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Gotway ACM 820wh / Some Questions!


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Hello folks, 

I've been riding my Inmotion V5F+ for a about year now with total mileage approximately 5100km. Recently, I felt like I got bored of this wheel. To be more concrete, the speed and range doesn't satisfy me anymore. I feel like I want more. So I've been looking for a replacement and thought about Gotway ACM 820wh. Would be cool if you could answer my questions!

1) How far can you get with 820wh version? Will it give a significant increase in range comparing to Inmotion V5F+ (480wh). 

2) How nimble is the ACM? Again, comparing to V5F+. 

3) What is the maximum safe-cruising speed that can be achieved? On my V5F+ I can hit 25-27 km/h. 

4) Is the speed increase that noticeable between 25 km/h and 35-37 km/h? How does it really feel? 

5) Do you feel Gotway ACM the same way as Inmotion or there's a new learning curve involved?

As for now, that's all =)

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I don't have any experience of V5F+, but ACM is not very efficient for converting Wh to km probably because the large wattage of the motor. Range is very much dependent on the riders' weight, the speed, and the terrain. I myself have modified my V3 820Wh to 1600Wh because the range is too small for me. Even with this 1600Wh, I still encountered several low-batt warnings and till-backs even for 60km to 65km range. I weigh 75km and the riding speed varies but basically I'm a fast rider.

The maximum safe-cruising speed I believe for ACM is 35-37 km/h on good road conditions. It feels good as can be seen from video below that I was riding my V3s+ at about 35-37 km/h:

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I agree with @zlymex. Some additional ACM observations

  • The range is affected by the rider weight and speed that you ride. If you limit yourself to ~25km/h you will achieve greater distances than when riding at 35km/h
  • My riding weight is about 80kg and I am usually riding between 25km/h and 32km/h. I consistently get 50km on one charge and if I need to (by going a bit slower) I can get 56km on one charge. This is on the 820wh version of the ACM
  • The ACM is a heavy wheel so it handles high speeds much more comfortably than lighter weight wheels at high speed.
  • From my experience (700km) on the 820wh ACM you can safely ride at 35km/h and still have reserve power left. 35km/h feels very fast compared to 25km/h. It's a blast :D
  • I'm sure the ACM is not as nimble as the V5F+, but it's a very responsive and fun wheel to ride. The acceleration will make you never want to ride your Inmotion ever again ;)

The ACM is a wonderful machine and in my opinion is the best all around performance wheel that you can own.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi! Hijacking this thread because I'm in almost exactly the same position (except with only about 20% of the mileage).

I was thinking of buying the Gotway ACM. EWheels has the 1300 and 1600WH versions, but around most of the web, I find the 640 and 820WH versions. I'm wondering what (other than range) makes it worth it to shell out more for the more powerful versions, when they seem to have the same specs. on paper?

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11 minutes ago, Antshark said:

Hi! Hijacking this thread because I'm in almost exactly the same position (except with only about 20% of the mileage).

I was thinking of buying the Gotway ACM. EWheels has the 1300 and 1600WH versions, but around most of the web, I find the 640 and 820WH versions. I'm wondering what (other than range) makes it worth it to shell out more for the more powerful versions, when they seem to have the same specs. on paper?

Chinese paper isn't worth much when it comes to spec's. Regarding your 84v question:

  • The 84v version is heavier and therefore feels more stable at higher speeds
  • The 84v version is wider and therefore feels a bit more nimble
  • The 84v version has much longer range
  • The 84v version is much faster
  • The 84v version has higher acceleration

Other than that there isn't much difference.

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21 minutes ago, Marty Backe said:
  • The 84v version is much faster

Really? I didn't know. Is it actually faster, or just feel more stable at high speeds (due to the higher weight and wider stance) and so you go faster?


84V ACM versions (1300Wh, 1600Wh) are 25% more powerful than the 67.2V versions (680Wh, 820Wh). Probably because of this and mostly because the big batteries are worth it, ewheels only sells the 84V versions.

I have the 1300Wh. At room temperatures (warm weather) and maybe 25 km/h I get almost 1km per 1% battery so 80km in theory (at 20% it's over very soon) with 80kg rider weight and some dirt roads (not just smooth pavement). I would say 70km is a good range estimate (maybe a bit conservative) with some guaranteed reserves should you need them (flat ground assumed).

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19 minutes ago, meepmeepmayer said:

Really? I didn't know. Is it actually faster, or just feel more stable at high speeds (due to the higher weight and wider stance) and so you go faster?


84V ACM versions (1300Wh, 1600Wh) are 25% more powerful than the 67.2V versions (680Wh, 820Wh). Probably because of this and mostly because the big batteries are worth it, ewheels only sells the 84V versions.

I have the 1300Wh. At room temperatures (warm weather) and maybe 25 km/h I get almost 1km per 1% battery so 80km in theory (at 20% it's over very soon) with 80kg rider weight and some dirt roads (not just smooth pavement). I would say 70km is a good range estimate (maybe a bit conservative) with some guaranteed reserves should you need them (flat ground assumed).

The 84v version of the ACM is noticeably faster than the 67v version. Like, "wow" faster.

Ask @noisycarlos who currently rides my older 67v ACM. He's often up against the 3rd alarm during our group rides. Whenever he takes my new ACM for a spin he can never get the 3rd alarm to sound. I've never heard it.

We weigh about the same and I can reliably get 70km out of my 1300wh version with 15 - 20% battery remaining. That's with a lot of fast riding.

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7 hours ago, Marty Backe said:

Ask @noisycarlos who currently rides my older 67v ACM. He's often up against the 3rd alarm during our group rides. Whenever he takes my new ACM for a spin he can never get the 3rd alarm to sound. I've never heard it.

That's a good data point! How fast are your group rides? The only other data point I have is from here: 


Which says 40kph for 67v and 45kph for 84v, both of which are in the "waaaaay too fast" speed zone.

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7 hours ago, Antshark said:

That's a good data point! How fast are your group rides? The only other data point I have is from here: 


Which says 40kph for 67v and 45kph for 84v, both of which are in the "waaaaay too fast" speed zone.

As a whole, the group rides aren't super fast. But there are periods where you can zip around very fast if you want to.

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