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Lucas Alexander Oliver

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About Lucas Alexander Oliver

  • Birthday 12/30/1985

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  • Location
    Seattle Washington
  • EUC
    InMotion V8, KingSong 16s, GotWay Nikola!

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  1. I need some replacements as well. My left side of leds went out a few weeks ago. Kinda disappointing.. but an easy enough fix I suppose . Post where u find some plz
  2. The left side led’s stopped working on my 84v nikola not long ago. I absolutely love riding my nikola. I haven’t ridden another wheel that felt anywhere near as good. So cushy and comfortable but solid and so powerful.. that being said. It sucks that my 2000$ wheel was seemingly so cheaply made. Crap led’s. Crap control board. Crap stickers. And so on. I really wish they took some time and made the aesthetics as good as the internals. No one can match GotWay in performance but damn if they don’t suck at almost everything else. Lol.... I’m still riding my v1 control board btw. 1000 miles and still going super strong . I’m scared to mess with it. .
  3. I am a layman when talking terms like voltage, amps amp hrs. All that. I think In regular terms like. Range acceleration top speed. Does a higher voltage system make all these values better ?
  4. Totally agree. I can’t get all technical but I had my wheel cutout on me because I wasn’t paying attention and the battery got low enough for there to be performance throttling and when I tried to ride like it was at 100%... faceplant! So yes!! Always charge up fully as often as possible so that doesn’t happen to you
  5. Get a nikola bud. I swear it’s the best. KS will never compare with the GotWay RUSH !
  6. Honestly. I ride my nikola hard as hell. I don’t have but about a 15 mile daily commute so I am a able to push it to its limits.. and beyond. I had my first overpowered cutout yesterday. It wouldn’t have happened if I’d paid attention to the battery. I let it drop below 50% and it cutout at 34.9 mph. !!ouch!! Lol. That pavement doesn’t give. It only takes skin. But my nikola is tough as hell. It only sufferedminor scratches and a broken handle even when it rolled and skidded over 20meters. But that’s not the point. I ride my nikola and I lean into it as hard as I can and I brake just as hard at every stop sign and relight. I love it. It’s exhilarating. And my 84v nikola with the 1st gen board handles it with ease.. as long as its above 50%battery. Lol.
  7. So I’ve got about 800 miles on my v8. Ad it was my first euc. I learned how to ride on it. And wrecked. A lot. Lol. I have two other wheels now and I just taught my 16 yr old niece how to ride and she’s hooked. I taught her on the v8 and it worked okay. Sometimes. When she’s not on it it’ll start vibrating really violently and shaking back and forth but whe she puts her weight on it It smoothed out. So I want to send her the wheel so she can continue riding but I wanna fix it first. Does this sound like a board issue or a motor issue or something else ? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  8. Wow man. Good for you I guess. I also use my wheel as my main/only transport. And I’m kitted out almost always. Unless I’m going like less than a mile. I don’t know about where you are from but in Seattle people can’t fucking drive. I’ve been hit twice in six months I guess if you ride slowly and on the side walk it wouldn’t be a big deal.. but you might as well walk.. I always have full face helmet.. to stay pretty. Lol. And a armored jacket gloves wrist guards and knee\shin guards. I get more people tell me how glad they are I’m smart enough to wear protection... never have I felt silly or encumbered by my gear. It’s just smart. If I fall at 35 without gear.. Jesus Christ. I don’t even wanna think about it. But with all my gear. I know I would be more okay then not. So I will continue to gear up .. it doesn’t make you cool to not wear protection !
  9. Hey @FrankFilmer looks like you’re going down from Seattle too.. I am trying to get a few other people to come down as well. Gonna be a blast 👍🏼👍🏼
  10. That sounds so awesome man. I can’t wait. I got all registered today I’m definitely coming! Looking forward to the week of riding almost as much as the actual even. Should be a blast
  11. Marty did post a link but I don’t remember where .. but the amount of difference it made in the control I have over My wheel is significant. ..I’m not to tech savvy so I’m just posting a snapshot of what I ordered off amazon And I just cut it down to size. And it back is very sticky .. it’s been on for over a week and I’ve ridden over 200 miles Several times in the rain and it’s still stuck on perfectly and extremely grippy. I strongly suggest this upgrade to all nikola owners...:: Hope this helps . 🚀😁😎
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