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Gotway top speed run

Citi Wheel

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Nice run! How was the beeping; do you still have it activated? I have the MS. I don't think I've gone faster than 28, but I'm usually not linked to the app.I did a lift test, each time it cuts out between 42 and 44.

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I tested my brand new 850wh msuper last night and have the same results. I also have the HS version. The final beeps come in at 34km and I had it up to 40km. I have not pushed past that yet though. If you ever do logo then please pm me and let me know so I know where I can take it to. I really want to get some armor and really push this thing and see where cut off is. I heard someone getting 49km

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Wouldn't the maximum speed with Load be less than the "lift test speed"?   If I remember correctly I got 44.6kmh during my lift test.  So from that I wouldn't expect to get anymore than that with me on it.  If this is the case then I would think that one would want to do a lift test first and not go faster than that.  Right?

I've only had mine up to 33kmh but I wasn't trying to push it.  I generally stay around 28kmh or less.  But I still consider myself new on it. (12 days of riding it.).



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@SirGeraint , I do believe that the lift test / unweighted situation would give a higher speed, and then (maybe?) a high speed cutoff due to the speed alone and not due to volume drop.


With weight, (and road friction, and uphill, and cold, and battery drained) I would expect that the wheel could not reach that ideal top speed, but in these scenarios, the cutout would be due to dipping below a voltage threshold, not because the top speed was reached with power to spare.


So, depending on scenario, there would be a cushion of varying size beween the lift test max and the speed at which there was a low voltage cutout. This all makes me happy that I got the 850 Wh battery so for that one component contributing to cutout I have some redundancy of power (Though I've already seen that I can exceed the voltage threshold when I had a cutout due to a slope of 45 degrees, and at low speed for that matter.) My Gotway is the MS version, so it was billed as having a max incline capability of 33 degrees.


Though I have hit 28, I prefer the safety of 23 for cruising.

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51 minutes ago, Villac said:

@SirGeraint , I do believe that the lift test / unweighted situation would give a higher speed, and then (maybe?) a high speed cutoff due to the speed alone and not due to volume drop.


With weight, (and road friction, and uphill, and cold, and battery drained) I would expect that the wheel could not reach that ideal top speed, but in these scenarios, the cutout would be due to dipping below a voltage threshold, not because the top speed was reached with power to spare.


So, depending on scenario, there would be a cushion of varying size beween the lift test max and the speed at which there was a low voltage cutout. This all makes me happy that I got the 850 Wh battery so for that one component contributing to cutout I have some redundancy of power (Though I've already seen that I can exceed the voltage threshold when I had a cutout due to a slope of 45 degrees, and at low speed for that matter.) My Gotway is the MS version, so it was billed as having a max incline capability of 33 degrees.


Though I have hit 28, I prefer the safety of 23 for cruising.

Right.  My point was that if you do a lift test and find the cutoff speed you wouldn't want to get too close to that speed while riding.  So, in my case, since my lift test speed is 44.6kmh there's no reason that I should plan to try to ride at 45kmh.  Then depending on a person's weight they should go even slower.

I'm not concerned with myself because when I hear the final speed alarm I am slowing down.  I have no desire to find out how fast actual cutoff is.

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11 hours ago, vee73 said:

I really do not believe that without the video footage, it is possible.



Hi Vee73 I’m a big fan of your work:). Looks like you have a Gotway V how is it different form Msuper HS speed wise? Can regular Joe purchase V version? As per vendor they only carry high torque/MS/HS. Did you modify your HS into Gotway V?

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V model is factory-modified, my wishes. This model you can ask fei@futuraconcept.com
To my knowledge, the only place where this can be obtained.

The most important change in this model is that, it can be tilted enemmään than 45 degrees.
This allows the driving skate ramps. And other extreme locations.

Maximum speed is slightly higher than the normal HS.

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On 11/18/2015, 1:26:05, SirGeraint said:

Right.  My point was that if you do a lift test and find the cutoff speed you wouldn't want to get too close to that speed while riding.  So, in my case, since my lift test speed is 44.6kmh there's no reason that I should plan to try to ride at 45kmh.  Then depending on a person's weight they should go even slower.

I'm not concerned with myself because when I hear the final speed alarm I am slowing down.  I have no desire to find out how fast actual cutoff is.

If you're going large down a hill though, I wonder if the lift test speed would still be the cut off speed. I usually get the final beep around 35 kph according to the app. On this run, however, it came in at 38 kph.

On 11/18/2015, 9:12:07, Donafello said:

I tested my brand new 850wh msuper last night and have the same results. I also have the HS version. The final beeps come in at 34km and I had it up to 40km. I have not pushed past that yet though. If you ever do logo then please pm me and let me know so I know where I can take it to. I really want to get some armor and really push this thing and see where cut off is. I heard someone getting 49km

You may be able to take it past that speed going downhill. I would definitely wear a lot of protection before trying that though 

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I don't have one yet but how do you tell which motor and battery and version ( HS MS ect)  your MSuper has when you get it. Do they have a serial #? I just want to make sure I get the most current model.

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The 2 msupers I had didnot come in a special box or anything. the only think that let me know it was a HS is there was a small red stamp on the side of the box that said 850 HS. Other then that I dont think there is any other way. There is no markings on mine. there is a little white sticker on the top of the unit that says the battery capacity. both my units had them. the 680 and the 850. both were HS versions

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4 hours ago, BPINE said:

I don't have one yet but how do you tell which motor and battery and version ( HS MS ect)  your MSuper has when you get it. Do they have a serial #? I just want to make sure I get the most current model.

On mine the Serial Number on the motor starts with "HS". Then the next part is a date code, year, month, day.  There's a sticker on my MSuper2 that says "680WH".   I don't know if there's anything that shows what generation it is.



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Vee kind of a stupid question but you’re most experienced in this regard. When cruising at max speed and motor cuts off is there anything rider can do not to fall? Second question if already falling is there technique to minimize bruising/injuring besides of course wearing armor etc.? I have fallen twice tearing something in the shoulder and requiring sling I have Msuper MS.

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I do not know how the MS model behaves. But I imagine that it will be off unexpectedly. HS model detects the torque begins to run out, if you will, say, fast small short accelerations close to the maximum speed.
But most likely the MS model does not do so.
But the best way is to try to go for a quick squat. It automatically pressed the pedal will be reduced and the device may be time to reduce the speed. In fact, overturning occurs so quickly that it does not have time to think about how to work. The best thing is to try as soon as rotation.

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13 hours ago, lkopv21 said:

Vee kind of a stupid question but you’re most experienced in this regard. When cruising at max speed and motor cuts off is there anything rider can do not to fall? Second question if already falling is there technique to minimize bruising/injuring besides of course wearing armor etc.? I have fallen twice tearing something in the shoulder and requiring sling I have Msuper MS.

Wrist protectors do exactly what they're designed to do unfortunately: with a locked elbow the shoulder joint then gets the full impact, rupturing muscles and tendons.

Falling forward: a forward judo roll (but this takes years of training), second best is a 'controlled' dive on your belly where you try to get into a spiralling roll to the side (beware of traffic when doing that).

This spreads the impact over a lager surface (especially if you're big like me ;)) and you don't come immediately to a dead stop: less risk of breaking bones or snapping tendons.

Falling backwards: turn to the side (again judo style) diagonally backwards as this will make the impact area as big as possible (flat arm, thorax side, flat outside of leg) avoid bony parts contacting the ground especially the back of your head (even with a helmet on)

Falling sideways: try to get diagonally into a forward one (extremity joints are not designed to flex to the side)

Knowing and understanding this is one thing, you'll have to train this to integrate it in your 'muscle memory'

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Jurgen if I understand you correctly even with a best shoulder armor I can still get internal shoulder rapture from shock starting at wrist impact and ending at the shoulder joint? I concur regarding ‘muscle memory’ at my first fall badly injuring my right shoulder I was cognitive not to fall on my right side yet at my second fall my reflects failed me and instead trying to lend on left side ended up on my right certainly not helping healing process:)

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Falling is an art been riding Dirt bikes all my life and am getting pretty good at it. All you can do is wear some safety gear and when the time comes tuck and roll. I got hit by a car on my street bike several months ago flew through the air landed 70 feet away got up and walked away, probably pure luck but the ambulance driver ask if I was OK and I said sure I am I good at crashing. Whenever I ride my euc it is helmet and wrist guards at a minimum.

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Vee or anyone else can tell me which unit is faster 820wh King Song  or Msuper FS/V  850? Two other parameters which also important to me is distance and stability. If anyone has any feedback comparing the two would be much appreciated. I have Msuper MS 850 which I love for everything except speed which not to say its slow 17mph but comparing to Msuper V it's laughable(see Vee73 vid). Although MS advertised as 34km/21mph trying to reach that speed with real-time speedometer not the app made me best friends with concrete and it's not a relation I'm looking forward to:). Basically looking for reviews on KS like John Eucist/Tom have written for Msuper. If there is such review and I somehow missed it please point me to it. Thanks.

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2 hours ago, lkopv21 said:

Jurgen if I understand you correctly even with a best shoulder armor I can still get internal shoulder rapture from shock starting at wrist impact and ending at the shoulder joint? I concur regarding ‘muscle memory’ at my first fall badly injuring my right shoulder I was cognitive not to fall on my right side yet at my second fall my reflects failed me and instead trying to lend on left side ended up on my right certainly not helping healing process:)

yep, extending your arms is a natural reflex to protect your scull against meeting hard objects. And it works, but the energy has to go somewhere.

With locked elbow and wrist, your arm is like a stick with a ball on top: only very little energy is absorbed in the wrist and elbow, most of it is transmitted to the shoulder joint socket where muscle tendons and ligaments (try to) keep it in place. If you fall direct on a 90° flexed elbow it can even be worse.

The damage depends on the position of the ball in the jointsocket, the arm's position compared to the body.

It's not only shock transmission: if you fall on your side with you arm extended upward (next to your ear) you'll impinge muscle tendons between the bony structures.

Shoulder injuries don't heal very well and can take months or are there to stay (complete ruptures of tendon or ligament)

Keep you arms close (see Kevin's post). Believe me, it's better to crack a rib, 3 weeks later it's as good as new.

Taking falls judo style should be tought at primary school; instead of imposing bicyle helmets for everybody riding a city bike.



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