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What is the point of a group ride?


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Yep, social, community, people like doing things together, learning from other people, networking, all of the above and more. And for disclosure I have no interest in group rides either. I did not do them when motorcycling and I don't do them now. I have nothing against people who enjoy that, I just isn't something I go looking to do. If I found myself in a group it wouldn't hurt my feelings either. I'm not that much of a curmudgeon. ^_^

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Maybe emulate:


The World Naked Bike Ride (WNBR) is an international clothing-optional bike ride in which participants plan, meet and ride together en masse on human-powered transport (the vast majority on bicycles, but some on skateboards and inline skates), to "deliver a vision of a cleaner, safer, body-positive world." The first ride happened in Zaragoza (Spain) in 2001.[1]

The dress code motto is "bare as you dare".


for greater meaning?

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I liked (past tense) group rides because it was fun and encouraging to see other people that enjoyed riding... but as I'm not great in crowds it tended to become more of a wall flower experience for me. It's not at all that I don't enjoy meeting new people, it's mostly that I'm not good at it and am generally uncomfortable. And the unabashed displays of testosterone overload make the level of attention necessary for an incident-free experience "too high" for my taste.

While I don't participate in the big weekly ride much anymore, I still see the draw and will go to special occasions. Being part of the spectacle is a lot of fun. But I much prefer very small groups, where there is at least some chance of chatting with the same person more than once during the ride… I'm unlikely to remember their name, but that's part of the reason I make my living pushing buttons. In the basement.

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2 hours ago, BKW said:

What is the point of a group ride? Maybe because I'm an introvert, but I just don't see the appeal in it. I guess it's a social thing people enjoy

Safety in numbers, and it's nice to feel part of a group of people all doing what you are :) Although the former is not actually the case of course, because loads of EUCs in proximity is inherently not safer than 1 on its own, as we learn from all the times that 1 goes down, then the 2 immediately behind it do too as a result !

There is simply no EUC 'scene' or group rides round here, not only because of lack of numbers, but mainly presumably because huge groups of us riding together on roads would draw much more attention to us that our legal status suggests is sensible. Fairly sure we wouldn't get away with those en-masse group rides on the streets at night like they do in the States, over here. Our police would shut that shit down straight away !

But of course they are great places to meet like-minded people, and it's good to go out with friends and do stuff, but where I am I don't have any wheeling friends, and none of my other friends seem to want to learn and go out with me, so it's a largely 1-man experience for me so far, which I obviously don't mind as I still do it and enjoy it ! However, the fact that I have asked most of my friends if they want to learn suggests I miss the social aspect at least a bit...

But not being much of a social animal myself (forums excepted) I think even if there was a big group ride near me I might only join it if we were aiming for some greater good like delivering a petition requesting legality / fair regulation etc etc. I don't know that 'raising awareness' would count tho - at this moment in time and here in the UK at least, raising public awareness doesn't strike me as getting us anything good...

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Yeah it's something the "normies" do.. All that socializing, humans being a pack animal and so on.. People who like to talk and be around other people. 

I have no problems talking with people, if the other person is talking to me.. I'm fine in big groups of people. But i'm normally one of those guys who listen, never starts the conversation.. And rarely talks, if not talked directly to.

As someone who doesn't socialize at all. And doesn't talk almost with anyone - i see from where you are coming.. :D If missing some kind social gathering is an option - i normally do that. Be cristmass. B-day party, anything at all.


(Yeah.. Yeah.. Some may think that's depressive lifestyle and so on..) But i already don't see any point in life and anything we do in this world. So i'm perfectly fine. :thumbup: No point worrying over spilled milk.

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1 hour ago, Roadpower said:

/Gets mental image of rider only wearing safety gear



If you got a protective ball cup - you're fine. :D Nothing will be swinging around in the wind. :whistling:

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33 minutes ago, Tawpie said:

I liked (past tense) group rides because it was fun and encouraging to see other people that enjoyed riding... but as I'm not great in crowds it tended to become more of a wall flower experience for me. It's not at all that I don't enjoy meeting new people, it's mostly that I'm not good at it and am generally uncomfortable. And the unabashed displays of testosterone overload make the level of attention necessary for an incident-free experience "too high" for my taste.

While I don't participate in the big weekly ride much anymore, I still see the draw and will go to special occasions. Being part of the spectacle is a lot of fun. But I much prefer very small groups, where there is at least some chance of chatting with the same person more than once during the ride… I'm unlikely to remember their name, but that's part of the reason I make my living pushing buttons. In the basement.

I agree in you statement regarding group rides. I would say,  join them if there is one in your town. In such cities and towns like  New York or San Francisco/bay area, these group ride are mostly created by EUC/PEV local shops for PR purposes and some are just EUC enthusiasts who really like to meet people with other euc riders. There are diverse crowds of people who share your same interests as you do. There are going to be beginners, skilled, daredevils, and probably a coupleof a-holes,etc. BUT only you can control your situation to meeting the type of people who you want to meet and associate with, which in turn, turn into friends, and enjoy the euc hobby with in this short life ours. Life is too short to not enjoy it with others. That is why we are in this forum, connecting and sharing our interests in this community. But  there are times I like hanging out with friends who I can enjoy having fun with different interests.  But in the end I like my alone time and family. Granted my 12hr work day consists of public interactions, serving, and protecting. It's rewarding for the most part but mentally and physically draining at same time. That's why when I get off work, I would get this recharged second wind state of excitement of just getting ready and happily commuting with my euc 10-16 miles with a big grin on my face, alone. 

But doing group rides? I like finding new trails and routes around the different cities and other towns, but even more fun to find the right set of friends that is in the same line of my riding experience and enjoyment... Staying safe and enjoying the ride..

I posted this elsewhere but can't help posting it again. Because this is how I feel riding my wheel.. Haha..



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2 hours ago, Funky said:

As someone who doesn't socialize at all. And doesn't talk almost with anyone - i see from where you are coming.. :D

Yeah, I've never been a social person. Never really had a desire for friends. Have zero interest in group rides for social purposes beyond maybe trying a wheel that's new to the market, then bouncing. As you've said, some people see this as "depressing", but it's just who I am and not depressing to me because other things are simply more interesting to me. I can socialize all day on here but in real life it's not as fun unless it's someone I know very well, and even then... for a more extroverted person this probably sounds like madness. And as far as other enjoying it, I think that's awesome. I kind of wish I had that level of interest because it'd bring a new thing to look forward to -- always a plus!

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59 minutes ago, BKW said:

Yeah, I've never been a social person. Never really had a desire for friends. Have zero interest in group rides for social purposes beyond maybe trying a wheel that's new to the market, then bouncing. As you've said, some people see this as "depressing", but it's just who I am and not depressing to me because other things are simply more interesting to me. I can socialize all day on here but in real life it's not as fun unless it's someone I know very well, and even then... for a more extroverted person this probably sounds like madness. And as far as other enjoying it, I think that's awesome. I kind of wish I had that level of interest because it'd bring a new thing to look forward to -- always a plus!

Just reacting since you mention introverted and extroverted again here, introversion or extroversion is not a measurement of how social a person is but it's true that extroverts have a greater social need, most introverts value 1:1 relationships instead of hanging out in groups but that doesn't mean we don't. There are many variations! 🙂


I bet if you found someone like minded who also rides, have common interests and also can have interesting conversations with riding togheter would be fun for you.

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28 minutes ago, Rawnei said:

I bet if you found someone like minded who also rides, have common interests and also can have interesting conversations with riding together would be fun for you.

Doh if both are kinda quiet and don't really have anything "interesting" to talk about. That ride will be quiet silent and awkward at times. :rolleyes:


When i was younger, i time to time went out with "friends". Smoked pot.. Drinking.. The usual teen things. Over time i lost the interest in that and went out less and less. Mostly because i didn't have fun. What's the point going, if you already know how it will end. That's how i said duck it and stoped socializing all together. I have more fun watching a movie. :D 

Same for riding EUC. I can say it's at least 5 times more fun than scooters. But it also doesn't excite me so much.. That i would wanna get 2-3 more EUC's. Sure i feel somewhat more happy while riding.. But it's still meh at best.

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5 hours ago, Cerbera said:

raising public awareness doesn't strike me as getting us anything good...


Imagine if...

Dash cam of a single vehicle accident, records an EUC rider approaching to investigate.

Distressed mother with infant appears in view.

Highly frantic discussion.

EUC rider with infant in arms, races to hospital, saving life.

BBC features video in news.


That would be positive exposure.  


Like maybe this video allaying xenophobia?



The migrant hero who scaled a building to save a child becomes a French citizen.

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23 minutes ago, Paul A said:


Imagine if...

Dash cam of a single vehicle accident, records an EUC rider approaching to investigate.

Distressed mother with infant appears in view.

Highly frantic discussion.

EUC rider with infant in arms, races to hospital, saving life.

BBC features video in news.


That would be positive exposure.  


Like maybe this video allaying xenophobia?



The migrant hero who scaled a building to save a child becomes a French citizen.

Knowing news the start of video would have been cut-out. Only part is left EUC rider carrying the infant. The subtitles underneath the video would say something in lines - Madman on EUC kidnaps an infant.. (Ofc if somehow the camera keeps following the rider..)

One good deed doesn't change much in the big picture. There are many types of people out there.. One good apple in dozens of rotten - doesn't tip the scales for better.

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10 hours ago, BKW said:

This is going to probably sound a bit Grinch-like of me, but...

What is the point of a group ride? Maybe because I'm an introvert, but I just don't see the appeal in it. I guess it's a social thing people enjoy, but I don't feel the desire to do it at all. If I want to talk EUCs I can perfectly do it here or on youtube or something. I also don't have a desire to show-off or anything.

Like, I understand something like a Car Show because there you will see things you simply would not see anywhere else, or get ideas for modifications, or see rare vehicles, etc. But showing up to a group with shermans, masters and v12 isn't the same thing.

Guy 1: "Hey dude, nice sherman"

Guy 2: "Thanks man. Is that a sherman too?"

Guy 1: "Yeah."

Guy 2: "Cool."

Guy 1: "So uhh... nice weather, eh?"

Generally speaking:

Larger group = more social event than riding event. Hanging out at charge spots, talking wheel stuff, trying different wheels etc. Great for beginners to meet more people and try new wheels that you would otherwise not get to and see who's the top riders in your local area if you want to learn from them/follow their social media.

Smaller group = more actual riding than talking. Whether its off-roading or high speed blast through the city. These can be chill rides or tailored to more experienced riders. Socializing usually comes after the ride (restaurant/bar). This is my preference.

You might be more interested doing smaller group ride, basically just treating it like a day  hanging out with a couple of friends, except on wheels.

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8 hours ago, Rawnei said:

Just reacting since you mention introverted and extroverted again here, introversion or extroversion is not a measurement of how social a person is but it's true that extroverts have a greater social need, most introverts value 1:1 relationships instead of hanging out in groups but that doesn't mean we don't. There are many variations! 🙂

I bet if you found someone like minded who also rides, have common interests and also can have interesting conversations with riding togheter would be fun for you.

I think introversion is a measurement of how social a person is actually. I don't know how you think it isn't. However, I do agree that there are different variations to both extroversion and introversion, and it further various for each individual. I don't think introverts don't like to socialize at all, I just think they don't have the same desire or need for it as more extroverted people.

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7 hours ago, Paul A said:

Distressed mother with infant appears in view.

Highly frantic discussion.

EUC rider with infant in arms, races to hospital, saving life.

I have systematically transported my 2-y.o. between villages this way (no cars, but no asphalt either. 2 y.o. with helmet, speed <25kph, KS18L). Didn't win much praise from family, except from the absolutely happy toddler :).

While your scenario sounds possible, a child requiring hospitalization would be better served by an ambulance (in most places an ambulance would arrive sooner than the EUC rider would arrive at the hospital. He also first needs to persuade the panicked mother that this is safe, that he can be trusted and then google the nearest hospital with the neccessary facilities). I'd rather see an emergency team on EUCs arrive. In places like NYC this could happen faster than both cars and helicopters. Hard to beat a motorcycle though.

On topic though -- it's great to see other riders and EUCs in person, let alone try different wheels. Moreover, you might receive some unsolicited yet helpful advice or comments on your riding or EUC. I haven't ever participated though.

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if you like space but still want to push yourself to be among likeminded people I think group EUC rides are good. The whole MONO transport works well for that scenario. A good full face helmet is all the space you need. 

I think mostly it’s just rolling with a few more FREAKS than just you is a cool feeling. Makes for a spectacle and a good advertisement for the whole EUC game I think. 

I prefer rolling than the chit chat myself, but i’m  working on making myself talk to the other EUC freaks more. 

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