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What is the point of a group ride?


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14 minutes ago, Paul A said:

Neither mother or rider had a mobile phone?

Perhaps somewhere in a National park/great outdoors/tunnel where there is no signal? That seems more likely than nobody having a phone.

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22 hours ago, Roadpower said:

Who doesn't love a Darwin award show!


Operating a RC car, whilst riding an EUC, during a group ride.  :D


YouTuber's comment in the video description:

"For the record, Maxx (RC car) was not responsible for the accident, as you can clearly see in the video."



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2 hours ago, Paul A said:


Operating a RC car, whilst riding an EUC, during a group ride.  :D


YouTuber's comment in the video description:

"For the record, Maxx (RC car) was not responsible for the accident, as you can clearly see in the video."



I couldn't help myself, I burst out laughing when he said no head damages. :efef77eaf5:

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I haven't done much group riding, only been on 3 group rides I think.  But I have enjoyed them, with a slower pace they are very relaxed - on my own I keep going fast.  Group rides are also good for getting some cool video, especially riding on an EUC which is one of the best platforms for making videos, thanks to having both hands free.  I'd happily go on more group rides when there is the opportunity to do so. Currently work is limiting my ability to join group rides, because I'm working weekends - but that should change in a couple of months when I should be able to switch to working Monday to Friday.  Work also soaks up a lot of time in general, often time I could be riding - but work also gives me the money to buy wheels, so what can I do?

I am an introvert, so I do enjoy time by myself - but I can spend a few hours in the company of others before seeking solitude to recharge.  I love riding on my own, so a group ride is something different and a change of pace for me.  A couple of the group rides have been in a different city, so I've gotten to ride around somewhere different.  I definitely gain something from group rides, but I think the majority of my riding will always be the solo riding that I really love.

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Another video for inspiration, I used to create some youtube videos (I don't anymore so this is no selfless promotion 😁)

I tried to capture the environment and the experience, this is just as summer is ending, leaves everywhere, here you can see two of us starting out during the day (that's me and @supercurio both introverts) and more joining later towards the evening, good fun times,


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PEV group rides are sooooo fun.  You get people from all walks of life together to discuss PEVs and knock back a few beers, go on a killer ride, soak in some endorphins along the way.  I used to be introverted, group rides is a major thing that helped get me out of my shell.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Gosh, we have so many psychologists on here…I didn’t realise!!  So, an introvert can also be described as being self contained, is fine, happy and confident in their own company..An Extrovert is sometimes who need self validation from others or needs to be the centre of attention. The fact is, if everyone gets mixed up together, we usually find common ground…you see this a lot in the armed forces for example. As for group rides..I don’t know…I’ve never seen anyone else riding in my area…at all!  Never mind… if I become schizophrenic, I / We will all be able to go group riding by my / our selves!! 😂

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a group ride is always more fun.  did a lot of group rides with my crotch rocket back in the days. Definitely more fun vs solo as long as the people are responsible. i wish i had some people to ride with in wi. I own 3 EUC's. 2-16s, and 1 16x. my wife doesnt seem too into it so she doesnt ride it often..

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I don't really like group rides (EUCs, motorcycles, whatever). There are way too many variables and someone always starts acting like an idiot. I feel like I don't have breathing space and always have to be hyper aware of who might come blasting past me. When I ride alone I get to enjoy the surroundings, be alone with my thoughts, and just experience the ride.

The social aspect of group rides is quite fun though, but each type of ride has it's place. I do 95% alone riding.

Edit: idk what introvert/extrovert has to do with it. When I'm on a single wheel going 40mph I prefer to have my full attention on the road and surroundings, not a dozen other people constantly moving around me. I love people, hanging out at a party or doing sports is great. Blasting down the road at 40mph, not so much.

Edited by MrMonoWheel
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Group rides don't have to be chaotic and wild, they can be a pretty chill experience, all depends on your surroundings and company:


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The turnout for group rides in my city is usually pretty small, about 3 to 10 tops, but that makes it a lot more personal than showing up to a 100 person ride. We ride the roads and trail down to the beach, get a bite to eat and maybe a drink (responsibly), and then fly on back into the city to split off. We plan on doing some longer rides this summer like riding the Erie Canal trail to another city, and just enjoying the ride and going new places.

Whenever I ride alone I always take the streets (I like high speed street riding), and on the group rides we go on mixed paved, gravel, and dirt trails full of bumps that really get the adrenaline kicking. It gets me out of my riding comfort zone and keeps riding fresh and interesting, if it's always me I'll always ride the same few routes of road and never do anything interesting besides riding fast.

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