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Is China Using EUC's to spy?

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I know this looks kind of silly, but I have been thinking about this ever since US nearly blocked Tik Tok. Is there a way to turn off the mapping capabilities of my King Song? Could China be using us as unwitting spies? Am I just being overly paranoid by worrying about this everyday?

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4 hours ago, earthtwin said:

I know this looks kind of silly

It's not wrong, I've already seen on import Chinese mini pc forums topics dealing with spyware integrated into mini pc, also for imported phones with a "mainland China" rom.
But it is mostly spyware that collects usage data for commercial purposes. This is considered a "compensation" for a low price.
User data from a smartphone or computer is a huge market. Indeed, if only to obtain a list of your installed applications and their use, the resale of this data is at a gold price.
My blog which lasted five years, with google analytics I knew the model of pc or telephone, the version of the operating system, the size of the screen, the exact location and it could go up to the age of the person who visited my site, the origin of the referring site, all that with a google analytics cookie. It was scary, actually.

You should know that your phone can locate other nearby phones. And this is valid for any machine that has bluetooth, wifi...

Of course, you shouldn't worry, your data is drowned in an ocean of data, intended for purely commercial purposes.
At the moment I have integrated a program to improve the segway application and they will open a bacdoor for us to determine the problematic points of the new version according to each model.

I remember two forum members successfully bypassing ninebot's servers in 2016 to allow us to reinstall firmware after a catastrophic update.

Finally, we all know that the weather balloons that fly over our continents pick up data. Even the space station is not immune to a surprising lack of security.(Argentinian Taxi Radio Interferes With NASA's Spacewalk Broadcast)

Don't worry, I too have suspicious thoughts, for example, when there was the rise of millions of free access electric scooters, all equipped with bluetooth, and speakers, you know I I imagined that positioned around a government building, all these machines could scan and collect sensitive information that could be transmitted once a user's application was connected to the internet.
  That's why I don't like kickscooters, they watch me! :D:ph34r:

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Just not use original APP is simple.

Every Chinese company must coperate with LAW.


Some time ago inmotion app try detect and block use if you use VPN last time i try this is ok.


They force you be online to use app or just calibrate EUC thisis bad becasue calibration is basic dafety procedure.


Solution use VPN register use app do important things and unistall app or take away all permisions from phone.


This is extra important in hoverboard app ETC.


My only and main app is eucworld.

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2 hours ago, DjPanJan said:

My only and main app is eucworld.

Thanks for bringing this up. Does eucworld actually take measures to protect our privacy? I am uncertain, yet hopeful. I think that this discussion gets at the actual policy of countries when it comes to  how potential enemy countries use public domain type information as intelligence. The CIA surely has a policy on this type of information. I google cia policy on safegaurding consumer information and found this: https://www.cia.gov/static/1e9e6ea141310e2fcd792e71bd24d792/Safeguarding-Information-Ops.pdf I quote, "In a 4 June 1998
Online article by Duncan
Campbell, entitled "Hiding
from the Spies in the Skies,"
he states, "The Internet has

made tracking and evading spy satellites child's play.... "

The reality is that the vulnerability of
the Department of Defense--and of
the nation--to offensive information
warfare attack is largely a self-created
problem. Program by program,
economic sector by economic sector,
we have based critical functions on
inadequately protected telecomputing
services. In the agregate, we have
created a target-rich environment, and
US industry has sold globally much of
the generic technology that can be
used to strike these targets."
-- Report of the Defense Science
Board Task Force on Information
Warfare-Defense (IW-D), November


So this has been a thing since at least 1998.

Edited by earthtwin
cut and paste error
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5 hours ago, Cerbera said:

Then again, I donated my original Airwheel to a friend, who subsequently joined the navy, and apparently it sits on a destroyer somewhere on the worlds oceans now, where, being very old and often exposed to sea air, its primary danger to operations is as a fire risk !

I enjoy your insight. A great mind thinks alike. I did take it one step further though because it seems logical to me that the whole point of having a destroyer is to assert dominance over it's territory. Because, clearly in this day and age new classified weapons have emerged that are fully capable of taking out a destroyer in less than a second.

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I'd be very careful about buying anything made in China like wrenches, clothing, eyeglasses, underwear...anything that might have your DNA signature; Don't go to any Chinese restaurants which may be Chinese secret spy stations; Shoot down any balloons, I mean any small or large balloons, ones in your baby shower parties... Lastly, don't believe anything coming out of CNN because the reporters' brains may have been hacked by advance Chinese brainwashing technology. One more point, Snowden is all fake news. He is actually a Chinese spy smearing US government about hacking and eavesdropping on foreign governments.:roflmao:BTW, stop riding EUC once and for all because you are collecting data for China through GPS!

Edited by Scubadragonsan
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7 minutes ago, Scubadragonsan said:

BTW, stop riding EUC once and for all because you are collecting data for China through GPS!

I know, right :-\

I agree with the common sentiment of this thread, that it's not any worse than drones, smarphones, and fineprint in apps. If anything I am helping my police department, because EUC's are so fast and quiet and can travel practically any terrain; it's easy to come upon people doing illegal things, especially public urination, lol.

Remember when Ukraine sank Russian battleship and said F$%# YOU! lol. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/us-intel-helped-ukraine-sink-russian-flagship-moskva-officials-say-rcna27559

That one thing, proves that Putin wouldn't dare, and the war was won.

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19 minutes ago, Circuitmage said:

We are all being tracked by our own government in real time via our cell phones and computers....every second of every day.

Sad but true. The United State is clearly a country of war. The military industrial complex, the American Economy is dependent on war to function. I say this to our shame. But in this case, in the Ukraine, the people of the Ukraine who are actually the ones fighting and dying, are going to go down in history and glory as the ones who liberated their country from Russia. So, at least this time US economy is sharing a common goal with the people, unlike Vietnam which was a fiasco, mainly because of morale. I don't think the United States policy was properly aligned with the will of those whom we were supporting, though it was for justice, imho.

I think my generation was the last, Gen X, to grow up without the technocracy with the video cameras and smart-devices everywhere. My children learned how to accept it a lot easier than me. They understand this tech in a way that I wasn't brought up to use. Now our society is grappling with AI, this video is a great intro to the problem


I encourage you all to sign the open letter to suspend AI here (it is signed by a lot of silicon valley entrepreneurs): https://futureoflife.org/open-letter/pause-giant-ai-experiments/

Edited by earthtwin
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1 hour ago, Scubadragonsan said:

stop riding EUC once and for all because you are collecting data for China through GPS!

But it's just for our weather channel, the data we receive is for our tourists abroad.

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I personally also think that government's are spying on us.. I think that i'm already on FBI watch list.. :whistling: But what you gonna do? Get rid of all the electronics/internet? Let them keep watching...

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  If the Chinese Government wanted to spy on you, they honestly wouldn't need to do it through your EUC. Because of the way Capitalism works you have to get what you are selling as cheaply as possible so that's why everything is made in China. Most electronics are not even made or manufactured in the US, except proprietary military tech. But I would be more worried about what the US government is doing with the data it collects about you. Who cares if China knows how many miles you are going and where, they could do very little. The US government on the other hand...

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46 minutes ago, earthtwin said:

People are afraid to say how they really feel because of the cross over of peer groups on social media, and afraid to look into important topics because of being targeted through search engine and cellular and ISP monitoring. The internet has an extremely short memory. Because Google used to pride itself on being curated by human beings, now Google is proud that it uses algorithms to return the few most relevant searches.

Ohh I'm not afraid to look up and say things that are wrong and so on.. To say that government's are corrupt and world is headed down long and dark path. As we are getting ducked more and more, thanks to our so called "leaders" (More like clowns in circus.) Heck i'm not even afraid to say that some of them need to be hanged. Anyways.. Getting off topic. :D 

We ourselves are providing them the information they need to spy on us. Each time we type something on keyboard - they get more and more information.. They already have a GPS device called our own phone in our pockets, or near us 24/7 feeding our location.. Heck they can even listen to us 24/7 if they wanted to. 

Heck if some random guy can high-jack our security cams & webcams.. Why couldn't some high end government's facilities do that easily. I'm more worried about phone than EUC. :D 

46 minutes ago, earthtwin said:

People are even self censored because they are afraid of getting tracked just for what they might enter into a search box.

Yeah, i'm more worried about the things that i have looked up and searched.. (Because i even know "normal" people wouldn't search, or have looked these things up.)

We all have our own little dark secrets. :ph34r:


Edited by Funky
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47 minutes ago, earthtwin said:

Except instead of one big screen, everybody is looking down at a little screen.

That is an interesting observation, and it got me thinking.

In one respect, it's the same thing. Even though we are looking down on smaller screens, we are absorbing the same (or similar) content. So the effect is about the same. 

In another respect, it pushes us into these political, religious, etc fantastic groups that keep us clumped together and make everyone else the "others".

It's like when the Romans required everyone (slaves, women, children, politicians, etc) to go to the same plays. Brainwashing is pretty easy when you get down to it. And if everyone is brainwashed....you don't really need to track them (which is also kind of another idea in 1984). It's pretty easy to see when people get out of line...which is what I am guessing a large part of the "algorithms" are doing.

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13 minutes ago, Funky said:

Ohh I'm not afraid to look up and say things that are wrong and so on..

One of the great checks and balances of the United States Constitution is that we can disregard laws that most of us don't agree with through juror nullification. So in theory at least, we are safe from laws that go against what a jury of our peers judges us. For example, I get a redflex stop light ticket automatically mailed to me by an artificial intelligence, if were coded as a misdemeanor then I could fight it with a jury of my peers who would most certainly uphold my right to have the violation witnessed by a human police officer. The problem with this is that so often, a red light violation does not rise to the level of misdemeanor, so I would have to wait until my drivers license was revoked and I was issued a misdemeanor ticket for driving without a license to actually fight the original red light infraction issued by a computer. Shew...

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