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Gotway 100V Charger Voltage Adjustment


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Hi all, I have a standard 100V 3A Gotway charger that I want to trim down the voltage on a bit to prevent overcharging because the first mile or so of my normal commute is downhill and I don't want to worry about it. Can someone tell me which of the 2 blue adjustments is the one I want to mess with in order to accomplish this? 



Edited by OhPardonMe
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15 minutes ago, buell47 said:

If you do this, your battery will not balanced anymore. Or you have a second charger for that? 

Well, I'm more toying with the idea right now. It appears like it would be super easy to adjust the charger to periodically charge it to 100%. Unfortunately, I tried adjusting both knobs and couldn't get the voltage to go below 102.9V so I guess it doesn't matter either way. 

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you should not touch those blue things - unless you have oscilloscope and very solid knowledge about their role.......
my strong recommendation is put them back in the same position and charge your wheel - from time to time - 100% at the location where you go down on the valley.

Edited by Meserias
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5 hours ago, OhPardonMe said:

Hi all, I have a standard 100V 3A Gotway charger that I want to trim down the voltage on a bit to prevent overcharging because the first mile or so of my normal commute is downhill and I don't want to worry about it. 

One has three "systems" - the charger delivering some maximum voltage, the bms monitoring each individual cell voltage and the mainboard monitoring the battery back voltage.

They are (should be) designed and adjusted to work together. So that battery safety and longlivety is "ensured".

Like the before mentioned balancing.

It's hard to give a sensefull recommendation for your usecase (downhill start), as easy solutions mostly compromise this balancing and so longlivety and maybe safety by this.

Best could be to drive 1/4 to 1/3 mile uphill before going 1 mile downhill after fully charging...

... if one does not start at the top of the hill...

3 hours ago, OhPardonMe said:

Well, I'm more toying with the idea right now. It appears like it would be super easy to adjust the charger to periodically charge it to 100%.

The trim potentiometers are designed for occasional trimmimg/calibration and not for regular adjzstment.

3 hours ago, OhPardonMe said:

Unfortunately, I tried adjusting both knobs and couldn't get the voltage to go below 102.9V so I guess it doesn't matter either way. 

Then these are maybe for charge current and charge current threshold. And voltage is not adjustable (by these).?

Ps.: Wheels reported and measured voltages have to be questioned - with measurement accuracy of normaly above +/-0.5% looking at the places after the decimal point does not make real sense. :(

Just some relative comparison can be made...

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It takes a while for the adjustments to show, especially if the charger is not connected to a wheel.

Definitely adjust them as close to the original position as you can, unplug the charger for a minute, then before connecting to a wheel measure that you get the exact same output voltage you did before any adjustments.

As pointed out by @buell47, you can’t adjust the charger for what you hoped for.

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