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Hi all.

Today i got my Gotway Teala V2 I am new to riding electric unicycle so today i just watched u-stride beginner videos. 

I am a electric scooter retailer but always been intrigued learning how to ride an EUC lockdown has just given me the time to focus on learning. 

My plan of attack is to practice drills for 1 hour a day for a week and then attempt going for a ride is this fron your experience a practical approach? 

I created this post to say shout out to all the fellow euc riders liking what i see of the community so far. 

I am from Sittingbourne Kent and wanted to know if theres any other riders from Kent near me.  Once I can actually ride it would be great to ride with locals. 

Hope all are well today.


Edited by Hecticc
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Welcome to the hobby! What you described sounds like a plan👍

The only thing you might want to do is to wrap strategic areas of the shell with high density foam (or similar) to protect its integrity. For sure, the chances of dumping it will be extremely high. Also remember to gear up accordingly with full face helmet & elbow/knee/wrist guards/pads being the minimum.

Goodluck & have fun!

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Thanks for your response fortunately as a scooter retailer i had access to knee pads. Elbow pads. Helmet i also got wrist guards. 

I actually wrapped the euc in bubnle wrap i saw roll. Nz sell a cover but they want over £100 which i thinknis far to expensive for what it is. 

Keep the tips coming guys im humble to absorb all recommendations. 



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Look forward not down. Take long breaks. Practicing daily is better than practicing long hours. Once you can stay on the wheel have a reason to ride. Follow trails or do figure eights around Objects. Open spaces stunt learning. Once you can ride along a trail learn to carve. Carving improves skills quickly and makes you one with the wheel. 

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32 minutes ago, PourUC said:

How is it going Hecticc? I have just got a Kingsong S18 and have done a little bit of practice. I am ordering some bubble wrap/high density foam (still weighing up which is better).

Any newbie tips?

Hey Pouruc

Welcome to the EUC world.  Im going out tonight to practice life got in the way yesterday lol its ok is a shame theres not a format structure like these are the 15skills needed to learn practice these 5 drills for week 1.

Trying to watch video is hard because each video tell you to go somewhere different like next to a wall, next to railing, big open space etc. 

Tonight im going to practice in the Morrison car park smooth surface walls. Open space so fingers crossed its a good session. 

I will take my belt so i can strap the unicycle as well. Tonight if i can mount and use wall that would be a blessed session. 

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24 minutes ago, RockyTop said:

Look forward not down. Take long breaks. Practicing daily is better than practicing long hours. Once you can stay on the wheel have a reason to ride. Follow trails or do figure eights around Objects. Open spaces stunt learning. Once you can ride along a trail learn to carve. Carving improves skills quickly and makes you one with the wheel. 

That tip of looking forward is so powerful as a motorbike rider i learnt where your eyes go the body will follow. 

I hear what your saying about open spaces stunting learning buts tricky when you dont want to loose control of your new 1k plus euc riding into a tree.car or person lol

Ill start with open space but quickly move to more challenging environment as i understand this concept from learning to drive and manoeuvre my motorbike. 

Looking forward to conquering these initial hurdles and just riding but im in no rush i know its a process. 

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22 hours ago, RockyTop said:

 Follow trails or do figure eights around Objects. 

Day 1 of learning, probably put 1 hour in total (yesterday) 20 minutes falling over in a car park, 40 minutes practicing going forward and backwards indoor.

Day 2 of learning, put about 20 minutes in (today), outside, but this time I was practicing in an underpass, using the railing (and light) to practice going forward and backwards. Still a lost cause....

BUT I got a decent run and decided to continue going without stopping out of the underpass and down the cycle lane. I not only somehow managed to stay up but also went around a person on the path. I legit felt like I knew what I was doing but... it just happened.

I stopped after that because I don't like being out in my area at dark in one spot practicing (It will prob get stolen eventually) and it felt like an achievement. Going down the cycle path and looking at the end of it, I think helped. And the obstacle being the person and me knowing I cannot hit them or im fucked actually helped. 

I would say so far from what I have learnt the noobie things to get down.

1) Get comfortable slowing to a stop/near stop before dismounting, needed plus really saves all the scuffs on the wheel.
2) Wall is better than rail as you can't grab it making it harder to disrupt balance.

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Awesome stuff last night i finished my session at 1am my big recommendations to newbies as i discovered last night my tyre arrived way underflated.  When i got home and connected my pump it told me my wheel was 16psi and the tyre recommends 45-50psi so i went with 47psi.

Last night i simply practiced riding along a wall and dismounting.  2 drills a session is good for me as i can plit the time evenly. 

I found being on the eunicycle awkward as im yet to find my ideal foot position and found that i was failing to grip the eunicycle solidly between my legs. 

I am going back out again tonight after putting lil man to sleep and hope tonight session will be easier due to tyre being correctly pumped. 

My confidence mounting and dismounting got better so hope to build on this in my next session. 

Looking as far ahead helps when riding most definitely for balance. 

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I need to practice mounting. My 'break through' was still by using the wall to get on.

When I try and mount with no support I start shakey. Reading around and watching vids people say to start with the wheel tilted. I am going to give that a go tomorrow.

I think come the weekend when I can practice out in the day for a longer period of time I will be able to get it down. Hopefully I will get confident enough to ride to work on Monday. Then on out I will be essentially practicing way more.

This stuff is so good.

Makes me wish it was legal in my country (UK) because I want to find others, and I know there are groups but they are all discrete. I wouldn't mind practicing out in the dark if there we others around.

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31 minutes ago, Hecticc said:

failing to grip the eunicycle solidly between my legs.

Thats normal, you dont need to do that. The legs just rest (or or dont even touch) the side of the EUC.
Try to relax, you shouldn't need any tension / force anywhere..

Edited by null
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@PourUC great start! Keep it up and you will be a pro. People usually over think what they are doing. following a path sets a need and you tend learn quicker. It just takes time for your lower brain to learn the basics. The upper brain tends to get in the way. 

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Where are you based i myself am based in Sittingbourne Kent. Non facebook theres a massive London Group i can send you the link too.  On Facebook its easy to find groups ive not found a group or any riders in kent so far mind due. 

In terms of mounting i find mounting gently my new task to acenim far from perfect but mentally reasy to try mounting without the wall. 

The most important tip i know from. Other forms of learning is the more relax i am the more progress you will make.  This will happen once you loose fear of coming off lol 

On 11/23/2020 at 11:57 PM, LaserEdge said:

Hi Hecticc. The Charge Doctor I have is V2 of the Dual Input GX16 model. I am not interested in selling it separately. Thanks.


1 hour ago, PourUC said:

Day 1 of learning, probably put 1 hour in total (yesterday) 20 minutes falling over in a car park, 40 minutes practicing going forward and backwards indoor.

Day 2 of learning, put about 20 minutes in (today), outside, but this time I was practicing in an underpass, using the railing (and light) to practice going forward and backwards. Still a lost cause....

BUT I got a decent run and decided to continue going without stopping out of the underpass and down the cycle lane. I not only somehow managed to stay up but also went around a person on the path. I legit felt like I knew what I was doing but... it just happened.

I stopped after that because I don't like being out in my area at dark in one spot practicing (It will prob get stolen eventually) and it felt like an achievement. Going down the cycle path and looking at the end of it, I think helped. And the obstacle being the person and me knowing I cannot hit them or im fucked actually helped. 

I would say so far from what I have learnt the noobie things to get down.

1) Get comfortable slowing to a stop/near stop before dismounting, needed plus really saves all the scuffs on the wheel.
2) Wall is better than rail as you can't grab it making it harder to disrupt balance.


10 minutes ago, PourUC said:

I need to practice mounting. My 'break through' was still by using the wall to get on.

When I try and mount with no support I start shakey. Reading around and watching vids people say to start with the wheel tilted. I am going to give that a go tomorrow.

I think come the weekend when I can practice out in the day for a longer period of time I will be able to get it down. Hopefully I will get confident enough to ride to work on Monday. Then on out I will be essentially practicing way more.

This stuff is so good.

Makes me wish it was legal in my country (UK) because I want to find others, and I know there are groups but they are all discrete. I wouldn't mind practicing out in the dark if there we others around.


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25 minutes ago, PourUC said:

I need to practice mounting. My 'break through' was still by using the wall to get on.

When I try and mount with no support I start shakey. Reading around and watching vids people say to start with the wheel tilted. I am going to give that a go tomorrow.

I think come the weekend when I can practice out in the day for a longer period of time I will be able to get it down. Hopefully I will get confident enough to ride to work on Monday. Then on out I will be essentially practicing way more.

This stuff is so good.

Makes me wish it was legal in my country (UK) because I want to find others, and I know there are groups but they are all discrete. I wouldn't mind practicing out in the dark if there we others around.


13 minutes ago, null said:

Thats normal, you dont need to do that. The legs just rest (or or dont even touch) the side of the EUC.
Try to relax, you shouldn't need any tension / force anywhere..

Ok thats good to know i did put alot of attention on this drill so tonight i will try to relax even further.  Thanks for the guys i know newbee threads must be posted all the time but we really appreciate it.  

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44 minutes ago, Hecticc said:

Where are you based

Hertfordshire, so not too far from London. I'm aware there are some groups, I will have to apply to some. 

What I meant more so, is I know there are people who ride in my area as I have seen them zipping about every now and then. I imagine if I lived in France for example, I could find these very people in a more public facing group.

Right now at least, I wouldn't want to travel down into london to ride. I need to get ALOT better.





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Some practice this morning before work, I can ride up and down my road. It's on a slight slope. Going down is much easier than going up. However I feel that I no longer need a wall to mount so I don't mind this.

From my 30 minutes or so going up and down. 

Going downhill is easier and makes you practice slowing down. Gave confidence too as I was slowing down over wet leaves with no slipping (~35 psi)

Going uphill is harder to start, but it helps practice the kick and the slower speed balance. Also, helps practice actually accellerating rather than just coasting at a single speed.

Also tried turning down some side roads with success. Just look where you want to go and let the shoulders come with you.

When going uphill, as I was initially slower, it was harder to balance. I practiced with my hands together to stop myself flailing my arms, it really helps. The flailing makes it harder from what I could tell.

Still having some issues though in keeping the wheel straight between my legs on some starts, and it starts to fish tail, I think having padding on my wheel to help squeezing would fix this. 

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Last night i made a conscious decision not to practice with the wallnto long.  As a result i used the wall alot to launch myself forward ride a couple of feet then rinse n repeat. 

I found myself towards the end getting comfortable to lean forward and i could bring the euc to a stop. 

Alot more progress needed but tonight is another night to reinforce these skillsets. 

@PourUCi cant teach you to ride as i am a beginner myself but i can say just keep at it if possible daily you will see huge strides in a week.

Last night i also found my feet are far bigger than the tesla pedals so i have ordered new bigger pedals which i think will improve my learning curve. 

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I have ridden to work twice now (monday and today) it's about 3.5 miles. I am confident in mounting now and getting better at slowing down.

My trick to mounting is putting my foot further forward on the peg than what you do when mounting with a wall or rail.

When mounting via those, you tend to try and balance first and having  your foot centre feels right. But when actually mounting to move immediatly, having a foot forward helps with getting up to speed.

I am going to ride home today (got lift on monday), so this is going to be my first time out in the dark. A little scary.

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9 hours ago, Hecticc said:

What euc do you have @PourUC?  How do you find pedals and tape? 

I have the Kingsong S18

As I have no comparitor it's hard to say. However, I think the pedals and tape are fine, I don't slip off the wheel at all and when mounting it feels pretty solid.

In regards to going out, I have cycle paths everywhere near me so I wasn't too scared of hitting cars or being hit. What I can say, is going somewhere is easier than going around a small space, at least for my wheel as it's pretty big. I am learning tearning as I go. On monday I dismounted when doing a particular S kind of turn, yesterday I just went for it and it was okay.

Still not too steady though. Dismounting around the school on my commute because I don't trust myself to be able to dodge the little kids.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Its been a while since i have been on here theres been progress, theres been regress and 2 punctures sinces my last post. 

Its funny the journey is not always a straight road there are twist along the way. 

In terms of progress i can now ride the unicycle from A to B got turning, braking and speed on lock but still struggling a bit with my mounting as my feet are far too big. 

Sometimes on a straight road doing about 20mph the unicycle wobbles a bit im sure this is to do with my foot placement but would love someone to confirm and tell me how to overcome this issue. 

Otherwise i am going to drill on my agility as i believe this area is way overlooked.  When you watch youtube videos all they promote is going faster. 

Hows things going peeps on your journey? 

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  • 3 years later...
On 11/21/2020 at 6:53 PM, HighEndScooters said:

I am from Sittingbourne Kent and wanted to know if theres any other riders from Kent near me.  Once I can actually ride it would be great to ride with locals. 

Hi there. I'm in Canterbury and expecting delivery of an Inmotion V14 in a few days. I'm a complete noob and have to learn to ride it, but would be interested in doing some rides if that all goes OK. I'm a big guy and even the V14 is right on the limit of being able to carry me, so hopefully it will be able to cope and it'll all work out OK.

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