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    RS 19 HS Pre order

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  1. Any one have a link that I can source RS HS bearings from?
  2. @Seba Next updated estimated range based on average riding and estimate battery volts...?
  3. I think there should be a balance, I got some spiked pedals from Murland, and ended hating how stuck my feet felt. Ended up going through the process of removing more than half of the spikes and grinding a few down. It has a little give now and for whatever reason it just feels better.
  4. Where can I get sliders from that will work with this wheel?
  5. The 128 mile range is for a 170lb rider at 20mph. speed and rider weight will affect range.
  6. I was acuy trying to find how to do a bearing change b on this wheel but couldn't find anything. Now your saying you would rather buy a while new motor...😮
  7. Joining the Shermites after having an RS19 as my 1st wheel. Manged to put 2300 miles on it in under 6 months only issue I had was a broken fan. Getting a Sherman because I'm starting to ride like an ass, and it's Killin the range and rain anxiety... So what's your mileage and issues?
  8. Ahh so the motor disengage is a regular on off, and not a pressure button like on gotways.
  9. So I saw in one of Evx vids that he trollys it and then flicks down the kick stand to park it..... Does the kick stand disengage the motor?? If so i sure hope it can only do that at a stop and not while it is moving...
  10. How long should i be leaving my wheel on the charger after charging to balance the cells?
  11. @evX_Mick I feel for you, and these leaks. It must really suck to see all this info being made public and you can't post your videos.. I think part of the issue maybe the difference in culture, at this point if kinda makes no sense from my perspective, then again I'm not on a marketing expert.
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