source thats reliable. In true scientific nature the testing methodology is shared so data can be replicated and thus trusted. Thats how scientific research papers are verified and reviewed.
  10. As weights not on the hkemd link here... 92lbs 41.7kg https://www.facebook.com/share/p/vQY6yR5Waj6BYcSo
  11. You'll have consistent charging breaks, so with videographer thats preps a food table and a nearby loo you'll be fine. My predictions is a v4 master or a v3 master pro, with 50s batteries and a hot xt60/90 charging port. Setup with a sitting position, ideally running at a cycling velodrome or racing track. Charging rate will be the biggest limiting factor then a distant 2nd ridding efficacy at x speed. Start fully charged, [ride down till it beeps at x speed then charge, charge at 10amps per parallel pack to cell voltage of 4 or 4.1 as per spec sheet(step charge).]repeat[] last charge shorten charge cycle so you can ride so it beeps just as 16hours ticks over. Ps assuming a faster charging high capacity cell like the molicel p50b isn't modded into a master/master pro
  12. Imo the T4 pro would shine in a skatepark or paved/hardpacked jump park etc. I love my non pro T4 at the skatepark just wish it had more torque like the pro variant should provide. If they up the controller above the 250 amps it can do atm(heavily battery then thermally limited) it would be even better.
  13. The main limit on 50e is the regen (and in turn recharging), I've overpowered several times unexpectedly while braking. You dont have the same headroom while braking as you do accelerating imo. Having a 6kwh pack will negate a lot of 50e s downsides but why compromise when 50s can be used. That being said a aftermarket molicel p50b 6kwh pack would be a game changer as it could safely charge at 3 phase ac ev chargers at max load (usually maxing out at 22kw where I live, but pack can take 30kw). Would need a custom charger etc but that would be a incentive to move up to the minimum voltage ev DC fast chargers use......
  14. Fyi https://www.facebook.com/share/p/tVjvtC3R2CvqvdsC/?mibextid=2JQ9oc
  15. While dont ride a master of any variant I did change my tyre to one with a very different profile, I couldn't ride it to safe my life. Went down to the a local carpark and practiced cornering of all different varieties, aka a full skills session. Once I was happy I could do it without killing myself I upped the speed and then different surfaces gradients cambers etc. By the half charge point I could ride competently while still feeling uneasy, one or 2 charges later I was 100% again. It becomes easier to adapt the more you adapt but its even faster when you give your brain the data it needs to understand the new dynamics of the ride. Just because its hard dont nope out, give it ~500km/300miles with an active skill session before ruling it out.
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