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IPS121 clank noise


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on my 20 months old IPS121 I hear some clank noise.

It happened sometimes, but now it's happening often and louder,

Noise seems not related to wheel rotation, like valve stem hitting chassis.

It sounds a bit like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85xpFryaVlY (not mine) when changing direction, but it happens to me when riding straight on.



What could be ?

I would like to open and find, but, I have not mechanical skills, lot of pieces are fixed with some glue to avoid vibrations, and don't want to spoil battery,

so I'm a bit scared. Battery still last about 30km.

I'm riding not to full speed, because I'm scared the wheel hangs bringing me to face off.


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12 minutes ago, Hunka Hunka Burning Love said:

I wonder if it could be a slightly loose axle nut or some movement between the pedal support and the axle.  Maybe they need to be tightened?

Yeah, the example video sounded like movement somewhere between the chassis and body... 

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Could it be one of many permanent magnets is detached from wheel and is moving a little inside its position ?

Is it easy to open the motor ? Do I need special tools ?

Anyway, I need to record a video and post here.


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Hi Fabio, you can also try spinning the wheel freely when it's turned off (careful not to pinch your finger) and see if you have any sounds there. If anything from the motor that should sound there. Will wait for your video though to say more about it.

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