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    Quebec, Canada
  • EUC
    Inmotion V11, V8F

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  1. Hi, do you plan on adding support for inMotion V11? I haven’t had any luck getting DarknessBot to see my wheel. Thank you!
  2. I just noticed the same on mine 2 days ago! Really fast flickering, right? Consider we all seem to have this “problem”, it might not seem to be something that can be fixed.
  3. I've had this happen twice on my V8F as well. Always happened at medium speed (I'd estimate around 20kmh) on a flat surface, on a hot day while riding mostly continuously on a long stretch. At the time, I thought it could be some kind of overheat protection?
  4. Well, we do have the same dealer! It still seems inconsistent with what @Stuartl ‘s dealer is saying.
  5. For what it's worth, my dealer is saying that the second batch that left today is destined for the Chinese, not North American market.
  6. Ile Perrot, Québec (Montreal West Island suburb). I ride a V8F but will pass that down to my son when my V11 arrives!
  7. @PennBruce yes, wearing shoes! My feet still have a tendency to « tense up » and try to grip the pedal. All: no worries, I have no intention on attempting anything seated before I improve my skills.
  8. @scubadragosan Curious about the seat thing; do you have to "re-learn" riding seated or does that come easy with experience as a bi-pedal rider?
  9. I've been at this for about a week now. Can get on, can control fairly well the EUC (tighter and wider turns; staying in lane). Always having a little bit of a panic moment when needing to slow down abruptly or when I see cars/people coming at me. I've been practicing riding around my quiet suburban neighbourhood and having a ton of fun. However, as I attempt to increase the distance, I'm hitting a wall. At one point, my feet/legs start to feel tired and I start losing balance / assurance. I've already ridden 1, 1.5 miles without getting off the EUC; now all of a sudden, I'm struggling to do 50 yards without getting off and getting back on again. It seems I'm losing balance easily, can't quite control the EUC anymore. I noticed I have a tendency to grip the wheel between my calves. I also have a tendency to try to grip the pedals with the toes in my dominant/right foot. Any pointers?
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