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    Kingsong 16s, 16X

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  1. my pedals are set to 0. the bottom lower of my knees hurt. just below the knee caps. 90% of the time, the trails are straight with wide turns. Nothing crazy. Gonna play around with the pedal angle and see.. Never messed with that for my EUC's.
  2. I typically ride on paved bike trails with very few bumps. After about 25 miles, my knees hurt. The suspension on the Patton (suspension tuned to soft and comfy) definitely helps, but doesn't get rid of the knee pain. I would have to take a break and walk for bit before jumping on the euc again. I'm trying to understand what can cause my knees to hurt when all I'm doing is just standing there rolling on a smooth surface 90% of the time. I could stand all day at work and my knees do not hurt. I could walk all day and my knees will not hurt. Not sure what's going on here.. lol. On a smooth, straight trail, I usually stand up straight with my knees almost locked. During turns, hard accelerations, over bumps, and braking, I have my knees bent slightly...
  3. similar to hanging off a motorcycle when taking corners. works the same way for EUC. google knee drag. I used to knee drag on my R1 all the time. I use similar feet placement on an EUC..
  4. one of the reason why I don't go over 25 mph 90% of the time and I always ride on smooth paved trails.
  5. I wanted a wheel with good suspension and good range. After searching around for a while, I picked the Patton. Both Lynx and Sherman S are good, but doesn't offer me much for $1000 more. I don't care much for speed. Bigode extreme seems good, but suspension is inferior. Question is, which should I pick. 62 lbs or 66lbs? I'm 190 with gears and ride on paved trails 99% of the time going no faster than 30 mph. No jumps or off trailing. The main goal is to have the most comfortable suspension (due to bad knee). it's a $3k wheel. need to make the right choice. lol. I'm leaning toward 66lb version... yay? nay?
  6. You guys think there will ever be an S16 with a bigger battery? Somewhere around 1700-2000wh range. 1480 is a bit too low for me. I'm more of a distance, chill, rider. I want a wheel with good suspension because of my semi-bad knee. I was going to get the Lynx, but would be a waste. It would be like getting a high performance car only to drive it like a grocery getter. lol. Anyone got a real range test on the s16? My 16x with a slightly bigger battery gets me around 45miles (Average rides) with 40% battery left. I've never actually tried to drain the 16x's battery. I looked at the V11, but it looks ugly and i think the suspension on it isn't that great.. it's too basic.
  7. like riders on crotch rockets.. Some think they're Rossi. EUC is becoming like that too. I've never gone over 25mph. I ride it for fun. IF I want speed, I will jump on the R1. Even then, I still respect the speed limit. I'm gonna get the Lynx this spring, but will still just cruise around. I just want a good euc with good suspension and range. Don't care for speed.. i honestly would not ride with a group of EUC riders who wanna do like 40mph on a trail.. Same reason, I always ride my R1 alone..
  8. it is an expensive hobby. The lynx might be my last euc until it actually falls apart. A lot of fun hobbies can be expensive. I'm into guns, hunting, fishing, gaming, and photography. Would hate to drop my nikon 200mm F/2.
  9. wow.. sad. even though i don't know the full detail, I bet speed was the main factor. I have never done more than 25mph on my 16x even though it can do 30mph. I'm gonna get a lynx soon and no way I will go over 30mph. majority of the time, i'm just cruising around 20mph. i preferred distance vs speed.
  10. that's what happens when mfers ride like maniacs. i have never done over 25 on my 16x when on public bike trails.. why do some need to go like 45mph? it's stupid..
  11. That idiotic rider is like the type of crotch rocket riders who thinks they are Rossi on public roads. I don't ride/hang out with people like him. Talking about whatever dude's name is, UStride.
  12. thanks guys. sucks i wont be able to test ride any of those. just gonna throw in about $4k blindly at one of them after watching review videos..
  13. i almost always walk my euc when crossing streets/roads now. I got bumped by a car at rolling speed (when you let go of the brake and the car inches forward). I didn't get hurt. Just knocked my euc down and i jumped off. Ever since then, I don't trust any cars now. I always wave them to pass or until I see that the driver saw me and is completely stopped.
  14. Looking for 1 that does all of those. I ride mostly on paved trails 50+miles, but would like to take it out on unpaved, dirt trails and perhaps . some off roading. Top speed is not important to me. Budget is $4000. Currently looking at the Sherman S and Begode EX30
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