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2 minutes ago, techyiam said:

Couldn't you hold a powerful flashlight in you hand? :)

yeah, the first night i did. but what's the fun in that. 

at the end of my road i have 2x4's about chest high when ur on the wheel so i have to do a precision stop where i just coast right up to my hitching rails, so to speak. too fast and u slam into it, too slow and ur liable to fall over. lots of twisting sometimes to stay balance. so it's nice to have hands free if i come in too hot. or too slow and wanna grab the boards. depth perception at night is a little tricky as well. if the shoulders of my road weren't so soft and just sugar sand, i'd grow a pair and do u-turns, but that takes more effort. plus i like starting out cold from each end. the v13 is pretty challenging getting rolling and doing precision stopping. i don't step off, i stay on the pedals. i just grab the boards and spin around. like 200 stops and starts today on 60 miles traveled. it's practice. it's really dark on my road too with it covered with the oak trees. zero ambient light. one up and back is one km. 

animals, snakes, raccoons, cows, donkeys, etc but thankfully no humans. a tree limb will probably take me out someday. just practicing acceleration and braking smoothly now. miles 30-40 it gets really good. miles 40-60 and i feel like a pro. leg strength is everything, and feet position. it's so frigging hot here, and being offgrid and not wanting to burn gas to run the ac makes riding the best way to cool off. 

i love this wheel with it's michelin street tire. but could get me in trouble hitting the leaves that accumulate on the road. i have a trail within my road where the leaves and oak blossoms have been pushed aside by my riding. i know it will squirt because i recover from those instances every now and then. i do my best to avoid them and definitely don't bend the corner leaning if i'm hitting a patch of leaves. i saw a video of marty going down years ago hitting leaves in one of those drainage canals in california.

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50 minutes ago, Punxatawneyjoe said:

I usually ride with 2° tilt back when riding at night to help with that. Nothing is going to help it on a corner though.

my mind couldn't handle that. i start wondering if the pedals are tilting when i know they aren't. i think it's just my feet going numb. high/low beam voice activated would be nice. in these trees out here, it really gets pitch black. some nights u can really see the stars and understand when they say there are more stars than grains of sand on all of our beaches worldwide. 

i use to ride my road at night on really terrible lit wheels, but they didn't go 25-29 mph either. so it was never a big deal. i know my road so well, i could probably almost ride it without lights, but i i do notice sometimes, it's hard to see the edge of the road, like it does need a low beam. much better than the s18 or s22 i think, but i haven't hardly ridden them since getting the v13. the s22 is fine but that pos jiluer tire on the s18 has to go if i keep that wheel. i'm gonna check the rim with a make shift dial indicator before i tear it down. i have a michelin street pilot 2 tire coming for it as well. i just don't know if i'll want to ride it anymore. the v13 is a mercedes, the s22 a jeep and the s18 is a little nissan pickup truck. i'm always gonna pick the mercedes.

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1 minute ago, Cerbera said:

Headlight ?

yeah, that's a good idea. i forgot my helmet tn the first couple of laps. 

i need to look into a good head mounted light. living out here in pitch black darkness, i should have a couple. i use to have headband lights years ago and i bet they are way better now. i live with flashlights out here. they are always on charge. living in a shipping container is like living in a cave. 

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yeah, other than picking up 118 pounds to lift it into the container if i'm too lazy to move my motorcycle ramp, this is the first wheel i really, really love. i'm no wimp as u can imagine, feeding cows and shit, but omg, 118 pounds is heavy to lift. no gym membership required. putting it in a vehicle nust be difficult. u need one of those wheelchair lifts for it. 

on the plus side, i was thinking if i had to run an errand off ranch, i'd rather them steal the s18, but crooks are lazy and they'd balk or hurt themselves trying to steal the v13. it trolleys really well btw. and i'm trolleying it thru sugar sand. the s22 trolleys terrible but backwards it's tolerable. 

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2 hours ago, Paul A said:

Inmotion V13 review


5 April, 2023


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even though the "challenger" v13 is the most difficult wheel i've ever ridden, i still love it. 

my opinion,(i shouldn't have to state this, but some people don't seem to understand that people can have different thoughts)that she did a great job reviewing it based upon the 537.8 miles i have on mine so far.

i agree with her on everything, as far as my experience has been. my only new wheel comparison is the s18 and s22. 

i obviously had no idea what the v13 would be like, but i surmised that it would be used for pavement only. multiuse trails and sidewalks. i'm not foolish enough to ride with cagers. i don't even ride my motorcycles around cagers anymore. several car accidents will do that to u. plus if u ride motorcycles, peering down into cagers and seeing the drivers fervently typing away on their phones, u know it's just a matter of time before their inattention will take u out. plus in florida, drivers have no idea what turn signals are.

i stated previously, the v13 is the mercedes, the s22 the jeep, the s18 the budget nissan pickup truck. 

my frustration with the s22 is, i saw the greatness it could have been with it's suspension when i lubricated, cleaned, lubricated, etc. a glimpse. perfect size for my pastures. understand, my pastures are raw. there are no trails. not even mountain bike trails. for u riders to get an idea what that is like, next time ur trail riding, leave the trail and ride where nobody has been before. i still think the s22 might work, but it would have to be the new pro version and idk if it wouldn't be a maintenance nightmare for me with the myakka sand that is my crappy soil here. great for building apts on, terrible for raising cattle. 

i've not tried the v13 on my pastures, nor will i. i know it won't work and i'll just damage it and myself. this is why i had jacob at neltrek ship it to me with the michelin street pilot 2 tire on it, which i absolutely love. i have one coming for the s18 if i decide to keep it. i hate to dump the s18 without giving it a fair shake just because king song baited and switched tires from the one kuji pimped in his presentation video. not mounted correctly or the rim isn't true. haven't bothered to check yet.

i don't do stairs or jumps, so the suspension is adequate but i don't think it could come close to the s22 with proper sliders. 60 plus miles on the v13 yesterday, with pretty cushy insoled van's loafers, but my road has lots of imperfections, and i purposely ride with high pressure, comparatively speaking, 40psi, (same reason playing professional golfers like to practice hitting balls into the wind, to discover swing faults), and my feet were hurting. even with the shitty sliders on the s22 not even being lubed up, the s22 is as cushy as the v13. (good news though, freemotion just sent me an email and they are sending me the new slider replacements). that's great because @Josiahcan start working on his new toy should he buy mine. if i had known what his intentions were, offroad and jumping, i wouldn't have encouraged him to get the v13 as his first wheel, but he did, so the s22 will be nothing for him to master and he'll enjoy it way more than the v13 for the jump parks he likes, once he upgrades the sliders. i really like the s22 on my road, i bend it more on my curve than the v13, but switching back and forth will get me hurt. the s22 is 77 pounds, my v13 118 pounds, but i can stop the v13 better. for some reason, i dial in to inmotion wheels better. watching videos of other riders, i do think the v13 is more prone to oscillations, but that's never been a problem for me. maybe it's the height of the wheel, idk. 

yeah, i think @YourAubsomedid a great little review. she's a much more talented rider than myself. all i do is ride wheels to go from point a to point b as safely as possible. i don't take any unnecessary risks. if i get hurt, my animals would suffer. been there, done that. 

my next wheel will probably be another v13 setup exactly like the one i have. i was thinking about keeping the stock knobby but the more pictures/videos of it i see, i don't think so. when ur yard is as big as 300 soccer fields, u don't need to go offroading, u live offroad. which is a helluva lot better than living in a neighborhood. and i don't think the v13 is designed for it. definitely not my pastures. i don't have big rocks and stones out there like my friends living in the mountains, just cow turds, sticks,gopher holes, bull holes, etc. which will hurt u. maybe some stray barbed wire. it's not safe. u gotta watch where ur walking always. 

tried to sneak out early and clock some miles but Bob wasn't haven't it and started complaining at only ten miles. i'll have to night ride again i guess.

again, my two cents, take it or leave it. 



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swept my 90 degree curve. now i can see what the street tire can do.

my test track is covered except where i ride, and i don't mind the straight sections with leaves and oak blossoms, but leaning in the curves would be very dangerous.96A45131-070E-4560-8714-E03B245460A9.jpeg.ad3f52b812c10ce259cbefa76e205142.jpeg




50 minutes ago, Eyss said:

Took the v13 to the track tonight. it's a indoor electric go kart track that is more technical than speed. 

Thought it would be heavy and slow but it really went pretty well. You don't slow down too much so the lack of torque isn't that much of a issue and the tire profile made the turns very nice. 

I jumped on a s22 and it felt so unnatural in comparison. 

I'd consider using it as my racing wheel but it wouldn't be great off the line. 


that looks like fun!

is that the stock knobby?

is that surface polished concrete?



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yeah, wrongway is exactly correct. 

i almost faceplanted at 0mph. 

on my second lap i'm starting from my keter garage compound, hand on a rail, push off a little and a slight lean, because i'm a foot driver, and over power the wheel and if it wasn't for my lightning quick reflexes i would have faceplanted right there. the v13 has the most anemic torque from a standstill of any wheel i've ever owned. includiing the old 9b s1. it can't pull it's own weight out of a divot. i've noticed this before trolleying it. if i run into a little sugar sand divot, i have to force the trolley handle because from stand still it has no power. that's why wrongway was demonstrating overpowering it with ankle flicks. in my case i'm off the pavement and in a small depression from where i spin around, and almost faceplant. ridiculous!!!

if bob yan has a software fix for this low torque problem, he needs to release it yesterday before somebody gets hurt, like i almost did. 

once it gets rolling, it's fine, but a pebble from a standstill would be hard to power over. 

bob, u can keep the top end. give me 40 mph but give me enough power to get ur 118 pound wheel rolling from a standstill. ur gonna seriously hurt people by being stupid and not releasing ur software fix. 

at least i know the feeling of faceplanting now. truly, all the gear all the time with these sketchy ass vehicles!

also, i don't think these manufacturers actually have ever ridden a wheel because the foot plates shouldn't be centered on the wheel, they sb at least an inch or so forward of center. my leg isn't in the middle of my foot. do chinese people have a different skeletal anatomy?

this is why i burn them in.




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Surely I can't be the first to post this here, but IM are unlocking the V13 for everyone prepared to sign a waiver, and updating several models...

The crash videos are gonna be amazing !! :)

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11 minutes ago, Cerbera said:

Surely I can't be the first to post this here, but IM are unlocking the V13 for everyone prepared to sign a waiver, and updating several models...

The crash videos are gonna be amazing !! :)

yeah, thanks for that. in the meanwhile, it will faceplant u from a standstill if a pebble or twig is in front of the tire. can't even pull it's own weight. gets stuck in a 7 iron divot. weakest wheel evah! i thought the s18 was anemic from a standstill.

the v13 makes the s18 look like a john deere tractor!

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57 minutes ago, novazeus said:

also, i don't think these manufacturers actually have ever ridden a wheel because the foot plates shouldn't be centered on the wheel, they sb at least an inch or so forward of center. my leg isn't in the middle of my foot. do chinese people have a different skeletal anatomy?

No that wouldn't work - you'd never be able to brake. Centre is the correct place for them so that you can apply equal pressure (and thereby transmit equal power to the wheel) around the axle pivot point, backwards and forwards.

12 minutes ago, novazeus said:

n the meanwhile, it will faceplant u from a standstill if a pebble or twig is in front of the tire. can't even pull it's own weight. gets stuck in a 7 iron divot. weakest wheel evah! i thought the s18 was anemic from a standstill.

Are you sure that's not a technique thing ? Initially it was very easy to over-lean (forwards) my Master from stand-still, but it was simply that I wasn't leaning in the right way and not enough command input was reaching the wheel. I only ask because I haven't seen many other people commenting about it other than Adam and you.

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17 minutes ago, Cerbera said:

No that wouldn't work - you'd never be able to brake. Centre is the correct place for them so that you can apply equal pressure (and thereby transmit equal power to the wheel) around the axle pivot point, backwards and forwards.

Are you sure that's not a technique thing ? Initially it was very easy to over-lean (forwards) my Master from stand-still, but it was simply that I wasn't leaning in the right way and not enough command input was reaching the wheel. I only ask because I haven't seen many other people commenting about other than Adam and you.

watch wrong way's video. i cold start like 50 times a session. no, i'm positive the wheel can't move it's own weight.

and the s22 pedals are adjustable. i moved them down and forward after @level9reminded me they could be adjusted. look at my photos. yeah, u can brake just fine. ur toes just aren't hanging off the front of the pedals. u use the whole foot plate. 

if ur on pavement, it's just sluggish, but if u have the slightest depression like me today, the wheel is overpowered. i'll do a video tmrw demonstrating using the trolley handle. u have to push so hard on the handle it goes vertical and idk if it's even suppose to go that far. people are gonna get hurt if inmotion doesn't fix their torque problem. who cares about going 90 mph if u faceplant at zero mph.

 ur leg, not ur foot, sb in the center of the wheel.


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Just now, Cerbera said:

Are you trying to use a v13 without power pads ?!

power pads have nothing to do with the wheel not having any torque. i just said i practically break the trolley handle off if it gets in a hole trolleying it. it has no power from a standstill. 

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powerpads are bullshit. i wanna find a bunch of riders with their velcroed power pads and rip them off when they leave their wheels unattended. they'll have to uber home. 

powerpads would really overpower the wheel from a standstill. that would be more leverage on the wheel. it literally fell foward. i was pissed off it almost faceplanted me. and i was barely leaning into it. i use foot pressure to go forward and stop. i know what overpowering a wheel looks like now. it couldn't climb out of the sugar sand divot and back on the pavement. pathetic! 

once the wheel has inertia, it's fine. i almost hit 30 mph before my curve, and the straight section before braking is only 500'. i'm not really stomping on it, just smooth acceleration. and smooth braking. my road is only a half a km long with a 90 degree curve in the middle. power pads don't add motor torque, power pads would make over powering a weak wheel worse. i have a size 12 foot. 12" long exactly. if u have small feet, u might have a different situation.

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1 minute ago, novazeus said:

powerpads are bullshit. i wanna find a bunch of riders with their velcroed power pads and rip them off when they leave their wheels unattended. they'll have to uber home. 

They are so not bullshit, as 95% of riders of big wheels would attest.

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9 minutes ago, Cerbera said:

They are so not bullshit, as 95% of riders of big wheels would attest.

gimmick. i invented them. if ur a jumper, ok, but if u aren't, completely unnecessary. just something to justify the 3d printers.81C013F0-8F67-4772-8E87-EA90BD013465.jpeg.694f41c650460eefd349b8700419c36f.jpeg

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i've had the wheel about 21 days now. almost a thousand km. thats 2000 starts from a standstill and 2000 stops. i'm pretty sure i know it by now.

just watch wrongways video of him over torguing it. and he was on pavement.

and my street tire is running at 40psi. not some flabby knobby underinflated. that would be worse from a standstill. 

wrongway has powerpads on his v13 he's overpowering.

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IMO wrongway is wrong, he never twitches it for more than a second. I have tried this about 100 times now and cannot overlean the wheel even with grizzlas on it. The wheel dips for a second but then powers through it. I have been doing burn outs with it on dirt trying to make it cut out. Maybe at speed you can overlean it but it won't put you on your face from a dead stop. Or at least i can't make it do it. I can make it dip for a second but it recovers.

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11 minutes ago, Punxatawneyjoe said:

IMO wrongway is wrong, he never twitches it for more than a second. I have tried this about 100 times now and cannot overlean the wheel even with grizzlas on it. The wheel dips for a second but then powers through it. I have been doing burn outs with it on dirt trying to make it cut out. Maybe at speed you can overlean it but it won't put you on your face from a dead stop. Or at least i can't make it do it. I can make it dip for a second but it recovers.

hey, maybe it would have recovered but my pedals are on max hardness and my face would have been on the pavement. i'll do a video tmrw of me trying to trolley it out of a hole and u will see it can't climb out without me pushing hard on the handle. that shouldn't happen. 

the fancy software is suppose to add torque, so obviously inmotion knows it's a problem.

this is my 11th wheel and i've never experienced a wheel dipping forward 20 degrees like this one did today. i was so f'ng pissed off, it ruined the first ten miles of my thirty mile ride. 

there is no way in hell, the s18 or s22 would dip 20 degrees forward. not the way mine are set up with the hardest pedal settings. the 9bz10 had wonky pedals but not a 20 degree tilt. the v13 couldn't climb back over the shoulder of my pavement. 

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1 hour ago, Cerbera said:

Surely I can't be the first to post this here, but IM are unlocking the V13 for everyone prepared to sign a waiver, and updating several models...

Thanks for posting the video.

Kudos to Inmotion for taking input from the electric wheel community. 

Not that I would uncap the 90 km/h should I buy a V13, but there are folks out there who would. Personally, I don't need to go 90 km/h, since I am not thinking about group rides yet. But also at 90 km/h, you are already using 78% PWM under an ideal operating environment. There are no wind, grade, rolling on asphalt friction losses, drag (this is huge), the rider's particular characteristics, and etc.  For myself, the top speed of 90 km/h is already too high for the V13, given the % PWM level. In real world riding, my useable top speed is when I am at about 80% PWM.

Wow, Inmotion is going to bring out 4 new wheels, including an updated V10F, and an updated V11, plus two others. Looking forward to this.


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