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    Vancouver, WA
  • EUC
    V10F / S18 / RS19HT / V11 / Sherman

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  1. Man, I remember you were just about to sell your S18 thinking you'd never learn. Now it looks like you've been enjoying the hell out of the Nikola, plus a Sherman's on the way! It's been really great reading about your EUC journey so far. I got a Sherman on the way as well. In fact, I'm at home waiting for a delivery as I'm typing this. Looks like yours and mine are in the same batch.
  2. Here’s another video showing the squeaks: https://youtube.com/shorts/z4ZFkLJbwNE?feature=share
  3. The GyroRiderz gloves do look like a great solution as far as protective gloves are concerned. I used to use a pair of Triple 8 wrist guards but that interfered with my watch. I now use gloves (both full-finger and fingerless versions) made by 1Protect. Check them out here: https://1protect.co/
  4. Here's a photo of the Apinestars elbow protector. As you can see, it covers a significant portion of the forearm, all the way to the tricep area. Apparently the EVS elbow pads (and the knee/shin protectors) are in the wife's car and she's out and about; I'll take a photo of that as well when she gets home.
  5. I had an accident on a Onewheel in April and while my road rash isn't as large as yours, it's generally in the same area. To that end I've been looking for something that would cover that part of my arms and I narrowed it down to two: - Alpinestars Bionic Elbow Protector (https://www.alpinestars.com/products/bionic-plus-elbow-protectors) - EVS Option Elbow Pads (https://www.evs-sports.com/collections/knee-elbow-pads/products/option-elbow-pad) I actually bought both and haven't regretted doing so. However, between the two, the Alpinestars elbow protector seems larger. It's also more flexible as it doesn't have a hard shell. I'll see if I can upload some photos later.
  6. Congrats on what sounds like a very successful series of riding sessions. Like you, I had a harder time learning to turn, primarily because my brain didn’t like the initial idea of leaning the wheel to one side. Eventually I got the hang of it by doing figure eights in a smoothly paved area of my local school. You’ll probably incorporate the same exercise with your turning practice sessions.
  7. And to think this is probably just the beginning. Can you imagine the kind of innovations that will be on future EUCs?
  8. Excellent stuff! Great to see another rider from the PNW as well. One of these days I might join you on an FnR ride.
  9. Next thing you know, you'll have five wheels... The S18, the Nikola, the V12, the Sherman (or whatever comes after the Sherman) and perhaps the Monster Pro!
  10. Saw the video. Great progress! It's as if you didn't really need the railings at all after a few tries, but I understand what you mean about the railing being a "security blanket" of sorts. The important thing is that you have the concept of riding down and as a lot of people have previously said, you're definitely well on your way. Keep up the great work.
  11. Ah... the Sherman, indeed. I've already decided to sell my XR as well. Just waiting on a friend who has a Pint to decide whether he wants to upgrade to the XR, or go the EUC route. I'm hoping it's the latter. At least you don't have to decide right away. Take your time and enjoy what the S18 has to offer. If you have friends who ride or EUC groups around your area, see if you can get a feel for other wheels like the Sherman. Quick note: You'll notice that it's relatively different riding an EUC without suspension, which might actually make you consider keeping the S18.
  12. Sounds like you’re still going to have to sell the S18, but now for an entirely different reason Here’s an alternative suggestion: Keep the wheel and buy a V12 or 18XL if you can. It’s very common among riders to have more than one wheel for different types of riding (trail, road, etc) and/or to still have the ability to ride while one wheel is charging.
  13. 1) Sherman for the daily all-arounder 2) KS S18 for trails and off-road shenanigans (although I am curious about the V11 as well) 3) V10F for teaching friends how to ride and getting them introduced into this craze, as well as for putzing about here and there.
  14. Sounds like my plan as well. My Pint and XR are sitting on the other side of the garage collecting dust right now. After learning to ride an EUC, I don't think I've put in more than 10 miles on either board.
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